Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 554: excitement

Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Manlin's questioning expression, but he didn't think Zhang Manlin was too much.

Of course, Zhang Manlin, as the CEO of the group, has to consider the entire company. Of course, she will look down upon seeing a branch company wasting resources.

However, Jiang Cheng has his own arrangements for this branch, and he didn't intentionally let that branch be idle.

Soon this branch will make big moves, but it's not a good time yet.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng オ will leave this branch temporarily idle, waiting for a good opportunity to shoot.

But now Jiang Cheng must explain to Zhang Manlin, otherwise this strong woman will not see Ruo Jiang Cheng wasting company resources.

That is, billions of funds have been lying on the account, every day of inactivity will cause a lot of waste.

With this money, you can make a lot of money in whatever field you put into it.

Sleeping on the account of the branch office like this, Zhang Manlin will never tolerate this.

I know that you are also for the good of the company, but there is a special reason for this, so I didn’t do it right away. This branch will not remain idle forever. Now I’m just waiting for a good time to act. Jiang Cheng started with You Xuejin. Explain, why he arranged this branch in this way.

"It's not that I don't want to send technicians in the company. It's just that the existing technicians in the company, although they are all excellent, do not meet my requirements."

This company is preparing to study technologies related to the aerospace field, and none of the technicians in the company have any experience in this area, so they are simply not qualified for this job.

The research of aerospace technology is a very experienced field. If there is no relevant work experience, it is difficult to conduct research smoothly.

The professionalism required for research in this field is too high, and it is not just a technician who will be able to do it by just grabbing a technician.

The company has never had any business related to the aerospace field before, so the technicians it hired have never been exposed to this aspect.

If these technicians are suddenly allowed to join the research, it will waste a long time for Jiang Cheng to train them.

Of course Jiang Cheng wouldn't do such troublesome things, so he was going to dig out existing talents directly, and he could start researching directly.

"I have already found some experienced technical talents. As long as they are dug into our company, I can form a mature technical team.

You don't need to worry about your technical staff, as long as the time is right, they will be in place immediately, and then the new branch will have something to do.

Jiang Cheng and Zhang Manlin had nothing to conceal, so they told her a few of their thoughts.

He plans to use these mature technical talents as the core backbone, and then go to the university to recruit some graduates of related majors, so that a perfect aerospace technology team will be built.

However, the person Jiang Cheng wanted to dig was not easy to start. He had long been involved with the technicians of Yanguo Aerospace Company, and even wanted to dig up their technical leader Xiao Peng.

But it is not easy to dig people from Yanguo Aerospace Company. This matter needs Jiang Cheng's slow planning.

Jiang Cheng herself knew that the job of digging people was not good enough, so Jiang Cheng didn't take any action, leaving the newly formed branch company idle all the time. After Zhang Manlin listened to Jiang Cheng's explanation, her face became better. .

Since Jiang Cheng didn't intend to restrict the new company, Zhang Manlin didn't think there was anything.

The boss, Jiang Cheng, had her own arrangements, so she completely let go of her mind.

As long as Jiang Cheng is not intentionally wasting company resources, she, the CEO, has nothing to say.

However, Zhang Manlin's doubts were still not completely eliminated. She didn't know who Jiang Cheng wanted to dig, and it would take so long to prepare.

With the current strength of the Umbrella Group, it is easy to dig anyone.

Even if it is the people of the multinational group, the Universe Umbrella Group wants to dig people but it is not easy to catch them.

There are a lot of people out there who want to enter the Universe Umbrella Group, and countless high-end talents want to enter this most promising company.

Now the company confirms that there is no need for them to bother to dig people, and a large number of people come to the door directly after sending a message. All they have to do is to select suitable talents.

But Zhang Manlin didn't ask this question. Since Jiang Cheng said that she didn't care about this matter, she wouldn't ask too much.

Zhang Manlin is still very clear about her identity. She is only Ce0 of this company. The real owner of the company is the boss Jiang Cheng, and she is just a senior employee in this company.

Since the boss, Jiang Cheng, spoke directly, she would not care about this matter with peace of mind.

But in the end Zhang Manlin asked another thing, which had been in her heart for a long time, and it would be very hard for her if she didn't ask clearly.

By the way, this Umbrella Aerospace Technology Company, you injected billions of funds into it at that time, and it is still lying in the account of the new company.

Zhang Manlin asked about funding. She really couldn't figure out why a technology company needed so much funding.

Even if it is a company that studies aerospace technology, it won't use billions of funds.

Even if the money is taken out of the house, it is a lot of income. It is a huge waste to lie in the bank account now.

The waste of funds Zhang Manlin is the most unbearable thing, so she can't help but ask

Boss, do you know how much it is? That is not tens of millions of billions but billions of funds, let alone research aerospace technology, the money is enough to make your own launch rockets. "

Zhang Manlin definitely cannot use so much money for a technology research company that's why she would say this.

It's a pity that what she didn't know was that Jiang Cheng was really preparing to launch the rocket herself, and she really guessed Jiang Cheng's purpose.

"You are so smart. You guessed my idea right. I set up this company to launch rockets by myself, so I will inject so much capital.

What Jiang Cheng said caused Zhang Manlin to collapse. She never thought that Su really wanted to launch a rocket by herself.

But Jiang Cheng did not manage Zhang Manlin, but left his office directly.

Zhang Manlin will know about the rocket launch, let her mess around here for a while now

He still has his own things to do, and now the time to start has arrived.

Jiang Cheng is ready to reach out to Yanguo Aerospace Company, and recruit enough people from them to form his own aerospace technology company.

After Jiang Cheng left the company, he directly contacted people from Yanguo Aerospace Company.

Now he is finally about to start digging people, which makes Jiang Cheng feel a little excited.

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