Super Military Scientist

Chapter 299: The sword is unsheathed (3)

Zhao Zhongyao looked at Yan Mingcheng and smiled and said, "What is this! My ability is just because I know the equipment under my hands very well! If I don't even use the equipment I develop, then It's a ghost!"

"Okay, Zhongyao! This time the rocket single-shot live ammunition fired, your battalion gave me a long face! Only this exercise, our highlight is not the single-shot shooting performance of your rocket battalion! There are more important tasks ahead!"

Yan Mingcheng knew that no matter how superior the rocket battalion was in a single rocket firing this time, it couldn't represent that their Jianghai Armored Division had achieved good results in this exercise!

There are more important exercise tasks below! Because the focus of this exercise is to test the interception capability of the atomic missile developed by Zhao Zhongyao! Look at the atomic missiles, can they intercept the ordinary missiles they produced before, that is, the S-300 missiles developed by Zhao Zhongyao before!

The live firing mission of ordinary artillery shells carried out before this was nothing at all. It's just an exhibition match.

"Old Yan! You mean, I have just developed an atomic missile. This task does not matter! Although the internal structure of the atomic missile is complicated, it can be launched. Relatively speaking, it is simpler than a rocket!

Because the atomic missile flies to the target by itself, some important firing data has been input into the missile's control system before.

To launch now, just modify some temporary data parameters. Everything is the missile itself looking for a target!

I think my atomic missile can definitely hit the target! It must have a much higher hit rate than the rocket I developed! "

Zhao Zhongyao is very confident about the hit rate of the atomic missile he developed. Although no missile interception experiment has been conducted before, this time he felt that there was no problem at all.

"Zhongyao! If you say this, I will be relieved! This exercise is not trivial! Not only the superior leaders, but also our enemies are watching us not far away!

If there are some problems in the shooting process of ordinary artillery shells, it is understandable, and the enemy may not even know.

But how dynamic is the atomic missile intercepting the S-300 missile! It can be seen from dozens of kilometers away!

If our exercise is successful this time, it will naturally be a happy thing for everyone! It can be said to have raised the might of the country and the military!

But if the interception is not successful, it will be a joke! Not only you and I will be ashamed, but our superiors must also be ashamed. It can be said that our entire country will make the enemy laugh because of the failed missile interception and shooting this time!

So, this time the missile interception experiment is really too important, we can't make a mistake at all! This time, it can only succeed but not fail! "

Yan Mingcheng is fully aware of the importance of this missile interception experiment, so in his chat with Zhao Zhongyao, he no longer talked about the previous rocket shooting, but immediately moved the topic to this exercise. The highlight is now.

"Old Yan! Don't worry! As long as the enemy does not destroy us, then our exercise will be successful! I don't know anything else, but I know too much about the equipment I developed. They all Like my children, I know their temperament and personality. I also know their abilities. This time the missile interception experiment will be successful. Let's wait for a good show!"

Zhao Zhongyao was very confident. He had already accomplished this rocket shooting mission very well. He is naturally very confident about the main event to be carried out below.

"Zhongyao! With these words from you, I'm relieved! Okay, then, you have a rest. It is possible to conduct a missile interception experiment tomorrow! At that time, you will have to launch it yourself. An atomic missile!"

According to the plan of the superior, after the live ammunition mission is carried out, the highlight of this exercise will begin.

Now the whole division’s live fire mission has been completed. Then it is possible to conduct an atomic missile interception experiment tomorrow. Yan Mingcheng has to come and talk to Zhao Zhongyao about this extremely important matter first!

"Old Yan! Go back and rest too! Tomorrow, we can go to the atomic missile shooting range together. Everything depends on my performance. You don't have to worry about anything."

Zhao Zhongyao now feels full of power. Although he has just finished the live ammunition shooting mission, he does not feel tired at all. Just want to continue to invest in new battles!

On the second day, he also got up early, waiting for Yan Mingcheng to inform him that he should go to the launch site of the atomic missile!

But he waited left and right, and Yan Mingcheng didn't see him coming. After waiting for a day, Yan Mingcheng did not inform him.

This made Zhao Zhongyao very puzzled, he thought, what is going on! Didn’t it mean that after conducting a live fire mission, an atomic missile interception experiment will be conducted! Why hasn't there been any movement after waiting for a day!

But Zhao Zhongyao had nothing to do with this matter, he could only continue to wait. Everything must obey the arrangements of the superiors! He is a small battalion commander, so what can he decide?

Until the next morning, Yan Mingcheng came back to Zhao Zhongyao's command post.

"Old Yan! What's the matter? You didn't mean that after we had carried out the live ammunition firing mission, we were about to start the atomic missile firing mission! Why there was no movement for a day! Where did you go yesterday."

As soon as Zhao Zhongyao saw Yan Mingcheng, he felt that his anger would not come out, and he wanted to get angry with Yan Mingcheng!

"Zhongyao! What's your fire! Yesterday, I didn't come to inform you, is there a reason naturally! Why are you in a hurry!" Yan Mingcheng was not angry, he slowly sat down to Zhao Zhongyao's In front of a temporary desk.

"Old Yan! Didn't you say that after we carried out the live ammunition firing mission, we will soon carry out the atomic missile interception experiment! Why, I waited for you for a day yesterday, and you did not notify me!"

Zhao Zhongyao was still a little unhappy. He came to Yan Mingcheng with a condescending look, looking at Yan Mingcheng.

"Zhongyao! I'm sorry, this time the atomic missile interception experiment, I'm afraid it will be cancelled!" Yan Mingcheng tapped his fingers on the table, looking impatient.

"What are you talking about? This time the atomic missile interception experiment is about to be cancelled. What are you kidding about, how is this possible! This is the highlight of this exercise! How could it be cancelled!"

When Zhao Zhongyao heard Yan Mingcheng's words, he was very surprised, which was beyond his expectation. To say that the previous live ammunition firing mission was cancelled, it also makes sense, how could the missile interception experiment be cancelled! This exercise was originally intended to conduct missile interception experiments! This is the most important thing! How could it be cancelled!

"Zhongyao! There is a saying that the plan can't keep up with the changes! Now the surrounding situation has changed again!" Yan Mingcheng seems to have known the inside story, he looked at Zhao Zhongyao and looked a little helpless.

"What's wrong, what's going on with the superiors, do you know everything!" Zhao Zhongyao looked at Yan Mingcheng angrily and said.

"What's the situation? It's not a good situation! It may really make you guess right. There has been movement on the enemy side!"

Yan Mingcheng looked at the window with some earnestness and said.

"Old Yan! What meeting did you have yesterday! Can't you tell me something!" Zhao Zhongyao was very anxious, and wanted to know where this happened again.

"That's right, I thought yesterday that the missile interception experiment might be carried out. I got up early yesterday morning and I asked the correspondent to notify you!

But as soon as I arrived at the division headquarters, I received a call from Chief of Staff Yang! He said on the phone that things have changed! Want me to go to the exercise headquarters to have a meeting!

I was surprised when I heard it, how well, what's the situation! So, I had to rush to the commander by car.

When I arrived at the headquarters, I saw that there were already several division commanders sitting in the headquarters, and they all seemed to be waiting for me!

After I arrived, Director Liu and Chief of Staff Yang also arrived at the headquarters.

At this time, Chief of Staff Yang looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, I have called you here, there is an important thing to inform you!

We originally planned to conduct an atomic missile interception experiment today! But country F, the nearest to us, seems to feel that its security is threatened. They have begun to mobilize the army to conduct a large-scale military exercise in the waters of Mushroom Island where we are!

In this way, the situation is quite crisis! If we are now conducting an atomic missile interception experiment, it will inevitably cause a war between the two countries! Because the enemy will definitely regard our missile interception experiment as a provocation to their homeland security!

At that time, I am afraid that this exercise will soon turn into a war! In any case, our country’s army is based on safeguarding national security. We have an army, but we don’t want to fight at all. Like many peace-loving countries in the world, we like peace. There is no need for war. We will not take the initiative to use force at the time.

Therefore, our superiors felt that if our missile interception experiment triggered a war between the two countries this time, it would not be worth it. This is not the result that the people of our country hope to see!

After careful consideration of this, the superior leaders decided to cancel this missile interception experiment. Only some simple tactical training would be enough, and all live ammunition firing missions would also be cancelled.

This is the purpose I want to convene for the meeting. I hope that when you return, you will convey the spirit of the superiors to every officer and soldier, and ask them to coordinate with the work arrangements of the superiors, and complete the task of this exercise. "

Chief of Staff Yang looked at everyone and conveyed the meaning of the superiors, asking everyone to have a psychological preparation. This time the mission of the exercise will change again.

After Chief of Staff Yang finished speaking, Director Liu also said a few words.

Since Director Liu said the same thing as Chief of Staff Yang, he did not say it in that detail, but only said one point. Of course, it was the issue of the recently successfully developed atomic missile.

This time the exercise mission was originally intended to conduct an interception experiment of this type of missile, but now this highlight has been cancelled. I really don’t know what this missile force should do next!

In this regard, Director Liu looked at Yan Mingcheng and said: "I won't say much about other things. Chief of Staff Yang has already said it. I only need to talk about the interception experiment of atomic missiles.

This time the missile interception experiment was forced to cancel, but the training of our missile force will continue as usual!

Although the actual interception experiment cannot be carried out, can we also conduct a simulated missile interception experiment!

I hope that the Jianghai Armored Division will not let the soldiers conduct training because the missile interception experiment has been cancelled this time, just waiting to return to the station!

However, if we do not conduct missile interception experiments, how we should train and how we should train. Our weapons and equipment are like human beings. We must exercise regularly to live a healthy and long life!

Okay, I won’t say much about anything else. After Yan Mingcheng returns, he will tell Zhao Zhongyao about this, so that he can also participate in the missile interception simulation experiment. It is best to let him design some training subjects himself. , Let everyone do some simulated shooting training at the launch site.

Although it is a simulated shooting, we are now in the East China Sea. The terrain is the same as the actual combat. Compared with the simulation experiment conducted at the station, the terrain of this mushroom island is more suitable!

Yan Mingcheng, after you go back, you will start training immediately. Now the time for exercises is precious! "

Director Liu didn't say anything to the other division commanders. The important thing he said was about atomic missiles. Naturally, he could only talk to Yan Mingcheng, because other divisions did not have such newest weapons!

"Yes! I will definitely continue to train the soldiers, and I will communicate with Zhao Zhongyao, and then design some training subjects."

As a division commander, Yan Mingcheng certainly can't have any objections to the arrangements of the superiors. He only has the instinct to obey all orders.

Later, some leaders of the exercise headquarters held meetings with Yan Mingcheng and several other division commanders to study and analyze the current exercise situation.

In this way, this will have been open for one day! In the end, it was decided not to conduct atomic missile interception experiments for the time being.

When Yan Mingcheng returned to his temporary division exercise command post, it was already dark. Therefore, he did not go to Zhao Zhongyao that day, and did not go to see Zhao Zhongyao until the next day. Talked about his meeting yesterday.

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