Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 159: Togo Heikuro who is sad in his heart!

Hachimiya Island Naval Base.

In the empty command hall, Togo Heikuro, the highest commander of the Zhengnan Fleet, looked at the investigation report on the military strength of Emerald Island in front of him, frowned and fell into a long period of contemplation.

This investigative report is the detailed information he commissioned his intelligence spies to go to Emerald Island after careful investigation.

However, looking at the information on this, he couldn't help being shocked to the extent that it could not be added.

To be honest, since the first day he entered the army, he began to witness the rapid growth of the Japanese navy. In these decades, the Japanese ben has grown from a small country to the most powerful in the world. The country is relying on the rapid rise of science and technology.

It is with the most advanced technology that made Riben’s military industry a great success, and thus created the most advanced warship today.

This is the reason why Riben can swim in the Pacific Ocean unimpeded.

Had it not been for the existence of the United States, their Great Riben Empire would have conquered the entire Pacific Ocean long ago.

Of course, even now, Togo Heikuro has not put the United States too much in his eyes. In his opinion, with the gradual growth of Japanese ben, one day sooner or later, the entire Pacific will become the territory of Japanese ben!

This goal is the dream of their entire fleet, and it is also the goal they strive for.

Behind this goal, what supports their belief is Riben's most powerful naval fleet!

In Togo Heikuro's view, the only thing in the world that can be compared with them is the US fleet.

As for other countries, they have never seen it!

However, all of this.

After seeing the report on the military strength of Emerald Island, Togo Heikuro suddenly fell into silence!

This vulnerable Emerald Island, once regarded by him as a projectile place, now possesses energy that has reached a terrifying level!

The rapid development of science and technology and the rapid economic take-off have caused unimaginable forces to erupt in this projectile land almost overnight. The development speed of military forces is in a geometrically explosive way. Scroll forward.

Just looking at the power displayed on paper today is enough to be awesome.

What's more terrifying is the shipbuilding speed of Emerald Island!

According to the data, although the number of ships currently owned by Emerald Island remains at the level of a medium-sized country, its reserve of components and supporting production facilities allows it to build a few in just one month. Double the capacity of the current number of ships!

This is really terrible!

The speed of this kind of shipbuilding, even if the entire day is united, is far worse.

Only then did Togo Heikuro really realize that he had always underestimated the Emerald Island.

Do not!

To be precise, it was the ambitious young island owner who had been hiding himself. He secretly developed the strong production capacity of Emerald Island, but he never showed it.

It will not burst out its powerful energy until it is really used, causing the opponent to suffer a devastating blow!

At this time, in Togo Heikuro's mind suddenly appeared a scene of the South Korean fleet being turned into ashes by the warship of the Emerald Island!

Isn’t the end of the South Korean fleet the best proof?

The power behind this little emerald island is really terrifying!

The shocked emotions in his heart slowly calmed down, and more anxiety came to Togo Heikuro's heart again.

In the past few days, he went to Tokyo to have many secret talks with the Prime Minister and several important members of Congress.

However, there are great disagreements in Congress on how to respond to the island construction incident on Emerald Island.

Some leaders of the hawks believe that the current national opposition should be taken into consideration and an armed war should be launched on Emerald Island as soon as possible, and the other party’s violation of the Japanese ben’s sphere of influence should be punished.

According to their long-standing strategic planning, the southern waters of the country and the waters close to China will all be the back gardens of Riben, which is regarded as a forbidden existence.

There must be no crisis in this kind of place.

Therefore, facing the provocative behavior of Emerald Island, they certainly would not sit back and watch.

However, it is worth mentioning that in recent times, the powerful strength that Emerald Island has shown has also made some doves feel terrified in their hearts.

It can be said that in recent years, Emerald Island has completely dominated the entire international society and attracted the attention of the whole world.

, Emerald Island has demonstrated a powerful strength far beyond the level of contemporary technology.

And this phenomenon even tends to expand.

Against this background, these dovish figures certainly do not want to be an enemy of Emerald Island, because the Samsung Empire, which was still competing with Emerald Island before, has disintegrated in an instant and has completely become history!

With such a lesson learned, it is conceivable that these doves are even more reluctant to fight with them. Their more suggestion is to negotiate with Emerald Island as much as possible and reach a settlement on this.

In this way, it will not only be able to close the relationship with Emerald Island, but also calm the current unstable situation in East Asia.

In this round of parliamentary discussions, due to the great controversy between the hawks and the doves, no results were reached.

In the end, according to the Prime Minister’s suggestion, let Togo Heikuro, a military representative, first find out the military strength of Emerald Island and issue a power comparison analysis report, and then the parliament is in consultation on this, and finally figure out what to do Specific plans to deal with Emerald Island.

However, at this moment.

Looking at the strength comparison report in his hand, Togo Heikurou felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

Once upon a time, such a powerful Japanese empire has fallen to the level of a small island!

According to the conclusions drawn in the report, in view of the strong firepower of the warships on Emerald Island, the much more advanced hardware facilities in all aspects, and the super fast production capacity, the simulation result of the battle is that once the war starts, the odds of winning the Japanese ben are actually only 50%. !

In other words, both sides have the possibility of winning, but the possibility of both losing is the greatest!

It can be said that this is an extremely unacceptable result!

As leading the Japanese ben fleet to today's glorious Togo Heikuro, it is even more uncomfortable in my heart!

He really couldn't imagine that such a small island could have been built into a country with such a huge military and technological strength in two years!

Even, it has reached the point where it can not be suppressed by the Japanese ben!

The sky in East Asia is really going to change!

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