Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1796: Let the aliens also taste our big killer (sixth more)

Chapter 1970 Let the aliens also taste our big killer

When the alien mothership saw that Zhao Zhongyao's supership was still intact, they felt very strange. Maybe they are still thinking that the antimatter bomb they launched is so powerful that it can completely destroy the super spacecraft of the earth people.

But the reality is that their antimatter bombs did not cause any serious damage to the supership. In other words, no harm at all.

Therefore, when these aliens saw Zhao Zhongyao and their super spacecraft flying over again, they were very surprised. Because this is not the result they want to see, what they want to see is that when their antimatter bomb detonates, they can blow up the spaceship of the earthlings.

However, these outsiders may also feel that the earthlings do not have any particularly powerful weapons, that is, there are some weapons such as purple light hydrogen bombs.

As for super weapons such as antimatter bombs, I am afraid that they cannot be made at all.

After all, it is much more difficult to develop an antimatter bomb than to develop an atomic and hydrogen bomb.

Because antimatter is very magical matter, it simply cannot coexist with normal matter.

It is already very difficult to develop antimatter first, let alone finding a container that can hold such special matter as antimatter.

Therefore, in order to develop a super killer such as an antimatter bomb, such a technological civilization must at least reach the level of a second-level civilization.

And the Earth civilization, in the eyes of aliens, may not even have the first level, how could it be possible to develop super weapons such as antimatter bombs.

So, when these alien motherships saw Zhao Zhongyao's super spacecraft flying over, they were surprised at first, and then they didn't even think about escaping. Anyway, the people on Earth don't have a big killer like an antimatter bomb, so they don't have to be afraid of the people on Earth.

However, this time, Zhao Zhongyao will never give aliens another chance. He regretted not listening to Li Shan and Feifei, and used antimatter bombs on aliens. Otherwise, they might have defeated the aliens.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhongyao no longer hesitated. When he saw the alien mothership, he ordered Li Shan and Feifei to command the relevant personnel to directly launch a Ziguang missile carrying an antimatter bomb.

Li Shan and Feifei are also very proud. After all, this is what they want to do all the time, that is, to quickly use their big killer to kill the prestige of aliens.

‘Haha, Mr. Zhao is finally going to use antimatter bombs, now, let’s see how the aliens respond! ’

'Haha, this alien, I'm afraid they are going to become cannon fodder! Their spaceships probably don't have such a super powerful protection device as the Purple Light Space. ’

Li Shan and Feifei laughed happily while instructing the relevant personnel and preparing to launch the super purple light missile.

This super purple light missile itself is large enough, almost equivalent to the super heavy weapons of those great powers on the earth-intercontinental missiles.

Zhao Zhongyao launched this super purple light missile several hundred kilometers away from the alien spacecraft.

Of course, the detection devices on the alien spacecraft are also very advanced. They had already discovered that the spacecraft they were driving was chasing after Zhao Zhongyao. However, they didn't care at all, and felt that there was no need to escape. Even if Zhao Zhongyao's spaceship caught up with them, there was nothing they could do.

Now, the super purple light missile that Zhao Zhongyao and the others launched, carrying an antimatter bomb equivalent to hundreds of medium-sized hydrogen bombs, flew to the alien mothership.

Of course, the alien mothership soon discovered the heavy purple light missile that flew out of the supership.

However, the aliens felt that this was an ordinary purple light missile, just bigger. At most, it is a purple light missile carrying a hydrogen bomb warhead.

Thinking of this, the aliens made a stupid decision, and also launched a purple light missile to intercept this purple light missile.

And Zhao Zhongyao also knew that the alien enemy would definitely do this, and he also asked the aliens to quickly launch a purple light missile to destroy their purple light missile.

Sure enough, the aliens didn't know the power of this super purple light missile at all, and immediately launched a purple light missile, which flew towards Zhao Zhongyao and the others.

Two purple light missiles collided within a few hundred kilometers of the alien spacecraft.

When the two purple light missiles collided, they immediately detonated the antimatter bomb inside the purple light missile launched by the Earthlings.

When the aliens just saw that the purple light missiles they launched successfully intercepted the purple light missiles launched by the earthlings, they were still very happy, feeling that they had successfully defeated the earthlings' attack this time.

However, when they saw the huge explosion power generated by the collision of the two missiles, they were immediately dumbfounded.

The aliens know very well what kind of weapon an antimatter bomb is, and also know what kind of scene an antimatter bomb detonates. They just detonated an antimatter bomb.

Now, as soon as I saw two purple light missiles collide, there was a strong explosion, just like the detonation of an antimatter bomb, and I immediately understood something.

However, no matter what, this antimatter bomb has already detonated, and it is too late for the aliens to escape.

And this antimatter bomb is hundreds of kilometers away from Zhao Zhongyao's super spacecraft. Originally, the alien spaceship was only a thousand kilometers away from Zhao Zhongyao's spaceship.

Just now Zhao Zhongyao and the others chased for a while, and now they are hundreds of kilometers away from the alien spaceship.

And after the explosion of the antimatter bomb, the distance of several hundred kilometers is a very dangerous distance. No matter how sturdy the alien spaceship is, it cannot resist the strong shock wave generated by the explosion of the antimatter bomb.

However, this time Zhao Zhongyao came prepared, and with the experience of the last time, he certainly didn't have to worry that the antimatter weapon he fired would hurt his spaceship.

When Zhao Zhongyao saw that the alien enemy also launched a purple light missile and detonated their purple light missile, he immediately turned on the first-level purple light space protection device on the supership.

Soon, the supership was enveloped by a purple ball of light again. In this way, the spacecraft is very complete in this huge purple light ball, and can be safe and sound in the face of the huge shock wave of the antimatter bomb.

'Haha, also let the aliens taste our big killer. ’

Zhao Zhongyao smiled proudly when he thought of what happened to him just now.

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