Super Marshal

Chapter 552 A person’s pilgrimage

In the morning, Lake Como is quiet and picturesque.

The lake water flowing from the snow-capped mountains of the Alps is bitingly cold. Looking at the lake from a distance, thick fog is floating in the air, giving it a misty and smoky mist. It feels like you are in a poetic fairyland.

The air is humid, and the flowers and weeds on the roadside are still holding the dewdrops from last night. On the green grass under the trees by the lake, fat mallards begin to shake their bloated bodies and stagger around for food. Occasionally, a few mallards approach the roadside. , are not afraid of life, and are not frightened when someone comes close, as if this place is their territory.

Gao Han ran along the path along Lake Como and was out of breath when he arrived at the square.

Standing in the square by the lake, overlooking the thick fog on the lake, I took a deep breath of cold air, but it soon turned into a burst of hot air, and I exhaled a wisp of white smoke.

In the past period of time, he was indeed too busy and neglected to exercise, and as a result he gained a little weight. But even so, in the eyes of most people, Gao Han's body shape was still very standard, but Lin Xia did not lose weight. He was reminded of this, so he made up his mind to start exercising again.

He stretched out his hand and pushed the hat off his head. The inside and outside were soaked with sweat and dew.

After taking a breath, Gao Han took out his mobile phone from his zipper pocket, and sure enough he saw an MMS message, which was a photo sent by Lin Xia.

Although the two live in Spain and Italy, they meet every morning to go out for exercise at the same time. Whoever reaches the place first will post photos, and no surprise, Lin Xia wins recently.

Gao Han took a photo of the foggy scene of Lake Como and sent it to him, "What do you think? Are you envious?"

Soon, he received a reply from Lin Xia, "Wow, it's so beautiful. I really want to fly there right now."

"Haha, now is not the most beautiful time. After a while, when the camellias and rhododendrons on the roadside are in full bloom, you must take time off to come and stay for a while. That will be the most beautiful Lake Como in a year."

Lin Xia quickly sent a beautiful photo with a sad face and a frown, "I have already started saving for vacation."

How long does it take for her to save enough to travel back and forth between Madrid and Milan every week?

"Have you finished thinking about your doctoral thesis?" Lin Xia sent another text message.

Doctoral thesis, this is what Gao Han told her as a joke, referring to the speech she will give when she goes to Florence to accept the Golden Chair Award tomorrow. This is indeed a bit like a doctoral thesis in the field of professional coaching.

"I was thinking about it while running just now, and I got some insights." Gao Han replied.

He likes to think about things while running, and always feels that his mind is more flexible at this time.

"Okay, then write it down quickly and I will personally check it for you." Lin Xia was also very happy for him.

Gao Han smiled slightly, "Just you? Do you understand?"

"Stop looking down on others, okay?"

The two of them were sending text messages one after another, and before they knew it, the thick fog on the lake gradually dispersed.

The sun is coming out, and it's time for Gao Han to go back.

A trip to Covelciano in the high cold can be said to be both a test and a pilgrimage.

As Guardiola said before, Italy's Golden Seat Award is not easy to win, at least for Gao Han.

If it were another head coach, he could prepare a quite satisfactory speech, talk about some things that everyone is familiar with, talk about how to train, talk about tactical development trends and other topics, and he would be able to get by.

But this is not possible for Gao Han.

The president of the Italian Football Coaches Association, Renzo Ulivieri, called Gao Han before and jokingly said that everyone was eager to hear his candid experience because they were all disappointed with Gao Han’s coaching achievements in the past few years. Feeling extremely curious.

What has allowed Gao Han to continue to win in the past few years?


What Italian coaches are best at is tactics. It is said that they were already studying Gao Han's tactics as early as when Gao Han was coaching Atletico Madrid. Maybe they even studied Gao Han's techniques and tactics more thoroughly than Gao Han himself.

Many people think that Italy's style is conservative and think that Italy can only defend, but this idea is completely wrong.

Italy's research on tactics is very advanced. As early as the era of chain defense, they have integrated their experience into a very complete theoretical system and taught their experience to all latecomers.

Just like a professional player, he completes a sprint on the court, but he may not understand why he is sprinting? Why are you rushing in this direction? Why not the other direction? Why fast? Can't it be slow?

But under the Italian theoretical system, they can explain these reasons very reasonably, and they can even explain to you what kind of chain reactions may occur if you make other choices.

But just an explanation?

No, Italian tactical theory research is already very advanced.

It is said that the chain defense during Trapattoni's time was seven plus three, that is, in addition to the goalkeeper, seven players devoted themselves to defense and three players were idle. However, this theory was overturned in the 1990s. It becomes eight plus two.

In recent years, they have begun to study nine plus one, or even ten plus zero, and it is not just theoretical research, many teams have begun to put it into practice and draw conclusions from it.

Renzo Ulivieri is one of them.

The chairman of the Italian Football Coaches Association and the chief lecturer of Coverciano is over 60 years old, but he has never coached a wealthy team in his life. He has mostly coached in mid-to-lower teams and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of tactical theory.

He is currently coaching Bologna in Serie B, but this does not hinder his status in Coverciano and Italian football at all. He is even respected as a teacher by many famous coaches.

Italy's research on football tactics not only affects themselves, but also affects the whole world.

In terms of goalkeeper training, Italy once led the world. They had various theories and developed training materials based on the theories. They have trained quite a few high-level goalkeepers for Italy, including Buffon.

Later, countries such as France, Germany and Brazil all imitated Italy's goalkeeper training, and they were quickly improved.

As we all know, Brazil's goalkeeper training has always been poor, but now there are several strong goalkeepers in Italy such as Abbiati, Dida and Cesar. Italy's goalkeeper training plays a big role behind the scenes.

After Gao Han came to Italy, he personally experienced Italy's amazing level of technical and tactical theory. He also deeply felt the gap between the football level of his homeland and the top European teams. It was all-round.

Not just players, not just youth training, but also coaches, including all types of staff, not to mention theoretical research.

Gao Han knows very well that the coaching system has contributed a lot to his success today, so in the past few years, he has been constantly reminding himself and urging himself. He is even more diligent than before there was no coaching system.

He browsed through various football theoretical studies and various materials in the coaching system, constantly enriching his tactical literacy and theoretical knowledge. But even so, if he wants to be a group of people who specialize in theoretical research in Covelciano, And is it appropriate to say this in front of the head coaches from all over Europe who came after hearing the news?

It's not that he doesn't have the confidence to pass, but that he wants to do better.

Therefore, he plans to make a fuss in an area that few, or even no one, pays attention to.



"Can you tell me in advance what you plan to use as the theme?"

On the train from Milan to Florence, Guardiola kept asking Gao Han, seemingly curious about the topic of his speech and wanting to know what Gao Han wanted to say.

Not only him, but everyone else in the entire box was equally curious.

It's interesting to say that Inter Milan and AC Milan are mortal enemies in the same city, but now they are happily gathering together.

This time going south with Gao Han, in addition to Guardiola who specially applied to sit in, Inter Milan also has youth team coach Giuseppe Baresi. His coaching performance in the youth team is very good, but he has not entered the first team for the time being. team idea.

On the contrary, AC Milan has a larger number of people, including assistant coach Tassotti, veterans Costacurta and Maldini, as well as retired former stars Leonardo and Franco Baresi.

Like Guardiola, they were all curious about the theme of Gao Han's speech.

Coverciano is known as the temple of Italian football. Many of the world's top coaches, including Ferguson, Wenger and Lippi, have been invited to give speeches. Each of them has left his precious legacy here. coaching experience.

Because everyone knows that communication and collision are the driving force for the continuous development of football tactics.

Therefore, they are all looking forward to it. What will Gao Han leave here?

However, this guy is very annoying. He has done a good job of keeping secrets. He didn't say anything before. After hearing Guardiola's question, he just laughed and said nothing.

"Hey, let me tell you, aren't you afraid of getting into a car accident when you give a live speech?" Guardiola was very depressed.

Gao Han spoke up and smiled freely, "It doesn't matter, I don't care anyway."

This is true.

With Gao Han's current status in European football, even if there is a car accident, his influence will not be shaken.

Who allows people to put their real achievements right there?

However, if this speech can be successful, Gao Han's status in European football will be even higher.

After all, this is a hot stamping journey, and whether it will succeed or not depends on his ability.

There was a lot of chatting on the train, and the train arrived in a blink of an eye after more than an hour.

Coverciano is a national team training base located in the eastern suburbs of Florence. They had already learned about the itinerary of Gao Han and others, and arranged a commercial vehicle to meet them at the train station early.

What surprised Gao Han was that although the Covelciano base was known as the temple of Italian football and full of countless legends and legends, it was not as grand as imagined at all. Instead, it was surrounded by Among the old houses, there was only a narrow country road, which was a surprise to the cold for the first time.

"Is this Covelciano?" Gao Han couldn't believe it.

There are mottled brick walls and a simple gate. The only thing that is more conspicuous is the shield emblem of the Italian national team nailed on the wall next to the door. They use this simple and direct way to tell people that this place belongs to the Italian national team.

After entering, turn left and you will find the parking lot, but it is a dirt floor without even a layer of cement.

The only thing that seems reasonable is that there is a hospital between the parking lot and the road outside. I heard that the injured during the national team training were diagnosed and treated here.

A track and field stadium, five standard-sized football fields, four smaller-sized training fields, an outdoor swimming pool, and several low training buildings make up the entire Covelciano.

This is the temple of Italian football.

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