Super Military Scientist

Chapter 618: This base is very important

Chapter 639 This base is very important

After speaking, Liu Tianming went to a flowerbed to see what kind of flowers were planted inside. Zhao Zhongyao saw it and walked over.

Liu Tianming walked to the flower bed, glanced into the flower bed casually, then looked at Zhao Zhongyao and said: "What kind of flowers are planted in it. Why, at this time, it seems to be blooming. So many flower bones."

Zhao Zhongyao casually glanced at the flowers in the flower bed and said: "This is a kind of camellia, which usually blooms in winter. When the temperature is about 10 degrees, this kind of flower will bloom. Generally speaking, the camellia is a kind of camellia. Plants that are more hardy, if the temperature is too high, they may wither.

Therefore, camellia is a plant that prefers winter. This kind of plant usually opens in winter! Even when it is snowing, this kind of flower may bloom! "

After listening to Zhao Zhongyao's words, Liu Tianming felt that he also gained a lot of knowledge. He looked at Zhao Zhongyao and said, "So, you know a lot about flowers!" After hearing Liu Tianming's words, Zhao Zhongyao said, "No, I don't know much about this knowledge. Not much. It’s just this kind of camellia, and this kind of flower is also found in our hometown, so I just learned some knowledge about this."

Liu Tianming listened to Zhao Zhongyao’s words and looked at him again and said: “This kind of flower is amazing! Normal flowers don’t like winter! They only like spring and summer. Now it seems that this kind of camellia is very powerful. He actually likes winter!

This can give us some inspiration! We humans should learn from this kind of camellia! To learn from their spirit of working hard without fear of the cold! If we are all like this kind of camellia, then we are not afraid of the greatest difficulties we encounter! "

After hearing Liu Tianming's words, Zhao Zhongyao quickly took the lead and clapped. When other people saw Zhao Zhongyao applauding, they applauded.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!------" Everyone on the scene applauded Liu Tianming!

Liu Tianming saw that everyone was applauding him, but he was a little embarrassed!

"Okay, okay, don't applaud. I just felt it." After hearing Liu Tianming's words, everyone stopped applause.

"Okay, your sanitation area is doing well. Okay, it's almost noon now, and the inspection of sanitation should be over. Next, let's take a look at the conference room!"

As Liu Tianming said, he just left. After listening to Liu Tianming's words, everyone followed him back to the conference room.

The meeting room is on the first floor. Soon everyone was in the meeting room together.

After Liu Tianming arrived in the meeting room, he also checked the sanitary condition of the meeting room. I feel that the sanitation of this conference room is still very good. It can be said to be bright and clean!

After Liu Tianming checked the hygiene of the conference room, he walked to the rostrum and sat in the middle position. Some other leaders just sit in the side positions.

Zhao Zhongyao and Qin Dachuan, as well as some leading cadres from Base 308, were sitting close to the rostrum.

When everyone sat down, Liu Tianming looked at everyone and said: "Okay, today I am here, your 308 military industrial base, first check the environmental sanitation of your base. My general feeling is that the environmental sanitation here is Still very good. Relatively speaking, the environmental sanitation of your 308 base is better than the environmental sanitation of other bases! The environmental sanitation of other bases is just not so good!

Although the environmental sanitation of your 308 base is okay. But there are also some problems. Although these problems are only the problems of a very small number of individuals, they have also revealed that there are some management loopholes in the management of your 308 base. In other words, your top leaders here are still not doing enough in the management of some leading cadres. Some leading cadres are not serious in their work, and even their own offices are not cleaned well. Such leading cadres are indeed a bit dereliction of duty. Too!

When it comes to this, everyone will be a little dissatisfied, especially the leading cadres who were criticized by me just now. They will definitely think, isn't it just cleaning up? What's so important about this! It's not about producing military weapons! What's the point of this environmental sanitation?

Here, I want to quote an ancient saying. I feel that what the ancients said is very reasonable. I think all of us have also heard the saying, "How can you sweep the world without sweeping a house?" This sentence is so good, if you are not even willing to clean the small house you live in, then how can you be willing to clean the big house in the world!

This sentence is very reasonable. We are sitting with some leading cadres. Our job is to manage our subordinates well, to make all of our subordinates work well, and to do all the work well. The leading cadres we are sitting here just want to set an example before their hands! Regardless of whether it is in life or at work, you must act by yourself!

But some leading cadres in our base are not doing well in this aspect! We are not even willing to clean up the hygiene of our own working environment, so how can you clean up the working environment of others, and how can you care about the living environment of employees!

Here, I don’t want to criticize certain people by name. But what I want to say is that since I checked the environmental sanitation this time, everyone has to think about it. Why should I pay such attention to our environmental hygiene!

Everyone must be thinking now, this is a place where we produce military weapons, but not a place where food is produced. Why should we care about the working environment here?

Here, I want to say, why should I pay so much attention to our environmental hygiene! First of all, I attach great importance to our environmental hygiene, that is, to give everyone a clean environment, which is beneficial to our health!

Everyone knows that the environment of our workshop is not very good, not only is there a lot of oil, but also some dust. If we do not improve the environmental sanitation, it will be detrimental to the health of our employees!

Secondly, what I want to say is that our improved environmental sanitation is also very helpful for us to produce weapons. The weapons we produce are not simple cold weapons. We are now living in an era of ‘hot weapons’ dominated by gunpowder.

All the guns in our lives, whether it is the AK-47 assault rifle that is now being produced, or the sniper rifle that is about to be produced. This can be regarded as a sophisticated weapon. These weapons of ours are requirements, and the various parts must be perfectly matched. If a certain part cannot be matched with the other part, then we will not be able to produce qualified gun products!

Finally, what I want to say is that I attach so much importance to environmental hygiene, that is what we need to build a first-class enterprise. We know that any formal enterprise attaches great importance to environmental hygiene.

The environmental hygiene of this company is like a person's mental outlook. If a person is dressed very neatly, he will naturally be liked. If a person wears something sloppy, that is naturally undesirable.

The same is true for a company. If a company is very clean and tidy when people come to the workshop, it will naturally make some customers like it. If you let the customer see it and feel that the workshop is messy, there must be no rules, and the whole thing is like a garbage dump. In that case, that customer would still be willing to cooperate with such a company!

Okay, I won’t say much about anything else. Just think about it. I came to your 308 base to check the environmental sanitation. It’s not for me, but for your own lives and work!

Okay, let me say one more last. In other words, do you feel that I am a little stricter on your 308 base? Does it feel that I am too demanding of you. Here, I want to explain again. So as not to let everyone misunderstand me!

The reason why I am strict with your base. That's because your 308 military industrial base is a little different from other military industrial bases! Or it can be said that your 308 military industrial base is a special base, because your base is an experimental base of our General Armament Department.

The leader of our general equipment is planning to build your base into a benchmark base. Let your 308 base become an exemplary base for all of us to learn!

Therefore, I have strict requirements on your base, which can also be said to be a matter of reason. However, you just don't have any ideas. I ask you to do so, it is for your good! Okay, it's almost noon, I won't say much, let's let you Mr. Zhao also say a few words! "

After Liu Tianming finished speaking, he pointed to Zhao Zhongyao and asked him to say a few more words!

At this time, Zhao Zhongyao looked at everyone and said, "Comrades, Director Liu has already talked a lot, and I don’t want to talk about it anymore. What I want to say is, everyone must want to open some. For Director Liu We must bear in mind what we have just said. As for Director Liu's criticism of us just now, we must also bear in mind.

Director Liu also said just now that he is more strict with our military industrial base, which is for our good. Not to make things difficult for us on purpose. This is the care and love of others for our base!

I think everyone has heard more or less. Although our military industrial base was established relatively late, it has been established for three to four months. But our military industrial base has become an exemplary military industrial base under our General Armament Department!

The reason why superior leaders attaches so much importance to our military industrial base is because some superior leaders want our base to produce some advanced military weapons. Let the military weapons we produce become the most advanced military weapons in the country and even in the world!

It is precisely because of this that the higher-level leaders attach great importance to us and have strict requirements on us. This is not the harshness of the superiors to us, but the care and love of the superiors!

Okay, I won't say much. Wait a while, you can go to the cafeteria to eat. What I want to say is that when you are eating, you have to think about what Director Liu said just now. Don't forget what Director Liu said after eating a meal!

We just want to be a person who can think, not a person who doesn't like to use his brain. No matter what we are doing, we must first learn to think! Especially for what the leaders say, we must learn to think over and over again. Only in this way can we truly understand the intentions of the superiors!

Okay, I won't say much about anything else. It's time for lunch. After we disband, we can go to the cafeteria for dinner. "

After Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking, he looked at Liu Tianming again and said, "Director Liu, do you want to speak any more!" Liu Tianming heard what Zhao Zhongyao said, and then looked at him and smiled: "Haha! Forget it, I I have to leave a few more words to say when the meeting is held in the afternoon! If I have said it now, what shall I say at the meeting in the afternoon!"

After hearing Liu Tianming's words, Zhao Zhongyao looked at him and smiled again: "Haha! Well, since this is the case, let's go to the cafeteria for dinner first!"

After saying these things, Zhao Zhongyao looked at everyone again and said, "Okay, then let's disband first! You can go to the cafeteria for dinner right away."

After hearing what Zhao Zhongyao said, they all stood up, and then came out of the meeting room one after another. Then, they walked towards the cafeteria together.

After that, Zhao Zhongyao walked up to Liu Tianming again and said, "Director Liu, how about it, let's have lunch together!" Liu Tianming heard Zhao Zhongyao's words, and looked at him with a smile: "You guys from the base How is the food! I don’t seem to have eaten with you yet!"

Zhao Zhongyao listened to Liu Tianming's words and looked at him again and said, "How is our food, you won't know after eating." Liu Tianming heard Zhao Zhongyao's words and stood up from the rostrum. , And then walked off the podium.

Liu Tianming stepped down from the rostrum, he first came to Zhao Zhongyao, then watched him jokingly: "My leader is here, will your cafeteria deliberately make some delicious food!"

After listening to Liu Tianming, Zhao Zhongyao looked at him and smiled: "Haha, how could we do this! If this is the case, then we are bribing the leader!" When Zhao Zhongyao said this, Liu Tianming Just smiled again: "Haha, I just want you to bribe me!"

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