Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 689: success

The sound from the landing module traveled back to Earth from Mars, and then to all parts of the world.

As the astronaut Ruo Wang Li kept counting down, everyone became nervous.

I saw the astronauts in the landing module, all of them firmly grasped the railing at hand, trying to keep themselves in their original posture.

As soon as the astronauts were ready to prevent impact, the landing module was already very close to the surface of Mars.

Twenty seconds!

Ten seconds!

As soon as the countdown to the last ten seconds started, Wang Li stopped talking but began to concentrate on waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

At this time, the vibration of the landing module reached its maximum, and the pictures taken began to be a little unclear.

Landing to grab the external image head, you can already see the details of the surface of Mars.

Ten seconds later, the landing module drew a curve in the air and directly hit the surface of Mars.

This time the impact was not small, and the landing module raised a lot of dust on Mars.

The camera that landed outside can see nothing now, only dust flying around.

Now everyone only knows that the landing is over, and the specific situation will have to wait for the specific data to be transmitted back before you can know the status of the astronauts and equipment in the landing module.

Soon the sensors everywhere in the landing module returned a large amount of data, which represented the status of the landing module and the condition of the astronaut’s body.

It looks like it has been successful now, but the detailed situation will need to wait a while to know.

Now the landing module has successfully reached the surface of Mars and landed smoothly on Mars.

But it cannot be said that this landing operation has been successful, and it is not yet time to make a conclusion, and everyone does not know the final result.

Because now it only knows that the landing module has reached Mars, there does not seem to be much damage to the outside.

But this is only an external situation and it does not explain all the situation. Now everyone does not know what is going on inside the landing cabin, so it is impossible to make a final judgment.

For example, if the equipment inside the landing module is seriously damaged or the astronauts have some problems, it is useless to reach Mars by the landing module alone.

What Jiang Cheng wants is for the astronaut to set foot on Mars safely, but not for bringing the body of an astronaut to Mars.

If any accident happens to the astronaut during Ruolu, today's operation can be said to be a complete failure.

This kind of thing is not impossible. If the cushioning device does not work, then the astronaut will definitely not survive in the landing module.

Therefore, we have to wait for the specific data to be transmitted back to Earth before we can know whether this operation has succeeded.

Now Jiang Cheng and others are anxiously waiting for the final result, waiting for news from the distant Mars.

Soon the command center received a signal from Mars and received various data.

These data represent the conditions inside the landing module and how the astronauts are now.

Immediately, technicians began to analyze these data and aggregate them into the final result.

These technicians are very quick, and will analyze all the data soon.

A technician looked at the computer screen in front of him, ready to report the results of the analysis to everyone.

His words are like the final sentence, which is the result of this action.

Under everyone's attention, the technician soon began to report the results.

His voice has aroused everyone's concern, and everyone wants to know if what has been expected for so long can be achieved this time.

Landing on Mars has been a dream of mankind for many years, and now it is only the last step to be completed.

This incident has touched everyone's hearts and made everyone look forward to it.

The audience in front of the TV held their breath, waiting for the final result of Akatsuki.

The voice of the technician began to appear in the hall, and followed the signal to every place in the world.

Based on the data sent back from Mars, we can make preliminary judgments

"The current situation detected is that the log-in data is normal and everything is in good condition, and there is no abnormal situation from every sensor. All equipment is functioning well and there is no loss.

After everyone heard that there was no loss of equipment, they only gave a bite. Since the interior of the landing module is still intact and there is no accident, there should be no problem with the astronauts staying in it.

But in the end, it depends on the physical condition of the astronaut to be able to judge the final result.

Soon it was detected that if the astronaut's equipment also sent back relevant data, each astronaut was attached to a thorough sensor.

This can detect data such as the astronaut's heartbeat, blood pressure and brain waves. From these data, we can know how the astronaut is now.

The technician immediately reported the astronaut's situation and answered everyone's final questions.

The astronaut's current physical condition is very good. Except for a slightly faster heartbeat, all indicators are outside the healthy range.

What he meant was that the astronauts were in good condition and were not copied during the landing.

It’s normal to have a faster heartbeat. It would be strange if the heartbeat is not fast when you are so excited.

Whoever goes to that scene must have a faster heartbeat, which is completely within the scope of normal.

When Jiang Cheng heard the news of the astronaut's health, he finally let out a long breath.

Now the stone in Jiang Cheng's heart has finally landed. As long as the equipment is normal and the astronaut is healthy, the landing operation will have been successful.

As long as those astronauts are more careful, they won't encounter any accidents.

It can be said that the hardest part of the whole plan has passed, and the rest is some simple work.

He planned the action for so long, and now it has finally succeeded.

Now he finally succeeded in sending people to Mars, the mysterious land of Mars, and he finally lifted the veil on his face.

Jiang Cheng now feels that the whole person is a lot easier, as if he has completed a big goal.

Haha! It worked!

It finally succeeded!

We succeeded!

At this time, cheers rang out in the hall, this is everyone celebrating the success.

Landing on Mars is not only Jiang Cheng’s success alone, they also have a lot of credit in it.

This time it can be said that Jiang Cheng led them and completed this great work together.

At this time, not only the people in the hall are celebrating, but the whole world has become an ocean of joy.

Everyone knows by now that mankind has successfully reached Mars this time.

If the meaning behind this is huge, it is not just Jiang Cheng's Cai Yao alone.

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