Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1765: New Year's Eve fireworks

Chapter 1939 New Year's Eve fireworks are brilliant

Therefore, our world, because of the strength of our country, has become very peaceful. ' Zhao Zhongyao echoed Feifei's words after hearing what he said.

'Dad, so I don't have the chance to make any military exploits. ' Feifei said with some regret.

'That can't be said, our supership is about to start heading to the Milky Way, and by then, we will definitely encounter some aliens. If it is some unfriendly aliens, you say that there will be a fight, and there will definitely be a conflict. At that time, if you can drive a combat flying saucer to eliminate some alien enemies, it will not be a military exploit, and it is even more awesome than the military exploits you have made on earth. ' Zhao Zhongyao looked at Feifei and said.

When Zhao Zhongyao said this, a smile appeared on Feifei's face again, 'Dad, what you said is that I want to train the skills of flying combat flying saucers, and I must make military exploits in the process of exploring the galaxy in the future. . ’

'Okay, this looks like my Zhao Zhongyao's child. ' After Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking, he patted his son's sturdy shoulder again, feeling extremely relieved.

Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, many of the staff in Moon City have returned home from vacation.

At this time, Tian Tian and Qu Yuqian also returned home, preparing for the Chinese New Year. Zhao Zhongyao and Feifei were still in Moon City.

Feifei thought of the New Year's event, so he looked at Zhao Zhongyao and said, "Dad, can we go back home to celebrate the New Year now?" ’

Zhao Zhongyao originally wanted to go back home to celebrate the New Year, but he suddenly had a novel idea just now. He feels that he has always spent the New Year at home on Earth, and has never spent the New Year in Moon City, but there are many staff members who may have to spend the New Year in Moon City in order to work. City New Year, did not visit them.

Therefore, Zhao Zhongyao decided to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Moon City this year, and he wanted to visit the staff who were still at their jobs during the Chinese New Year.

Thinking of these things, Zhao Zhongyao looked at Feifei and said, 'Feifei, that's right, we used to celebrate the New Year at home on Earth, this year, I thought about a special year, our family is above Moon City New Year's Eve, what do you think! ’

When Zhao Zhongyao said this, Feifei was taken aback for a moment, "Dad, how can this be done? During the Spring Festival, people go home to celebrate the New Year, and some people spend the New Year outside. ’

Feifei doesn't understand why they are not at home. After all, their family has been celebrating the New Year in their own home for a long time, and they have never celebrated the Spring Festival outside.

‘Feifei, how can you say that, how many staff members in the whole country are unable to go home to reunite with their families due to work during the Spring Festival every year! There are also many soldiers who are standing guard on the frontier of the motherland and cannot go home for the Chinese New Year. There are also many uncles and aunts of workers who are also firmly in their jobs during the Spring Festival, just in our Moon City. , there are thousands of people who want to celebrate the Spring Festival here! Why can't we spend the Spring Festival here. ’

Zhao Zhongyao saw that his son did not understand what he said, so he explained it to Fei.

After Feifei heard it, he understood in his heart what his father said, 'Dad, what you said is that our family should also spend the Spring Festival outside. ’

‘This is the moon, this city of the moon is almost the palace of the moon, you say that our family spends the Spring Festival in the palace of the moon, isn’t that particularly poetic. ’

When Zhao Zhongyao said this, Feifei laughed again, 'Dad said that we must be here to celebrate the Spring Festival, and it must feel great. ’

Seeing that his son agreed, Zhao Zhongyao said again, 'Well, I order you to drive a combat flying saucer now, go back and pick up your sister and mother, our family will spend the Spring Festival in this moon city this year. ’

'Yes! I'll go right away. ' After Feifei finished speaking, he gave Zhao Zhongyao a military salute with a smile.

Zhao Zhongyao smiled and nodded.

Feifei went to the supership and flew to the earth with a combat flying saucer.

Besides, Tian Tian and Qu Yuqian are still at home waiting for Zhao Zhongyao and Feifei to go home for Chinese New Year! Today is the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon.

Feifei flew the combat flying saucer and flew back home soon after.

After arriving home, Feifei told his mother and sister about Zhao Zhongyao's decision.

Qu Yuqian must have been a little unhappy in her heart. After all, she had already prepared a lot of food and goods for the New Year at home. Now Feifei said that she would go to Moon City to celebrate the New Year, so why not make Qu Yuqian feel a little helpless.

'What happened to your father this year, why did he decide to celebrate the New Year in Moon City! ' Qu Yuqian looked at Feifei and asked.

Feifei saw that his mother was a little unhappy, so he repeated what his father said to his mother.

Qu Yuqian is also a well-informed woman. After listening to Feifei's words, she can understand Zhao Zhongyao's thoughts.

For Tian Tian, ​​she felt that this was quite interesting, and she didn't object at all. After all, young people always like to live some novel ways of life.

‘Mom, what a good idea Dad has, it’s not as interesting for our family to celebrate the New Year at the Moon Palace as it is at home. ' Tian Tian is still persuading my mother.

‘Yes, Mom, as long as our family is together, it’s not the same no matter where we celebrate the New Year. ' Feifei also looked at his mother and said.

‘Haha, you don’t need to be verbose anymore, am I still not as high as you are! Let's go, our family will go to the Moon Palace to celebrate the New Year. ’

After Qu Yuqian finished speaking, she greeted the two children, packed some New Year's goods and food again, and then walked out of the house together and boarded the battle flying saucer.

It was the first time that Qu Yuqian and Tian Tian rode a combat flying saucer, and they were still flying with Feifei, so they were both very happy.

Qu Yuqian also looked at her son and praised, 'Feifei, you have made great progress. After a month, you have become a flying saucer pilot. ’

'What's this, when our super spacecraft goes to explore the galaxy, I will make military exploits! ' Feifei said again.

'Ha ha! Ha ha! ---' Qu Yuqian and Tian Tian both laughed when they heard it.

Soon, Feifei drove the spacecraft back to Moon City.

Zhao Zhongyao and his wife and children are members of the group again. They also had a home in Moon City. Now you can spend a special Spring Festival here.

Two days later, it was New Year's Eve.

According to the Chinese tradition, one cannot sleep that night. As the saying goes, it is called Shou Sui, which means to sit at home until dawn.

After midnight, firecrackers and fireworks are also set off to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

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