Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 521: Long night

The reason why this news spread so quickly is also because the Yan family can spread it.

The Yan family didn't do any confidential work for this fight, so the information spread in an instant.

This time, the Yan family deliberately wanted to let other guys know what kind of power the Yan family now possesses.

Only in this way can it deter those bad-intentioned guys and allow the Yan family to have enough time to develop.

Every boss who saw relevant information was frightened by the terrifying power of the armor.

After knowing that the Yan family possesses such a powerful force, no one's boss can sleep at ease.

Everyone was worried about whether the Yan family would take action against them, and no one faced that terrible worry.

This night is destined to be a long night and a sleepless night.

The Iron Man armor appeared on the world stage for the first time, and it created an incomparable deterrent and made everyone feel scared of it.

The combat weapon of human armor appeared in front of people for the first time. It appeared in an invincible posture and instantly changed the mode of fighting.

Everyone realizes that the future fight has changed, just the moment the armor appeared.

The future must be a confrontation between humanoid armors to determine the outcome of a fight.

Soon all the guys spent a lot of effort and began to study humanoid armor. Countless outstanding scientists have begun to study related technologies, and countless funds have been invested in research.

Since then, a new round of equipment competition has been launched, and now it is up to who can own this weapon first.

But the Yan family is now watching a good show, who makes the Yan family already have Iron Man armor, now it only needs to see if others laboriously research it.

Just when the local situation changed a lot because of the Iron Man armor.

Jiang Cheng did not pay attention to the changes in the external situation, but stayed in the laboratory to carry out his own research projects.

Those things from the outside world could not affect Jiang Cheng at all, because he was already immersed in his own research.

Jiang Cheng is currently conducting research related to electric power in order to vigorously promote electric power.

He finally worked out the controllable load changes, and of course he has to work hard in related fields.

Now that we have this almost unlimited energy, we must let it have a wider range of use.

Jiang Cheng's goal is to allow electricity to replace some traditional energy sources, so that electricity can be used in more places and in new areas.

Some time ago, Jiang Cheng had just promoted the Lotus Variety Pile, and the Yan family was working hard to build it.

It won't be long before the first batch of generators can start generating electricity, and the Yan family will be able to completely eliminate thermal power plants.

After the completion of the first batch of reactors, there are many subsequent construction plans.

There are still many generators to be built in the plan. Jiang Cheng's plan will eventually cancel other types of power stations, leaving only the change generator.

Let Change happen to become the only type of power station in the Yan family, and then increase the total power generation so that everyone can enjoy sufficient energy

Now that the occurrence of the reactor has become normal, Jiang Cheng only needs to wait for the reactor to build slowly.

But it is not enough to build a large number of generator reactors. The electricity generated by generator reactors must be used for more purposes.

The change generation pile is a near-infinite energy source, and it is too wasteful if it is not used as much as possible.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng's plan for the first pass has not been completed. This plan must be matched with other products, and electric energy must be used to replace other energy sources as much as possible.

Jiang Cheng plans to develop some new products, all of which are driven by electricity.

Only in this way can the effect of the heap of changes be brought into play, so that the Yan family can enter into rapid development. First of all, Jiang Cheng is ready to let electric energy replace oil, this very traditional energy source. Mankind has a long history of harvesting oil, and oil has always been regarded as the main energy source by mankind.

Oil has become black gold again, and this energy has now penetrated into all aspects of mankind.

Whether it is a car or an airplane, all kinds of transportation require petroleum as an energy source to drive them.

If there is no such thing as oil, countless machines will not be able to run human civilization at least several decades.

Jiang Cheng is unwilling that things like oil affect the development of mankind and relying too much on this kind of energy is not enough.

The oil resources on the ground are limited now. Once humans have exhausted all the oil, all the means of transportation will be unusable.

This is not a sensational prophecy, this is already a problem before mankind.

The current oil is estimated to be available for human use for 50 years.

It seems that there is no problem now, but what should humans do in fifty years?

Human beings have also had many fights because of the oil problem, and these fights are for the wonder of this limited resource.

In the future, if there is less and less oil, the conflicts over oil will get bigger and bigger, and it is not impossible to trigger a big fight in the end.

Of course Jiang Cheng considered this problem, so he wanted electricity to replace oil.

If all vehicles are driven by electricity, the problem of oil depletion will be solved.

Moreover, this matter is also very beneficial to the Yan family, and it is a stable transaction.

Now that the Yan family has something like the change generator, the electric energy is almost unlimited. If you don't make good use of this, then your brain is sick.

Jiang Cheng has recently been busy solving the problem of replacing petroleum with electricity, so he has been staying in the laboratory.

In fact, this question is very simple to answer, because this problem has long been figured out to solve it. The substitution of electricity for oil is a question that has been raised very early and has been studied for a long time.

The use of electric energy to drive vehicles has actually been realized.

There are already some electric cars on the market. Such cars are powered by electricity and can run without gasoline.

There are also battery cars that are very mature and have been widely promoted in the Yan family.

The battery cars on the streets are now electric motorcycles, and battery cars can run on the road without gasoline.

It seems that this problem does not need Jiang Cheng to study, and it has been solved now.

In fact, this problem is still disturbing mankind and has not solved the problem fundamentally.

It seems that there are many electric cars now, and battery cars are everywhere.

But electric-powered vehicles cannot replace traditional vehicles

Electric cars are not used by many people at all, and some other vehicles are not powered by electricity.

You must know that there are many types of transportation, and there are ships, airplanes, and trains besides cars.

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