Super Marshal

Chapter 419 We are not done with this matter!

"Hello, hello, Green."

"Well, yes, yes, I just got back, yes, just got home."

"Okay, it's okay, you say..."

"Um... ok... ok... I see."

"Your newspaper should report it and report it, don't worry about me."

"Thank you Green, thank you so much for calling me, my friend."


At his home on Kensington Gardens Avenue, Gao Han hung up the phone and looked towards the gate. The Portuguese agent Jorge Mendes also just finished his phone call from the garden and came back.

The Portuguese's face was ugly and gloomy, as if he had just had a fire outside.

Walking into the living room and sitting on the sofa, Mendes looked at Gao Han angrily, "You guessed it."

Gao Han looked very calm, and nodded slightly after listening, "Green Wald from the Guardian called me just now, and he was also talking about this matter. It will appear in the newspaper tomorrow. It seems that not only did they get the news ,I am afraid……"

At the end, Gao Han couldn't help but sneer.

I'm afraid they are the only ones who are always kept in the dark.

According to the information obtained by Gao Han, the scorer Chelsea most wanted to introduce was Shevchenko, but the Ukrainian was attracted by the World Footballer of the Year and the European Ballon d'Or promised by AC Milan, and decided to continue to play for AC Milan, so Chelsea The management turned to Crespo.

It just so happens that Inter Milan's situation is not ideal now. With forwards such as Vieri, Adriano and Martins, Crespo is not so important. The two sides hit it off.

From Gao Han's point of view, Crespo is undoubtedly bigger than Ibrahimovic and Eto'o. After all, he is a world-class scorer who has been famous for many years, but it is impossible to gain Gao Han's trust and reuse. It is also redundant.

But it was Ashley Cole who Gao Han couldn't accept the most.

In any case, he never thought that which guy with a broken brain would want to exchange three players, Gallas, Van Persie and Fabregas, for Ashley Cole?

Is it just because Ashley Cole is the number one left-back in the country?

This reminded him of another big guy in the transfer market, Inter Milan.

Following the exchange of Seedorf for left-back Koko that year, Inter Milan has recently begun to operate another transaction, using Cannavaro to replace Juventus' substitute goalkeeper Carlini.

These two transactions are so similar, they were both tricked into grandma's house!

More importantly, Chelsea's operation has never been approved by Gao Han at all. Who allowed them to do this?

Although Gao Han has given back his transfer rights, he is still the head coach of the team. Doesn't he even have the minimum right to know and make suggestions?

"If I'm not wrong, Pini Zahavi is behind these transactions." Mendes scolded angrily, "This damn Israeli has long been ulterior motives, but I didn't expect him to I can't help but move so quickly."

After Gao Han heard this, he snorted and smiled, "We Chinese have a good saying, flies don't bite seamless eggs, and someone has to eat his tricks before he can toss around."

"You mean..." Mendes rolled his eyes.

Gao Han nodded and didn't say anything, but the meaning was already very obvious.

"Could it be that they want to change coaches? Force us to leave?" Mendes suddenly became angry.

In the past year, he thought he was good to Chelsea, and tried his best to assist Gao Han and help Chelsea grow stronger.

I never thought that it would turn out to be such a result in the end.

Gao Han is not surprised by this situation. In the words of the ancestors, it is that the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked, and the bird is hidden.

Can share joys and sorrows, but can't share wealth and honor, such examples throughout the ages, in all walks of life, are there still few examples?

"It's not enough to force us to leave. They just want to make some things a reality, and then force me to accept their arrangement, that's all." Gao Leng smiled coldly.

Some people think him too simply.

This kind of thing seems innocuous at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that this phenomenon is terrible.

Once they succeed this time, there is no guarantee that they will not repeat the same trick and do it again.

"Then what are you going to do?" Mendes asked concerned.

Gao Han snorted and sneered, "Since they have stretched their hands so long, if I don't teach them a lesson, they won't eat me? Even if I make a compromise and stay in the team, I still have prestige Can it be said?"

Mendes instantly understood Gao Han's meaning, his eyes narrowed, and a stern look flashed across his face.

"That's right, if a tiger doesn't show off its power, it's really regarded as a sick cat."

After finishing speaking, the Portuguese agent sneered indignantly: "We used to make money out of harmony, but we didn't expect that people would make an inch of it. Now they are forcing us to come to our door. I can't finish this matter with them!"



Bruce Barker, Marina Granovskia and Pini Zahavi are updating Roman Abramovich on their latest transfers at their mansion in Eaton Square, London.

The transfer transaction for the introduction of Crespo from Inter Milan is progressing smoothly. The two parties have basically reached an agreement, and it is only a matter of announcing it to the outside world.

Shevchenko also revealed through his agent that he is interested in joining Chelsea, but only after he has won the honor.

As a Ukrainian player, it is not realistic for the national team to achieve results, so he can only realize his wishes in the club field, and AC Milan has also promised him in this regard.

As for the transfer of players such as Figo, Ballack and Gerrard, they are still in contact and the progress is not obvious.

But Ashley Cole's move has been leaked.

The group of pervasive English media reporters did not know that they spied on the news from that relationship. Not only did they dig out the inside story of Chelsea's operation of Ashley Cole, but even the secret offer of the Blues was disclosed. In tomorrow's major newspapers, it is bound to cause another uproar.

But when Abramovich heard this, instead of being angry, he laughed out loud.

This is what he wanted.

The bigger the momentum, the more shocking the fans, the stronger the attraction, the better the effect.

Aren't all the superstars introduced by Real Madrid like this?

But when everyone was laughing and discussing the next operation, Bruce Buck received a call from Gao Han.

On the phone, Gao Han didn't say anything, he just said that he would go to Stamford Bridge tomorrow morning and have a good talk with the management.

But it was this simple sentence that made everyone in the living room tense up, and even Abramovich's breathing accelerated.

"He must have also received the news." Pini Zahavi judged.

Today's Gao Han is no longer an ordinary head coach. He is the most valuable and best-performing top coach in European football. Behind him is a group of professional service teams, including Jorge Mendes, who work for him. .

Although he has only been in England for one year, Gao Han's contacts in the professional football circle have spread very well. He has become friends with Ferguson, Wenger and others. Many famous English figures have praised him. Media reporters flock to him even more.

Therefore, Gao Han's news channels may be faster and wider than theirs.

"You mean, he came to ask the teacher?" Bruce Buck's heart trembled.

Pini Zahavi smiled slightly, noncommittal, just looked at Abramovich.

Bruce Barker and Granovskia also turned their heads to look at the boss, their eyes seemed to say, you gave the order, we just follow your orders, and you have to decide how to deal with it.

Abramovich also thought through the minds of the three men under his command. At this time, he had to show his majesty, and snorted, "What teacher are you looking for? What crime are you asking?"

The three people on the opposite side looked at each other, is this going to confront Gao Han?

But it's not surprising. After all, Abramovich is the owner of the team. How can a team owner be controlled by the team's head coach?

These days, in professional football, whoever has money can speak.

As for players and head coaches, they are superstars and famous coaches, but they are all pawns in the hands of capital.

Which chess player would care about the psychological feelings of chess pieces?


"Boss." Bruce Buck responded immediately.

"If Gao Han asks about these things tomorrow morning, even if you deny it categorically, just say that there is no such thing. It is all bottomless hype and fabrication by the outside media."

Bruce Barker's eyes jumped, this... this is okay?

If only one or two small newspapers said it over there, they could still argue that it was fabrication and hype, but now that even a big newspaper like the Guardian has decided to publish it, can they still say it is hype?

"In addition, you should notify the legal department immediately, and prepare Gao Han's contract renewal tonight. I will double my annual salary directly. By the way, delete the clause in the previous contract that he has the right to unconditionally terminate the contract early. Leave it to Gao Han and his manager tomorrow, he should know how to do it."

When the three people on the opposite side heard this, they couldn't help being taken aback, and screamed loudly again.

Sure enough, he was an oligarch killed from the bloody sea of ​​corpses in Russia, and he was decisive and ruthless in handling things.

Gao Han's current annual salary is already the highest in the world. If it doubles again, it would be against the sky. Who can resist such a temptation?

On the contrary, Abramovich, he lacks everything except money, as long as it is a problem that can be solved by money, it is not a problem, not to mention, spending money can make Gao Han obedient, what an achievement this is sense?

As for the denial, it was purely to save Gao Han's face, and gave him an excuse to let him step down.

If Gao Han is sensible, then he should sign the contract, be his head coach obediently, and stop meddling in these matters.

How shrewd Pini Zahavi is, from what Abramovich said, he can also see that Gao Han still has a lofty status in the hearts of the Russians, and he never planned to force him to Going high and cold, but just want to hold him firmly in his hands and become an obedient pawn.

As for the fact that he promised to give Mourinho a chance when he was in contact with Jose Vega before, I don't know how long it will be.

At the very least, as long as Gao Han is willing to stay in Chelsea for a day, no one can touch him.

After understanding this level, Pini Zahavi couldn't help but re-evaluate his impression of Gaohan.

Obviously, he underestimated Gao Han's influence on Abramovich before, and even had the idea of ​​getting rid of Gao Han and changing to a head coach close to him, but now it seems that it is impossible.

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