Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1754: Mars exercise plan

Chapter 1928 Mars Exercise Plan

'We're going to practice on Mars. ' Zhao Zhongyao suddenly said a surprising sentence.

'What, to go to Mars to practice! ' Li Shan's eyes widened.

Cheng Yu also looked at Zhao Zhongyao in surprise, and also had a surprised expression on Zhao Zhongyao's words.

'What's wrong, are you surprised? ' Zhao Zhongyao said lightly.

‘No, Mr. Zhao, why are you thinking of going to Mars for exercises? Could it be that there is a shooting range on Mars? ' Li Shan is still thinking about the shooting range!

It's just that Cheng Yu knew that since Zhao Zhongyao thought this way, he must have his reasons, so he looked at Zhao Zhongyao and asked with a smile, 'Mr. Zhao, do you have any special thoughts. ’

Li Shan also looked at Zhao Zhongyao curiously, wanting to hear how Zhao Zhongyao would explain.

'I think so, because our super ship is going to explore the galaxy, and the enemies we may encounter can only be aliens. If that's the case, what's the point of doing exercises on Earth? Of course, we should go to another planet to exercise. ’

Zhao Zhongyao's idea is very reasonable. The hypothetical enemy of the supership is not the earthlings, but the aliens. Since this is the case, it is not suitable to practice on the earth.

Zhao Zhongyao said this, Li Shan and Cheng Yu felt very reasonable, so they all nodded together.

Li Shan said, 'Mr. Zhao, what you said makes sense. Since that's the case, let's go to Mars to practice! I also want to see what this planet looks like. ’

Cheng Yu also said curiously, 'Mr. Zhao's idea is very reasonable, we really should go to Mars to exercise, only in this way can we simulate the situation of the super spacecraft in the Milky Way as much as possible. ’

'Okay, that's it, since we have decided to go to Mars for the exercise, we should think about how to carry out this exercise. ' Zhao Zhongyao said.

In fact, Zhao Zhongyao himself has already thought about these contents. After all, what he has to do is to explore the galaxy, design a spaceship, build a spaceship, conduct exercises, and set off to the galaxy. All these steps, Zhao Zhongyao has thought about it before.

Li Shan also felt that Zhao Zhongyao must have thought about these things himself, so he said, 'Mr. Zhao, it seems that you already have a game of chess in your heart, so you can arrange it! Vice President Cheng and I just did as you said. ’

Cheng Yu also looked at Zhao Zhongyao and said, 'Mr. Zhao, we all obey your orders, just say, what should Team Li and I do next! ’

When Zhao Zhongyao heard it, he smiled again and said, 'That's right, my plan is to simulate the aliens occupying Mars on Mars, and we earthlings go to Mars and drive the aliens away. Exercise is acting, and it should also have a story. ’

'Okay, this idea is good, let's go to Mars to fight aliens. ' Li Shan has also participated in many large-scale military exercises. He knows that the exercises are similar to acting, and there is also a 'script'.

'This is very interesting, go directly to Mars to fight aliens. ' Cheng Yu also felt that Zhao Zhongyao's idea was quite interesting.

After speaking, both Cheng Yu and Li Shan laughed.

‘Okay, everyone should be more serious, this is a major military exercise. ' Zhao Zhongyao saw that Cheng Yu and Li Shan heard what he said, as if they were joking, so he pretended to be angry and scolded them.

Cheng Yu and Li Shan stopped smiling when they heard it.

At this time, Zhao Zhongyao said again, 'My Mars exercise plan is like this, Li Shan, you are responsible for returning to the country to communicate with the military, asking the military to form an enemy army, and then come with us. Go to Mars, these enemy armies are alien armies. ’

Li Shan listened and immediately said earnestly, 'Mr. Zhao, rest assured, I promise to complete the task soon. ’

'okay. ' Zhao Zhongyao listened, then looked at Cheng Yu and said, 'Old Cheng, your mission is to find some military experts and let them go to Mars with us. Since it is a war, of course, military experts are indispensable. ' Zhao Zhongyao looked at Cheng Yu and said.

Cheng Yu listened and said seriously, 'Mr. Zhao, rest assured, this is easy, and I will complete the task successfully. ’

'Okay, then you two start doing your business! I'm going to make another detailed military exercise schedule, and then I can go to Mars for military exercises. ' Zhao Zhongyao said.

'Yes, we will go to finish our task immediately. ' Li Shan stood up and gave Zhao Zhongyao a standard military salute.

Cheng Yu also looked at Zhao Zhongyao and said, 'Mr. Zhao can just wait here, we will report to you in two days. ’

In this way, Cheng Yu and Li Shan walked out of Zhao Zhongyao's office.

The two took the UFO spacecraft of Moon City together and returned to Earth.

Li Shan directly found his superiors in the army and told them what he wanted to do. As soon as the superiors heard that it was Zhao Zhongyao's business, of course they attached great importance to it, and immediately held a meeting to study it, and if they could form a suitable 'enemy army'.

In fact, for such things, military leaders are already very experienced. After all, troops may have to conduct several major military exercises each year. For every military exercise, an army that symbolizes the enemy is formed. Only in this way can military confrontation exercises be carried out smoothly.

Soon, the superior leaders formed an 'enemy' team of 2,000 people. This 'enemy' team has also participated in several major military exercises, and they are also very experienced in playing the 'enemy'.

This army is like a villain in a play, they are used to playing the role of "enemy".

After everything was ready, the military leaders handed over this special army to Li Shan. Li Shan led the team to Moon City.

Besides, the same goes for Cheng Yu. After he returned to Earth, he explained his affairs to the relevant military leaders. The military leadership also attached great importance to it, and an emergency meeting was held immediately.

After the meeting, the relevant leaders began to select 30 outstanding military experts from the army, and asked them to go to Moon City with Cheng Yu and follow Zhao Zhongyao's arrangement.

In this way, Cheng Yu and Li Shan quickly completed the task, and they led their team to Moon City together.

After arriving at Moon City, let all the staff stay in a large conference room. After that, they went to Zhao Zhongyao's office together.

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