Super Military Scientist

Chapter 265: Atomic Missile (8)

Because the atomic reactor can generate extremely high temperatures, when this kind of engine is ignited in the missile, it will produce great propulsion. The thrust produced by ordinary liquid propulsion is much greater!

Zhao Zhongyao told Zhao Zhongyao about how his atomic reactor works. When Zhao Zhongyao listened, he had a little understanding. However, he can still know from Zhao Zhongyao's explanation that the speed of the atomic missile they will develop next is very fast, and it can completely catch up with the enemy's high-altitude reconnaissance plane!

"Okay, Zhongyao! You don't need to explain it anymore. Just listen to you. The speed of this atomic missile is very fast! But this is only theoretically like this! If the live ammunition is not made, you should not Boasting Haikou, I still don’t believe it! What you said is mysterious and mysterious, I don’t know if you can produce this kind of weapon!"

Yan Mingcheng heard what Zhao Zhongyao said, but he still didn't believe it! I feel that Zhao Zhongyao is just talking on paper.

"Yeah! Just tell you, you won't believe it. Well, you can go back. I want to produce this new type of air defense missile within a month. Then, you can talk to Director Liu Chief Yang will verify it together."

Zhao Zhongyao also knows that just talking about not practicing is fake. How about the atomic missile he designed? You have to produce it and conduct a test launch to find out!

"Okay, Zhongyao, you can slowly develop your atomic missile! I'll go back first." Yan Mingcheng chatted with Zhao Zhongyao again, and drove back to his army.

After Yan Mingcheng was sent away, Zhao Zhongyao began to design his atomic missile drawings again.

Although he has already designed the most anxious core engine, he has not designed the entire missile drawing yet! So he put the drawings of the atomic furnace aside and began to design the drawings of the entire atomic missile.

With the most core engine drawings, it is much easier to design the appearance drawings of the entire missile.

It took Zhao Zhongyao another day to design the appearance drawings of the entire atomic missile.

After he had designed the drawings of the entire atomic missile, he took these drawings to find Director Wu.

After all, if he wants to produce an advanced weapon, he has to discuss it with Director Wu!

Zhao Zhongyao took the drawing and came to Wu Qingshan's office.

Wu Qingshan saw that Zhao Zhongyao was here, and he looked at Zhao Zhongyao politely and said, "It's Director Zhao! Why, have you designed a new missile!"

Of course Wu Qingshan also knew that Zhao Zhongyao had to design a new missile recently. Because the previous missiles did not destroy the enemy’s newly developed high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft! This makes the leaders of the equipment department very angry! Zhao Zhongyao is ordered to develop a new type of air defense missile immediately!

"Yeah! Director Wu, there is no way! Catch the ducks on the shelves! Last time, the anti-aircraft missile I developed did not destroy the enemy's new high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, but lost an anti-aircraft missile in vain. Ah! The superiors have criticized me! Ask me to quickly regenerate a more advanced air defense missile!

There is no way, I can only work day and night, and then I have developed a new type of air defense missile! I call him an atomic missile, come and see! "

Zhao Zhongyao said, and put the drawing in front of Wu Qingshan.

Wu Qingshan picked up the reading glasses, put them on, and then carefully checked the drawings of the new air defense missile designed by Zhao Zhongyao.

"Hey! Director Zhao, how come the air defense missile you designed this time is smaller than the one you designed last time!"

Wu Qingshan, originally thought, if Zhao Zhongyao designs a new type of air defense missile, it must be bigger than the previous design!

In Wu Qingshan's feelings, he felt that only a larger missile could fly faster and farther!

"Director Wu! Don’t look at it. The missile I designed this time is smaller, but its power is more powerful than before. Not only can it fly high, it can fly very fast, and it can last for a long time. Flying, if it wants to fly, it can go around the earth without a problem."

Zhao Zhongyao knew that the biggest feature of the atomic reactor missile he designed this time is that it can fly continuously for a long time.

Just like before, he designed the landlord tank and the small antelope helicopter. Because it uses the most space-saving nuclear energy. Therefore, this kind of nuclear-powered engine can work continuously for a month without any problem as long as the fuel is added once!

"What are you talking about, this kind of missile can go around the earth once. Director Zhao, are you kidding me? How is this possible!"

After hearing what Zhao Zhongyao said, Mr. Wu shook his head. He didn't believe that this kind of missile could fly in the sky for a month. This is something ordinary people can't imagine!

"I know that Director Wu will not believe it. Actually, even I don’t believe it very much! But theoretically, that’s it. Only when this missile is produced and a test fire is carried out, I know Is this theoretical continuous flight completely possible to become a reality."

Although Zhao Zhongyao designed this kind of atomic missile, how about this kind of missile. After the development, is it really the same as the flight parameters he designed? It's hard to say!

Everything has to wait until he produces this kind of missile and conducts a test launch before he can finally know the answer!

"Okay, let's start producing this kind of missile!" After Wu Qingshan read Zhao Zhongyao's design drawings, he began to discuss with Zhao Zhongyao how to produce this unique atomic missile in the world.

This kind of missile, from a theoretical point of view, does not seem to be difficult to produce. It is only necessary to produce a small atomic reactor.

All the key technology of this kind of missile lies in this small atomic reactor. As long as this gadget is produced, then a casing for the device and a set of guidance systems are produced, and it is considered complete.

Since they had already produced a type of air defense missile before, they naturally already had a production experience for the guidance system of the missile. This time, I became more skilled in production.

But the most critical thing about this atomic missile, that is, the atomic reactor, is more difficult.

Not only difficult. More importantly, this is a very dangerous job! Because the production of this thing requires the use of extremely radioactive heavy metal elements-uranium. Therefore, how to produce this kind of nuclear power engine has become a production safety problem that Zhao Zhongyao needs to solve!

Fortunately, Zhao Zhongyao is a nuclear physicist himself, and he is very experienced in how to effectively prevent radioactive elements.

He knew that the first radiation-proof clothing made by people was mainly a heavy-weight clothing made of lead fiber and an organic compound—polyvinyl chloride.

This kind of clothing can prevent atomic radiation, especially natural radioactive radiation of uranium element, and has a good attraction and protection effect.

Because lead is the nemesis of uranium. Lead element can attract a large amount of particle streams released by uranium element and can prevent nuclear leakage.

Therefore, when people use uranium, they generally use lead boxes to contain this extremely radioactive substance.

In nuclear power plants, lead walls are also used as the outer leak-proof device of the atomic reactor. Because of the protection of lead, humans can use atomic energy with confidence!

As a physicist in the 21st century, Zhao Zhongyao knows some of the properties of uranium.

This time, when using this kind of atomic energy, his first consideration was safety.

The original intention of any weapon is designed to protect the country and combat aggression. This weapon. If a weapon that hasn't been designed yet hurts one's own people, then there is no need to produce this kind of weapon.

When Zhao Zhongyao designed this advanced missile, he must first consider the safety of atomic missiles!

On the outside of the atomic reactor he designed, there is a thick layer of lead as a protective device to prevent radiation.

There is also a paint coating containing lead on the shell of this missile to prevent nuclear radiation.

But these are just the protective devices of the missile itself. When it comes to production, the design of workers' protective clothing is also the scope of Zhao Zhongyao's consideration!

Since Zhao Zhongyao is a rebirth person, he already knows how humans used nuclear and radiation protective clothing to work on the parallel earth before his death. Therefore, before he produced this kind of atomic reactor, he must first Produce a special clothing that can prevent nuclear radiation!

Originally, he could also use lead and polyvinyl chloride as materials for radiation protection suits! Considering that clothing made of this material is very heavy, workers wearing them may feel very tired.

So Zhao Zhongyao intends to develop a lightweight radiation protection suit! He knew that the world had produced the second generation of radiation protection clothing before his death!

This is a kind of advanced and lightweight radiation protection clothing produced by using tantalum and PVC together!

Tantalum is a very rare heavy metal element. It hardly reacts with any substance at room temperature. Even ‘aqua regia’ can’t help it.

But at high temperatures, tantalum easily reacts with other substances. Especially alkali compounds are the nemesis of tantalum!

In addition to the above characteristics, tantalum has another characteristic that is the same as that of lead, that is, they can attract a large number of atomic radiation particle streams.

This is why tantalum can be used to make a radiation protection suit. Although they can prevent radiation, tantalum atoms are lighter than lead atoms. Therefore, clothing made of this element fiber is much lighter than clothing made of lead fiber.

People are willing to wear light-weight and good-quality clothing, rather than heavy-weight and average-quality clothing.

If Zhao Zhongyao wants to produce his atomic reactor, he must first produce such a radiation-proof clothing containing metallic tantalum!

Fortunately, Zhao Zhongyao already knew where the tantalum element was and how to extract it. So he quickly found a large amount of tantalite containing tantalum, and extracted a large amount of metallic tantalum from these tantalites.

These tantalum elements are enough for him to produce several sets of radiation protection clothing.

Fortunately, in this parallel world, there is still a large amount of pure natural radioactive element uranium with high content.

These natural uranium ore can already enable Zhao Zhongyao to produce his small atomic reactor.

It would be impossible for him to develop his new type of atomic missile without the high-content natural uranium ore he had previously discovered on Mushroom Island!

Because the content of natural uranium rods is too low, the chain reaction of uranium atoms cannot be started. If this chain reaction cannot be started, then atomic energy cannot be used at all.

Fortunately, there is a high content of natural uranium in a small island called Mushroom Island on the east coast of China.

The natural uranium ore of this uranium mine can meet the needs of starting the atomic energy chain reaction. Zhao Zhongyao can directly use this natural uranium ore without refining and processing this uranium ore.

If there is no such high-content uranium ore, the process of lightly purifying high-content pure uranium is something that Zhao Zhongyao cannot do in a short time.

As a nuclear physicist, Zhao Zhongyao is very clear about some of the characteristics of uranium. In the earth's crust, the content of uranium is extremely small. It's about 2.5 parts per million. And the uranium 235 that humans can use, this isotope of uranium, only accounts for about 0.7% of the entire uranium element.

Therefore, it is not easy to discover the use of uranium. In particular, uranium enrichment technology can be said to be a standard for testing that a country's science and technology is very advanced!

There are more than 200 countries in the world, and there are only a handful of countries that can master this technology!

As a famous nuclear physicist, Zhao Zhongyao also knows this uranium enrichment technology. He can do this too.

But he knows better that oil concentration is a high-tech activity, not something that can be done casually.

Compared with the atomic missiles currently developed, it may be necessary to enrich uranium, which is much more difficult than the development of such atomic missiles!

Fortunately, Zhao Zhongyao had obtained these high-content uranium ore before. Otherwise, the process of uranium enrichment alone would have prevented him from developing such high-tech weapons.

After Zhao Zhongyao discussed with Director Wu, he first asked Director Wu to take the workers to produce the metal shell of the atomic missile.

And he has to work overtime, and then design a set of radiation-proof clothing woven from tantalum and polyvinyl chloride synthetic fibers!

Fortunately, for Zhao Zhongyao, all these are technologies he knew before his death. Now that he is developing it, he has a feeling of being familiar with the road! He quickly developed this kind of anti-atom radiation clothing containing tantalum and polyvinyl chloride.

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