Super Marshal

Chapter 1191 Chief Designer

It keeps raining!

With a swish, Gao Han opened the curtains of the hotel room, and what he saw was a rainy scene.

In last night's game, it was as if even God was moved by the Chinese team. Not long after the game, it started to rain heavily, but on the way the team returned to the hotel, many fans could be seen along the way. Carnival in the rain.

Even after the team returned to the hotel, thousands of fans gathered outside to cheer and celebrate.

This scene has only appeared once in the history of Chinese football, and that was the night in 2001 when the national team entered the World Cup.

Strictly speaking, the Chinese team has not qualified early because there is still the possibility of being eliminated.

Of course, this is only a theoretical possibility.

But as the team's head coach, Gao Han was unwilling to do such a rash thing, so he never mentioned promotion. Even in the locker room after the game, he repeatedly warned the players that whether they would advance or not would depend on the next away game. Iran game.

As long as there is a tie, the Chinese team is basically certain to qualify.

But the fans obviously ignored Gao Han's tactics. For them, this game was not just about three points. The most important thing was to defeat the Korean team, which completely broke the curse of Korean phobia, especially those two pictures. The red card is so refreshing and powerful.

As for qualifying from the group, they believe in Gao Han.

In fact, from the beginning, everyone believed in Gao Han and believed that he would be able to bring miracles to Chinese football.

As a result, Gao Han did not disappoint them, turning the national team from a weak team that suffered repeated defeats to an invincible powerhouse today. The difference during this period is not too big.

But the most important thing is the unprecedented confidence he brings to the team.

Even though the night has passed, even if it rains all night outside, you can still see celebrating fans outside the hotel door. Some of them party all night long, and some only come in the morning.

But there is no doubt that they are all waiting for the national team and Gao Han.

"What a lovely group of people!" Gao Han murmured to himself with a slight smile.

Due to the rainy weather, the restorative training originally scheduled for the morning was definitely not possible, so Gao Han allowed the national players to move around freely in the hotel today and meet their families by the way. After lunch, the team will take a lunch break. After a while, I took a charter flight directly to Tehran in the afternoon to prepare for the game against Iran four days later.

Because of this, leaders from the General Administration of Sports and the Football Association, as well as HUN provincial and municipal leaders, came to the hotel to visit in the morning, encouraging the national team to refrain from arrogance and impetuosity and strive to advance to the top 12 in the away game.

Defeating South Korea 3-0 also gave the national football team confidence, and the players' mental outlook was quite good.

After meeting with the players, Deputy Director Cai led the core leaders of the Football Association to have a brief meeting with Gao Han and brought some news that surprised Gao Han.



"Stilik is out of class!" Deputy Director Cai said with a smile.

This news surprised Gao Han, which was reasonable, but also a bit unexpected because it came so fast.

There was another game four days later. The Korean Football Association dismissed Stillik at this time, making it clear that all the responsibility would be placed on Stillik. This was somewhat unfair.

It is undeniable that Stillik did make a mistake, but it is not necessarily the case that he takes full responsibility.

But for the Chinese Football Association, this is undoubtedly excellent news.

Once upon a time, the Chinese team fired its head coach after losing. When did the Korean team fire its head coach after returning to China after losing to the Chinese team?

This is definitely the first time!

"The current qualifying situation for the South Korean team is not optimistic. Neither the Korean Football Association nor the players trust Stillik. After all, he did make major mistakes in his formation in last night's game."

It is not difficult to see that Kim Xinyu was replaced by Stillik in the midfield, and he was making up for the shortcomings in his starting tactics.

The high center forward Jin Xinyu has very obvious advantages and disadvantages. In this game against China, his advantages were not fully utilized, but his disadvantages were fully exposed. Stillik must bear the responsibility for this.

"This morning, the Football Association called me and said that the Football Association's phone number was almost overwhelmed by sponsors and media. Many sponsors who usually don't care about football have begun to think about football. Many newspapers and magazines TV stations and TV stations have all made appointments to visit us, and now the enthusiasm for football in the country is very high."

When Deputy Director Cai said this, he looked quite proud.

From his standpoint, Gao Han's achievements are partly due to him, and they were achieved during his tenure. This will undoubtedly greatly improve his political performance. How can he not be excited about this?

Many Football Association leaders were excited and disappointed after hearing this.

The excitement is of course due to the current high enthusiasm for domestic football, but the disappointment is because they did not get the image rights of Gao Han at the beginning. This was mainly because they made a wrong calculation at the beginning. The result was good, and now Gao Han has become the most popular player in the national team. A bright gold-lettered sign, all sponsors are flocking to it.

Next, every time the national team signs a sponsorship contract, as long as Gao Han is there, a portion of the sponsorship fee will be paid to Gao Han.

And holding the right to his own image, Gao Han is holding a mountain of gold and silver.

Back then, after Milu led the Chinese team to the World Cup, he made a lot of money in just a few months. Nowadays, China's economic strength is not what it used to be, and Gao Han's influence is far greater than that of Mi Lu. Lu, with the current domestic economic environment and enthusiasm for football, Gao Han's profit will definitely be ten times and a hundred times that of Milu.

But they all know very well that Gao Han is now the general consultant of the football reform group. Let alone them, even the people from the General Administration can't touch him, let alone snatch the benefits that he has won.

Although Gao Han, the general counsel, is not within the system, he can be said to hold a high position of authority. He cares about everything and asks questions about everything. Even the General Administration and the Football Association may have to listen to him. Who would be stupid enough to offend him at this time? ?

"Let's put these things aside for the time being. The next game against Iran is the key. Only by retreating from the away game and even striving for a victory can we truly advance. It's too early to say anything now. "Gao Han advised sternly.

"I understand, don't worry, we are sensible and won't make any mistakes." Deputy Director Cai also replied cautiously.

Gao Han knows very well that playing football is very expensive, not only for clubs, but also for the Football Association.

When the national team enters the World Cup, the Chinese Football Association and the national football team will definitely benefit from it. This is what they deserve. Gao Han cannot stop it unless his brain is broken, so his greatest hope is to exercise moderation and learn from the past. Lu’s lesson learned from the past.

Before the World Cup in Korea and Japan, Milu and the national team were carried away by the joy of entering the World Cup. As a result, the team was not prepared for the game. Even the public opinion was a bit blind and arrogant. Before the World Cup, they even threatened to win, draw and lose. The group qualified, but the result was disgrace.

In the final analysis, the football world must ultimately rely on strength to speak for itself.

Gao Han knows the current level of Chinese football, and he hopes the Football Association can also understand this.

"By the way, just yesterday morning, the football reform group met to discuss and officially approved your football reform draft. Next, you have to prepare well. The burden on your shoulders is very heavy, and we are all counting on you." Deputy Cai The director said with great hope.

Theoretically, even he had to pay attention to what Gao Han said now, and even obey it.

After Gao Han formally agreed to serve as the general counsel of the reform group, he began to draft a reform draft, and not long ago entrusted Deputy Director Cai to submit it for discussion. Gao Han had been preparing for many years, and Lin Guoping personally checked and filtered it, plus many The content was all discussed in previous conversations with the chief, so it was easily passed.

This time the draft proposes more and covers a wider area. It can be said to be a comprehensive Chinese football reform plan, from the reform of the Football Association’s management mechanism, to the national team selection and employment system, to the league organization and operation. Finally, the establishment of the entire national campus football and youth training system and so on.

It also included many suggestions for hiring outstanding foreign experts from abroad, including the league's commercial operations and promotions. These were all discussed by Gao Han with Deputy Director Cai before, and this time they were all included in the draft and approved.

This will be a top-level design based on the long term, and Gao Han is the chief architect of Chinese football reform.

Not only that, Gao Han also gave a detailed timetable. He plans to use three years to reorganize the Football Association and create a modern and democratic advanced management mechanism, and five years to create a complete set of business management models for the Chinese Super League and build the Chinese Super League into a It has become the number one football league in Asia and the world's most advanced football league, and has become a beautiful business card of Chinese football.

Five years from now, the Chinese Super League will go beyond Asia and join the global football market to compete with South American and European leagues.

As for the most important campus football and youth training systems in the plan, Gao Han estimates that it will take ten years to establish. This will be a very grand project, and even involves mutual cooperation and benefit transfer between various government departments. It is also difficult to promote it. It’s very difficult, that’s why it takes ten years.

As long as campus football is promoted and a youth training system is established, it will provide an endless supply of talents for Chinese football, and the current shortage of talent in Chinese football will be greatly alleviated in the future.

In other words, ten years later, Chinese football has truly laid a solid foundation and begun to have the confidence to take off.

"Based on this draft, the reform team has basically drawn up a timetable and plans to make a proposal to apply for the right to host the 2030 World Cup. I believe that by that time, we will be ready to welcome the World Cup."

After hearing this, Gao Han nodded heavily.

Bidding to host the World Cup is not in his draft, nor is it something he can plan. Even the football reform group can only make suggestions. It is still up to the country to decide whether to bid for the World Cup.

But it is obvious that if it can bid to host the 2030 World Cup, it will also be an excellent opportunity for Chinese football.

At that time, Gao Han was only in his fifties, still in the prime of life, and the current group of Chinatown youth training players were in their prime.

Gao Han believes that the Chinese team at that time will be a new force that cannot be underestimated in world football.

There are still thirteen years to go, with three World Cups in between. Gao Han, the general advisor and head coach, still has a long way to go.

It took German football ten years to revitalize its youth training, and this led to the renaissance of German football in recent years.

In comparison, the Chinese team has a weaker foundation, but has a larger population and a larger market.

Gao Han believes that thirteen years is enough time for Chinese football to rise and for him to build a strong team.

"2030 is too far away. Let's first win the right to participate in next year's World Cup!" Gao Han said confidently.

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