Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 615: Three steps

This Mars landing plan is roughly divided into three steps. First, you need to take the landing module to reach Mars, and then land on Mars and stay on Mars for a month.

After completing the mission on Mars, take the Landing Yin to return to the Mars Path, and then return to Earth together with Ruohuo.

After Jiang Cheng introduced them to the landing, he began to introduce them to the entire landing plan.

Before the landing mission to Mars, these astronauts were not able to set off immediately.

They also need to carry out a lot of related training, at least they must learn to operate the Yingzhuo Mars landing module.

Now Jiang Cheng will introduce to them the specific plan first, and then conduct special training for them.

After the three of them have completed their training, they can officially start all the plans.

What needs to be done now is the preparatory work to let the astronauts fully understand what they need to do.

Jiang Cheng wanted the three astronauts to introduce the complete plan in detail, so that they would have an understanding of what they are going to do next.

The three astronauts listened very seriously, as if to engrave every word Jiang Cheng said in their heads.

All three of them feel very lucky to be selected as the first people to go to Mars.

Be able to become the person who implements this plan, and follow this great plan into the annals of human history.

They cherish this plan very much and vowed to work hard to successfully complete the feat of landing on Mars.

If the plan fails because of their problems, they will never forgive themselves.

Therefore, they are very serious about everything in this plan, and even after listening to Jiang Cheng's introduction, they are full of energy.

Jiang Cheng saw the current state of the three astronauts and was also very satisfied.

It seems that the astronauts he selected this time are really good. Just by looking at their serious energy, you know that they will work very hard.

Jiang Cheng has always appreciated this serious attitude, because it has to devote all the attention to a matter to be able to complete the work well.

Jiang Cheng only finished the whole plan after introducing it for a long time, which shows how complicated the whole plan is.

The whole plan requires you to stay in space for a year and a half, which is a great psychological test for you.

So I hope you can be prepared to overcome all the difficulties before you and work with me to complete the great goal of landing on Mars.

In the end, Jiang Cheng encouraged them to make them fully prepared for the long lonely day.

You know that staying in space for a long time is a terrible thing

Human beings have always stayed in a small space, and it is easy to have some psychological problems.

In particular, the three astronauts could only stay in the landing module and could not go to other places at all.

Not to mention that their mission this time will last for one and a half years, which is a big test for their psychology.

Don't worry! President Jiang, we have all received relevant training, and generally do not have psychological problems.

After hearing Jiang Cheng's encouragement, Xiong Jie directly assured Jiang Cheng.

We promise to complete this mission, even if we die on Mars this time, we will be the first human beings to set foot on Mars!

Zhao Shimin was unwilling to lag behind and spoke his own bold words.

It seems that Zhao Shimin has a strong determination for this task, and he has sacrificed his life in order to complete the task.

From what he said, he could tell that even if he died on Mars, he would not give up this mission.

After hearing what Zhao Shimin said, Jiang Cheng smiled lightly and said, "I don't want you to go to Mars to die. I want you three to come back well. When you come back, I will personally hold a celebration banquet for you. !

If they were to go to Mars to die, that would be too shameful for Jiang Cheng

It's just going to Mars. If human sacrifices are required, then Jiang Cheng will not continue to explore space in the future.

This time the Mars landing plan, Jiang Cheng is confident that it can be completed, so he Caizheng said so confidently, and is also ready to welcome the return of the three heroes.

The three astronauts started their training in this way. They were familiar with how to operate the Yingzhuo Mars Landing Module, as well as the work they needed for the whole plan.

Time passed so slowly. After months of training, they finally completed all the training missions and were ready to set off for Mars. Now that the three astronauts are ready, it is time to officially start the Mars landing plan.

Jiang Cheng's plan to implement the Mars landing plan was soon revealed.

After the tireless reports of the media, people all over the world knew that Jiang Cheng was about to send people to Mars.

This matter is very new to everyone. At first, everyone thought that the current technology is not mature enough, so the landing of humans on Mars is just a dream.

But everyone did not expect that Jiang Cheng would now carry out such a great plan.

If this plan can be successful, it would be a formal entry into the universe for mankind.

Although Mars is just a planet relatively close to the earth, it is of extraordinary significance for humans to take this step.

The first time I set foot on another planet, it means that if the distant space is finally beyond conquerable for man.

As long as human beings continue to develop, one day they can completely conquer the entire space.

It is precisely because of these extraordinary meanings that many people are paying attention to this matter to see if this great plan will eventually succeed.

Today is the day of the rocket launch. Some media also came to Jiang Cheng's launch center to broadcast the rocket launch this time.

In the control center of the launch base, Jiang Cheng looked at everyone who was ready, and loudly announced the start of the Mars landing plan.

"Everyone is ready to start the rocket launch mission!

"Let's move towards Mars!

As Jiang Cheng gave the final start order, the rocket also began to launch.

There was no problem with the launch of the rocket. The rocket broke away from the gravity of the earth smoothly and began to enter space.

The rocket slowly rose into space, and then adjusted its direction and flew towards Mars.

Everyone's heart follows Ruo's rocket, and keeps moving away from Ruo Earth, and it slowly approaches the distant Mars.

That rocket took three astronauts, flew slowly towards Mars and headed towards Mars with human hope.

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