Super Marshal

Chapter 1172 Hero

At noon on October 12th, Xi'an International Airport.

When the airport radio announced that the charter flight for the national team had successfully landed at the airport, the entire terminal hall burst into cheers. Thousands of fans and media reporters who came to the scene all gathered towards the airport pick-up port.

It didn't take long for the national team to appear one after another under the leadership of head coach Gao Han.

All the fans and media reporters who gathered at the scene spontaneously obeyed the order of the ground staff and gave the warmest thunderous applause to the national footballers who returned home in triumph. Countless fans at the scene also raised Gao Han's playing cards. , to express his respect for the national team coach.

Who would have thought that half a year ago, the national team was still in despair over whether it could qualify for the top 40. Everyone thought that the national team would once again stop outside the top 12. But they didn’t expect that today, half a year later , the same national team not only successfully broke through the top 40, but also won repeatedly in the top 12.

From South Korea to Iran, to Syria and Uzbekistan, every game played by the Chinese team was very difficult, and it can even be said that the victory was very tragic. But precisely because of this, the importance of head coach Gao Han is even more reflected. And the fighting spirit and bloodiness of the current national team.

It can be said that so far, each of the four victories in the top 12 has relied on the concerted efforts of all the national players and Gao Han's extraordinary command to win with great difficulty.

What makes people even more ecstatic is that while winning consecutive games, the national team's performance is getting better and better, the formation is maintaining better and better, the players' positioning is becoming more and more sophisticated, and they can run without the ball. He is also becoming more and more intelligent, and the atmosphere within the team is becoming more and more united.

All of this gives people hope.

It is precisely in this situation where the skills are inferior to others, that they have to fight hard game after game and defeat powerful enemies with difficulty. This shows the bloody spirit of the national football team and the profound changes that the cold has brought to the national team.

If Gao Han gave people the impression of being a master of offensive football in the past, then after coaching the national team, he completely let everyone see his accomplishments on the defensive end. It was his training that allowed the national football team's originally weak defense to improve. The radical changes have enabled it to successively block the attacks of powerful enemies such as South Korea, Iran and Uzbekistan.

Gao Han's contribution and the transformation of the national team are seen by fans across the country.

After playing the game last night and resting for a few hours, the international players flew back to Xi'an from Tashkent, Uzbekistan overnight, arriving exactly at noon BJ time.

Next, the national team will be disbanded on the spot, and all national players will take domestic flights in Xi'an to immediately return to the club to prepare for the remaining final games of the Chinese Super League, and finally regroup in Kunming in November to prepare for the first cycle In the last game, the opponent was Qatar.

The national team's itinerary has already been arranged, and all the international players' flights back to the club have been booked in advance. Therefore, after the international players return to China, they don't need to worry too much. They can only go directly to the hotel to rest and wait until the return flight time arrives. , and there will also be dedicated national team staff responsible for reminders and support.

After Gao Han coached the national team, logistics work was also an area that he focused on. Now it is handled very perfectly, so that the national football team has no worries. In addition, the players just won the game in Tashkent a few hours ago. Everyone is happy. I was still very excited, so I saw thousands of fans picking me up at the airport, and everyone was smiling from ear to ear.

The ground staff at the airport had already seen the appeal of the national team when the national team flew from Wuhan to Xi'an to prepare for the Syria match. This was completely different from the weak national team in the past.

Not to mention the entire national team, even a single national team star is no less attractive to fans than those popular stars, and now that Gao Han personally leads the team, it is naturally more attractive.

The team has won four consecutive games and ranks first in the group with a three-point advantage. Gao Han is also in a great mood. He is walking at the front. From time to time, he sees being blocked by ground staff outside the security line, but he reaches out his hand vigorously and advances. When fans came to sign the book, he would smile and nod, reach out to take it, and quickly sign his name on it.

The national players following him did the same, signing autographs for the fans in the same way, which made the fans at the scene even more excited, especially many fans who were not prepared earlier. All of them regretted it, and even some The middle-aged fan was even more funny. He took off his jacket and asked Gao Han to sign his name on his white shirt, saying that he wanted to take it back and treasure it.

There were stops and starts along the way, but finally we reached the gate.

The national team's bus has been waiting outside the gate for a long time, and Gao Han and the national players also got on the bus.

Although they were separated by thick car windows, they could still hear the loud shouts of the fans outside the car, which made the group of old international players in the national team feel even more embarrassed.

How many years?

Since reaching the World Cup in 2002, how many years has it been since the national team thought of such treatment?

Although the national team has performed well in the past few years, giving fans hope and rekindling their enthusiasm several times, they have never been treated like they are now.

It turns out that the feeling of being a hero is so wonderful!



After a short sleep in the hotel, it was already dinner time when I woke up.

After Gao Han was washed away, the first thing he did was to call the team leader Li Tie to ask about the movements of the international players. He learned that the international players had basically boarded the return flight, and some had even arrived. Then he checked the national team WeChat The messages in the group made him feel relieved.

As for himself, he will return to BJ tomorrow morning to start a period of vacation. He will also go to the Chinese Super League to inspect various places, not only to prepare for the next game against Qatar, but also to get a feel for the next training camp of the national team. end.

This is the first time Gao Han has had the opportunity to train for a long time since he took over the national team, and a China Cup will be held at that time, and some strong teams will be invited to compete, so Gao Han plans to take this opportunity to inspect more newcomers and current players. National football team.

During this national team training session, the shortage of personnel at the left back position really troubled him for a long time. Fortunately, Ren Xing's defense did not make any big mistakes in the end, which made Gao Han sigh a big sigh of relief.

But it is also imperative to select substitute talents for the national team.

While Gao Han was waiting for the food to be delivered to the hotel, Deputy Director Cai, who was staying in Xi'an, rang Gao Han's doorbell with several big shots from the Football Association. As soon as he walked in, he praised Gao Han, saying that he had many superior leaders. They all personally called to praise.

Gao Han was already indifferent to this and didn't take it to heart at all.

"For the two warm-up matches of the Cup of China, my suggestion is to invite opponents who are stronger than us, preferably offensive teams. In this case, it will be more conducive to polishing our defense." Gao Han suggested.

He is very confident about beating Qatar.

If the Chinese team ends the first cycle with five consecutive victories, then the remaining five rounds will be very easy to play. It will have a huge advantage in terms of strategy and psychology.

Of course, the strength of the national team is there, and defensive counterattacks are inevitable.

"Okay, we will arrange this matter as soon as possible. As soon as there is news, we will notify you as soon as possible." Deputy Director Cai made the decision on the spot.

Now when it comes to the national team, basically as long as Gao Han has the say, forget it.

"By the way, we are here tonight mainly for one more thing." Deputy Director Cai said.

"What's up?"

"The proposal you proposed before, that the Football Association takes the lead and the club and the national team jointly establish a training system and rehabilitation physiotherapy system, has been basically finalized after many meetings and negotiations between us, and will be implemented starting from the spring training of the new season, so next During this period, major clubs will arrange a large number of coaches to come for further training."

Gao Han thought for a while, nodded and said: "I'm afraid there are not enough manpower in BJ Chinatown. When the time comes, I will try my best to recruit a group of people from other bases in the country and from Madrid. And in the past few years, we have I have also trained a lot of people, and I will try my best to arrange them.”

"That's good. This is the first time after all. There will definitely be a lot of problems. But the general direction has been set, so let's slowly adjust and coordinate. Both we and the club have great trust in Chinatown's strength in this aspect. .”

Not to mention other things, even the stars who have left the team are full of praise for Chinatown's training level. Among the selections of many European media, Chinatown's training level is definitely among the best in the world.

Besides, Gao Han has founded coaching training courses in Europe for many years, and has also cooperated with Italy, cultivating many coaching talents for Spanish and European football. I believe he should be able to solve this problem.

"As for the rehabilitation physiotherapy system, the Football Association and clubs have reached a consensus. However, domestic sports medicine started relatively late, and there is currently an urgent shortage of talents in this area. Therefore, we are considering cooperating with universities and colleges. Currently, we have several Well-known domestic universities have expressed interest, and we also have authoritative experts in this field."

Gao Han is not surprised by this, but this rehabilitation and physical therapy system mainly provides services for the national team and major professional clubs, and there is also a shortage of talents in related fields. In the current domestic environment where medical talent resources are scarce, the national team and The club has no choice but to simply spend money to introduce machinery and equipment which is the easiest thing to do.

Not only medical talents, but also talents in related fields of the football industry are also extremely scarce. After all, Chinese football is still far from developing to European professional standards and is still in the stage of catching up.

Gao Han is also helpless about this, but this is the national condition. It is difficult for even the entire Chinatown team to change, let alone him alone. Therefore, he plans to consider purchasing the BJ team directly from Madrid Chinatown mobilized manpower to establish the overall framework of the club as soon as possible.

When I talked to Deputy Director Cai and the Football Association bosses about these difficulties, they also felt helpless.

Since Gao Han didn't sleep last night and had to catch an early flight tomorrow morning, after chatting with Deputy Director Cai and others for a while, and seeing them off, Gao Han chatted with Lin Xia and Xiao Gaoshen who were far away in BJ. After watching the video for a while, I didn't fall asleep until after nine o'clock.

This sleep lasted until the next morning, when the alarm clock on his cell phone rang, and Gao Han woke up with a start.

After washing up, I had a hasty breakfast and rushed to the airport immediately.

After he returned to BJ, Xiang Tianming, who came to pick him up at the airport, also brought him good news.

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