Super Military Scientist

Chapter 436: New regulations

Therefore, we are now sailing against the current. Whether we want to be a piece of autumn leaves dancing in the wind, drift with the flow, or be a solid ship, sailing through the wind and waves to the other shore of success, it all depends on how we grasp it.

At this critical moment, I really don't want to see that our base has been squeezed across by others in this competition. I want it to overcome everything and win the dawn of victory.

Precisely because this time the task of designing and producing a new gun is very arduous and very important. I hope everyone sitting here will pay attention to it. The reason why I set such serious rules at this time is just to ensure that we can successfully develop and produce new guns.

The regulations can also be changed. As long as we all unite to complete the production tasks this time, and let the new guns we develop have achieved good results at the light weapons exhibition in Country M, then we can relax our life discipline appropriately in the future.

I made such a serious rule, not to say, it will always be like this in the future. This serious regulation of mine is just a new regulation made temporarily for this research task. After our new gun is produced, and after it has been affirmed and praised by the superiors, I will cancel this rule.

However, don’t think about this provision as a temporary provision, so you don’t pay attention to it. If you think that way, you will suffer.

I am here to review it again. If anyone dares to hit the gun, it will not be others, but you.

This rule can be regarded as a rule that I have issued from now on. Before, whether you violated such a rule or not, I would not care about it with you. Anyway, let him pass it!

However, from now on, everything must be implemented in accordance with the new regulations. Anyone who violates it again will be embarrassed and will be severely punished.

Okay, I won't say much about anything else. Let two old experts say something about how to produce a new gun! "

After Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking, he asked the two old guys to say a few words.

Two old guys, this time also sat on the podium with Zhao Zhongyao. They are no longer sitting down and listening to the leader's verbose, and they themselves have to be verbose at the meeting!

After hearing what Zhao Zhongyao said, Chen Dongshan looked at Zhang Lianying next to him and said, "Hey, Lao Zhang, you should say something!"

"No, I don't know how to talk, you should come!"

Regardless of Zhang Lianying's ability to speak well, but when he was really asked to speak at the meeting, he was a little embarrassed.

"Why don't you speak, don't you usually talk a lot!" Chen Dongshan didn't want to speak in public, so he wanted Zhang Lianying to speak.

"Hey, Old Chen, you are older than me, so let this opportunity go to you!" Zhang Lianying was unwilling to speak, so he pushed the matter to Chen Dongshan.

Chen Dongshan thought, how could this work? Zhang Lianying was responsible for the new guns developed this time. He was just a bomb expert, so it was a bit reluctant to let himself talk about guns. Let Zhang Lianying speak for himself!

Thinking of this, Chen Dongshan looked at Zhang Lianying again and said, "Old Zhang, how can you say that, this time you are responsible for developing new guns. Are you a gun designer! Although I am older than you, Now that I am your assistant, this opportunity, should it be your main force to speak! How can my assistant steal your limelight."

Chen Dongshan still didn't want to speak, he also gave another reason.

Zhang Lianying listened, so he nodded and agreed. Because he has nothing to refute Chen Dongshan. After all, he is just his assistant. Now he has to explain some knowledge about the development of firearms. Of course, he has to be a firearms expert to explain.

"Okay, let me say a few words!" Zhang Lianying heard Chen Dongshan's words, he had no choice but to pick up the microphone. He blew twice first to see if the microphone was normal.

"Ahem! Okay! Let me say a few words." Zhang Lianying looked at everyone, cleared his throat, and then began to speak.

"Comrades, Director Zhao has already talked a lot just now, mainly about some of the rules and regulations for our production of new guns this time. Director Zhao said very well about this matter. At this critical moment, everyone must work hard. , Put all your thoughts on your work, and don’t quarrel with your colleagues because of a small matter. This will affect the overall situation.

Regarding the work system, I am not talking about it. I just want to talk about this new gun I designed. I named it Z-308 assault rifle. Z is my last name. 308 is the code name of our base. I named it this way, and everyone should understand that the code name of this gun means that it is a new assault rifle designed and produced by Zhang Lianying at our 308 base.

Regarding the assault rifle, I want to say a few words.

In fact, before, our troops were equipped with ordinary rifles, that is, rifles for individual soldiers. There is still a big difference between ordinary rifles and assault rifles.

Ordinary rifles are only semi-automatic rifles, while assault rifles are fully automatic rifles. The assault rifle is a rifle between ordinary rifles and submachine guns. It is smaller than a submachine gun, but it has the capabilities of a submachine gun. Although it is about the same size as an ordinary rifle, it is far more powerful than an ordinary rifle.

There is an important part in the assault rifle, which is a gyration locking device. Because of this device, the assault rifle can achieve continuous shooting.

However, this device requires that we must strictly follow the dimensions on the design drawing when we produce it, and there should be no difference.

There is a saying, ‘A little difference is a thousand miles away. ’This statement is more appropriate when used in the production of assault rifles. If you are producing these small parts, even if it is an error of one millimeter, you may completely scrap a part, or even scrap a new gun.

Therefore, when we develop and produce this assault rifle, we must be serious and serious. All parts must be produced in strict accordance with the size. Don't take it for granted. It feels like that. I just produce it casually. It will only waste materials and strength. , And the parts produced must be unqualified.

In short, we must be serious and serious, and cannot produce the new gun I designed like a normal rifle.

Although you are all old employees, you have produced many kinds of guns. But this assault rifle can be said to be a brand new gun, and none of our previous military bases have produced it. It is also the most advanced light weapon in the world. Although you are old employees, you may encounter some new problems in the production process.

I hope you don’t think that you are a veteran worker, so you don’t take this new gun that I designed to your heart. It feels the same as a normal gun in production, just pick it up.

If you think so, then you are wrong. The new gun I designed is definitely different from the previous rifle. The previous technologies you have may not come in handy!

Therefore, before producing this new gun, I will tell you that you don’t want to eat your old books. You must study the drawings carefully and see all the parts on it. Don’t just take a look and start using the lathe. Up.

Here, I want to tell you some of the veteran technicians, but you are leading the workers in the production of guns, and you basically look at the drawings.

You must see clearly. If you don’t understand, you can ask expert Chen and me. Don’t pretend to understand. Just look at it and start ordering the workers to use a lathe to work. In that case, it is bound to cause waste of raw materials!

As you know, the steel used to produce guns is a special alloy steel. The cost of this steel is very expensive. Don't treat these valuable raw materials as ordinary steel, use as much as you want, it will cause great waste.

Okay, I will say so much about production. I hope that the majority of employees sitting here will be mentally prepared. You must put yourself in the position of a new employee to work. If you don't understand, you should ask others for advice, or you can come to me and Chen experts.

Well, I won't say much, let Expert Chen also say a few words. "

After Zhang Lianying finished speaking, he put the microphone in front of Chen Dongshan again.

When Chen Dongshan saw it, he felt a little unhappy. He originally wanted Zhang Lianying to say it, so he stopped letting him say it. After all, is he just Zhang Lianying's assistant! The designer has said so, what else does his assistant have to say.

But Zhang Lianying had put the microphone in front of him, and he couldn't say: "I won't say, I can't say anything."

There was no way, Chen Dongshan gave Zhang Lianying a fierce look, and then reluctantly picked up the microphone.

Like Zhang Lianying, he first blew into the microphone twice, then coughed twice, and started talking.

"Expert Zhang has said a lot just now. I'm just a bomb expert. I may not know much about firearms. If you want me to talk about some professional knowledge, I am afraid I can't say it.

However, expert Zhang and I are good friends. I have been with him for so many years, and I have learned a few things about gun design.

This assault rifle is indeed very powerful. As long as we produce it, it may be well received at the light weapons exhibition in M ​​country. If military personnel from other countries are interested in our light weapons-assault rifles, then they may order our weapons, our base will also have orders, and we will have jobs. In the future, life and Work is guaranteed.

Therefore, everyone must pay attention to this production task and use their best efforts to produce new guns quickly and well.

Okay, I'm not good at words, so I just said so much. Let Director Zhao say a few more words! "

Chen Dongshan didn't talk very much, especially when he was in front of everyone, he was also a little nervous, and didn't know what to say for a while, but he said it again after talking to Zhao Zhongyao and Zhang Lianying.

When Zhao Zhongyao saw that the two experts had finished speaking, he took the microphone and said to everyone: "The two experts have also said this time. This time the production of new guns is different from before. It is a brand new one. The weapon, a powerful assault rifle.

If this kind of gun is produced, it is possible to eliminate our previous ordinary rifles. In the future, the soldiers of the army can use this extremely powerful light weapon, which can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of our infantry unit.

Okay, I won't say much, let's end this meeting today! After going back, everyone prepare for tomorrow's work! If you have any questions, you can ask me, or you can ask two old experts.

I won’t say much about anything else. Starting from tomorrow, I will work with everyone every day. I will carefully check the first step of producing guns. Hope, you guys don't let me find the problem.

Several technicians, after going down, you can discuss with the two experts to study the design drawings of the new gun first. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask them early.

Okay, that's it, this mobilization meeting will end here, let's end the meeting! "

After Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking, he let everyone adjourn.

Everyone walked out of the meeting room one after another.

Zhao Zhongyao also returned to his office.

As soon as he returned to the office, he saw Zhao Qianqian staying in his office. There seemed to be some injuries on the face. I don't know how it happened.

During the meeting just now, Zhao Zhongyao did not pay attention either. It turned out that Zhao Qianqian did not attend the meeting at all.

When Zhao Zhongyao saw Zhao Qianqian, he became a little angry, thinking, why would she not attend the meeting! She came to convey my order for the meeting, but in the end, she did not attend the meeting.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhongyao looked at Zhao Qianqian with a very stern look and asked: "Zhao Qianqian! Why didn't you attend the meeting?"

Zhao Qianqian raised her eyes and glanced at Zhao Zhongyao and said, "I---I have a wound on my face and I don't want others to see it."

"Oh, how did it happen." Zhao Zhongyao was still strange. When he was in a meeting just now, he wondered if Zhao Qianqian was sitting there too! Now when he returned to the office, he knew that she had not attended the meeting at all.

"Accidentally, I walked and fell over."

Of course, Zhao Qianqian couldn't say that it was caused by her own fight, so she said that she fell and bumped on foot.

"Where we walked and fell and bumped, wherever our building is full of concrete, it is not quite flat, how could it be possible to fall? Adults, you can't walk and fall anyway!"

When Zhao Zhongyao heard what Zhao Qianqian said, he was very puzzled, how could an adult walk and fall casually.

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