Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1793: The second-level purple light space lives up to expectations (the third update)

Chapter 1967: The second-level purple light space lives up to expectations

Because the first wave of cyan smoke rings created by the explosion of antimatter has rolled to the vicinity of the first-level purple light space, and the distance from the first-level purple light space is only one kilometer away.

If the second-level purple light space is created later, then the first wave of attack power of the antimatter bomb will reach the first-level purple light space of the super ship.

In that case, even if the second-level purple light space is arranged, it will be of no use. Because of the attack power of the first wave, it is possible to destroy the first-level purple light space.

Fortunately, the supership has now completed the second-level purple light space layout task, and successfully covered the first-level purple light space before the first wave of antimatter bombs arrived.

Of course, this was also the first thing Zhao Zhongyao saw. The alien enemy destroyed his unmanned alien spaceship and directly detonated an antimatter bomb.

Then, at the fastest speed, the purple button on the front control panel was reversed to the position of the second extreme purple light space, so that the supership completed the layout task of the second extreme purple light space in the shortest time.

Now everyone on the supership held their breath and watched the first wave of attack power of the antimatter bomb reach the periphery of the 'wall' of the super purple space.

When the huge cyan smoke ring rolled towards the 'wall' of the secondary purple light space, it was blocked by the 'wall' of the secondary purple light space.

However, even so, the huge power of the antimatter bomb still bends the 'wall' of the super purple light space inward by a large arc. It makes people feel that this second-level purple light space is difficult to support, and it may break at any time.

At this time, the hearts of everyone in the supership were really in their throats. Even Zhao Zhongyao was no exception. He couldn't guarantee that the second-level purple light space would definitely be able to block the first wave of antimatter bombs.

Because, as long as the 'wall' of the second-level purple light space is destroyed by the first wave of the antimatter bomb's attack, it will be difficult for the first-level purple light space to block the second wave of the antimatter bomb's attack.

This is because the shock wave of the first wave of 'blue smoke' of the antimatter bomb is not very powerful. Only the second wave of 'white smoke' shock wave is the most powerful.

The first shock wave of the antimatter bomb is the 'cyan' smoke. In fact, it is because the antimatter bomb is loaded in the small alien spacecraft. When the small alien spacecraft is blown up by the antimatter bomb, it is broken down into molecular-sized 'debris' in an instant. These 'debris', due to their very small size, formed a huge circle of 'blue smoke'-like substances in the air.

And the second wave of 'white smoke' attack wave turned out to be due to the huge energy generated by the explosion of antimatter. In the void, some tiny matter like interstellar dust was created out of thin air.

These special substances are born at extremely high temperatures, and after the temperature of the outside world drops sharply, they will aggregate into some extremely fine 'white' substances. These 'white' substances are extremely small, almost as large as an atom in diameter.

Since these 'white' smoke is very close to the explosion center of the antimatter, the power generated is also very powerful, and the shock wave formed is also extremely powerful.

At this time, Feifei and Li Shan were no longer long-winded. Their eyes were also wide and their hearts were beating. They didn't know what serious things would happen next.

Fortunately, the second-level purple light space lived up to expectations, withstood the powerful power of the first wave of the antimatter bomb's 'blue smoke' shock wave, and was not broken by the first shock wave of the antimatter bomb.

But even so, the 'wall' of the secondary purple light space was severely 'traumatized'. Not as sturdy as before.

However, this is invisible on the outside. Everyone in the supership only saw that the 'wall' of the secondary purple light space was not broken, but formed a large arc.

After the 'wall' of the secondary purple light space formed a huge arc, it formed a stalemate with the first shock wave of the antimatter bomb.

But just like this, everyone in the supership was relieved, took a long breath, and changed their breath.

The same goes for Zhao Zhongyao, Feifei, and Li Shan. Finally, he can breathe a sigh of relief, and he no longer has to worry that the 'wall' of the second-level purple light space will be destroyed by the first shock wave of the antimatter bomb.

In this way, after the wall of the second-level purple light space competed with the first shock wave of the antimatter bomb, it pushed back this powerful shock wave. The 'wall' of the secondary purple light space bounced back and was as flat as before.

‘Clap! clap clap! ---’

‘Okay, that’s great, the purple light space is great. ’

When everyone in the supership saw that the second-level purple light space had withstood the first wave of antimatter bombs, they all applauded happily.

Zhao Zhongyao, Feifei and Li Shan also showed smiles. After all, this result was already the best and beyond their expectations.

‘Dad, what kind of bomb did the aliens detonate, how could it be so powerful, how it looks, it is more powerful than a hydrogen bomb. ’

Feifei didn't talk to Zhao Zhongyao for a long time, and he didn't know what bomb the aliens detonated.

After listening to his son's words, Zhao Zhongyao smiled and said, "What do you think! With such a powerful force, it is of course an antimatter bomb. ’

'What, antimatter bombs, aliens also have this stuff. ' Feifei was very surprised when his father said that the explosion just now was an antimatter bomb, and he didn't understand that aliens also have this thing.

"What are you talking about! Is antimatter a 'special product' on our earth! We can have it, but aliens can't have it." Zhao Zhongyao retorted Feifei.

‘Oh, what Dad said is that since we can all make antimatter bombs, then the aliens should be able to make antimatter bombs. ' Feifei listened to what his father said, and went back to his words.

'Okay, it's much safer now. ' After Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking, he also let out a long breath.

‘Dad, our purple light space is really powerful, withstood the shock wave of antimatter bombs. ' Feifei immediately started dancing.

‘Mr. Zhao, the aliens actually have antimatter bombs! Now, I have seen the power of antimatter bombs. I have never seen it before! ' Li Shan also looked at Zhao Zhongyao and said at this time.

'Yes! I also feel strange, why do we have weapons and aliens also seem to have them, how can these aliens be so similar to us earthlings. ' Zhao Zhongyao also felt a little weird.

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