Super Military Scientist

Chapter 664: Bitterness

Chapter 685

After all, Qin Dachuan is still here, they just can't leave here. After all, they are all friends around Qin Dachuan. Since Qin Dachuan is still in this workshop, they naturally have to accompany him.

For Zhao Gang and Li Nansong, that is not only to accompany Qin Dachuan, they still have one important thing they have not done!

Now Qin Dachuan looks at the new steel in front of him, he is very happy. With this joy, he wanted to come and have a look. Originally, Qin Dachuan had no interest in the raw materials for these guns. When he was the deputy factory manager, he rarely visited the workshop to see the raw materials for gun production.

Although Qin Dachuan has become the director of the factory, he would not have come to this workshop if he hadn't thought about the raw materials and made himself a fortune. He only used the next order to put Zhao Gang and Li Nansong in charge, and it was enough to move these raw materials to the workshop.

But it's different now. Qin Dachuan is very interested in these raw materials. Because, in his eyes, what is stacked here is not the raw materials for gun production, but his favorite banknotes. In Qin Dachuan's eyes, these piles of raw materials are bundles of banknotes.

Now Qin Dachuan looked at the raw materials in front of him, and wanted to take a closer look. So, he walked to the piles of steel plates that had already been coded. I looked at it first, and then touched it lightly.

Qin Dachuan started to think again as he touched it. He thought, these steels are worth tens of millions. If you can replace these new types of steel with ordinary steel, you can make millions at will! At that time, if you have millions in your hands at once, it doesn't matter if you are the leader of this base. With these millions, you can eat and drink forever.

While Qin Dachuan was still dreaming, he suddenly heard someone shouting: "Director Qin, be careful! Get away!" When Qin Dachuan heard this, he was taken aback. He hasn't reacted at all, after all, he is dreaming in his brain! This sudden shout made him stunned for a while, wanting to look back to see who it was.

But before he turned his head, he felt a rushing sound above his head, and something like metal was about to roll down.

At this moment, Qin Dachuan wanted to look up and see what was going on! However, he just raised his head and hasn't seen what's going on. He just felt like he was pushed by a pair of powerful hands. After that, he just couldn't stand still, staggered, and fell to the ground.

Then, he heard a rushing sound coming. After that, he seemed to hear ‘ah! With a sound, it seemed that who was hit by something.

After Qin Dachuan fell, he was not seriously injured, and he quickly got up again. But when he got up again, he saw a scene that frightened him. He saw that in the place where he was standing, many steel bars rolled down from the well-coded steel plate as high as one person. Then, these steel bars just hit a person. This person is lying on the ground now, with a dozen steel rods on his body.

As soon as Qin Dachuan looked at the situation, he knew why he had been pushed a while ago. He knew that this person must have saved himself just now. Otherwise, it must be him who is under these steel bars now!

"This---what's going on? Brother Zhao! You---how are you!" When nothing happened, Li Nansong's voice came immediately. What happened just now was a little sudden, and everyone at the scene didn't expect it. When something like this happened suddenly, everyone was stunned.

It's just that Li Nansong reacted quickly. He saw at a glance that the man lying on the ground was Zhao Gang! It seems that Zhao just saved Qin Dachuan. Otherwise, the person lying on the ground should be Qin Dachuan!

"Brother Zhao! Brother Zhao!" Li Nansong hurried over, then picked up the steel bars from Zhao Gang and went aside.

But Qin Dachuan and Zheng Fang only reacted now, and they both walked over quickly and came to Zhao Gang's side.

"Zhao Gang, how are you, brother, are you okay!" Qin Dachuan now knows that Zhao Gang just saved him. If it weren't for Zhao Gang to push him down, then it must be him, not Zhao Gang.

Qin Dachuan immediately ran in front of Zhao Gang. He looked at Zhao Gang with a look of guilt. Zhao Gang's right shoulder seemed to be injured, and blood stains had stained his clothes red.

"Li Nansong, quickly help Zhao Gang to the infirmary." Qin Dachuan said as he looked at Li Nansong now. He saw that Zhao Gang's arm was injured, and he wanted to bandage him quickly.

At this time, Zhao Gang was slowly getting up from the ground. He moved his right arm, then looked at Qin Dachuan and said, "Director Qin, I'm fine, I just scratched a little skin."

"No, let's go and bandage it! Brother, thanks to you just now, or else I will be injured now, and I will definitely be injured very seriously." Qin Dachuan said, looking at Zhao Gang with grateful eyes.

Qin Dachuan looked at these messy steel bars on the ground, he knew that if it wasn't for Zhao Gang to rescue him just now. Then he would be hit on the head by these steel bars. If that's the case, his injuries may be serious.

"Director Qin, it's okay. You are the director, and I am your employee. I should save you." Zhao Gang said, rubbing the wound on his shoulder. "Don't say that, it's all brothers, you are righteous! You don't care about the predecessors, now you save me. I am really touched. Go, I will take you to the infirmary, if you don't take a look, brother, I'm worried! "

At this moment, Qin Dachuan couldn't help but drag Zhao Gang out of the workshop. Zhao Gang had to follow Qin Dachuan to the infirmary. Of course, Li Nansong and Zheng Fang also followed Qin Dachuan's buttocks and went to the infirmary.

When they arrived in the infirmary, there were medical staff who checked Zhao Gang's injuries. When the medical staff took off Zhao Gang's clothes and saw the wound on his shoulder, he was also relieved. Just now, these medical staff saw a blood stain on Zhao Gang's right shoulder, but he thought his arm was seriously injured!

But when they took off Zhao Gang's clothes and checked the injury, they saw that Zhao Gang suffered only a trauma, but the skin was rubbed by a steel rod. The wound was very shallow and did not hurt the muscles inside.

It's just that Qin Dachuan was still a little worried, so he looked at the young female doctor who bandaged Zhao Gang and said, "Doctor, how is my brother's injury? Is it serious?"

"Fortunately, his injury is not serious. Let's touch him a little potion and bandage it." The young female doctor said as she bandaged Zhao Gang.

Soon, she just helped Zhao Gang bandage the wound. But after she wrapped it up, she looked at Qin Dachuan in a puzzled way and said, "Director Qin, is he really your brother!" Of course, this young female doctor also knows who Qin Dachuan is. After all, he is The leader of this base is the highest leader here, and this infirmary is also under his control. Of course these doctors also knew who Qin Dachuan was.

It's just that they don't know Zhao Gang and Li Nansong. In any case, they are not a system at all. Workers like Zhao Gang and Li Nansong are well-known among the workers in the workshop, but they are not very famous in the whole factory.

Qin Dachuan glanced at the young female doctor and said with a smile: "Yes! Zhao Gang is my brother." When the female doctor heard this, she looked at Qin Dachuan in confusion and asked, "Director Qin. What did you call him just now? Is he called Zhao Gang! Your surname is Qin and his surname is Zhao, how could he be your real brother!"

At this time, Qin Dachuan glared at the young female doctor again and said: "What's wrong, the last name is different, can't you be a real brother? I tell you, my relationship with Zhao Gang is closer than a real brother. !"

This young female doctor heard Qin Dachuan's words and was a little puzzled for a while, but she didn't want to tell the truth when she saw Qin Dachuan, so he didn't want to ask more.

"Okay, you're all right, just go back and rest for two days. You got injured while working in the workshop!" The young female doctor asked Zhao Gang casually after he bandaged the wound. One sentence. After all, from the perspective of clothing, Zhao Gang is a worker in the workshop. Although this female doctor is not a worker in the workshop, after all, he has been in this base for a few months. She still knows the clothes of the workers in this workshop.

"Okay, thank you doctor!" Zhao Gang also looked at the young female doctor and expressed his gratitude. "You're welcome, this is what we should do." The female doctor also looked at Zhao Gang and smiled and said. "Go, let's go back!" Zhao Gang said at this moment, looking at Qin Dachuan and Li Nansong again.

After speaking, Zhao Gang went out alone. Qin Dachuan, Li Nansong and Zheng Fang also followed.

After getting outside, Qin Dachuan said to Zheng Fang: "Go straight back to the workshop! Ask the workers to clean up the steel bars that just fell from the workshop. Brother Zhao Gang and I went to the office to sit down. I had something to say. Tell him."

"Okay, then I'm going back to the workshop." Zheng Fang heard Qin Dachuan's words and turned and walked towards the workshop. At this moment, Qin Dachuan walked towards the office building with Zhao Gang and Li Nansong.

When he arrived in the office, Qin Dachuan asked Zhao Gang and Li Nansong to sit on the sofa by the wall. In addition, he personally poured a cup of tea for Zhao Gang.

"Brother Zhao Gang, this time, it is really thanks to you. I want to say thank you again." After Qin Dachuan arrived at his office, he thanked Zhao Gang again. After all, Zhao Gang was a great help this time. Had Zhao Gang been quick and quick, he might have gone to the hospital by now.

"Director Qin, it's okay. It's a trivial matter. Don't say anything. I haven't suffered any injuries or just scratched my skin! For a young and strong person of mine, it's not a big deal. What. You don't have to be too guilty." Zhao Gang looked at Qin Dachuan again and said.

At this time, Qin Dachuan just smiled and said: "Okay, I remember the brother’s kindness. I will repay you if I have a chance in the future." After Zhao Gang heard Qin Dachuan’s words, he quickly said: "Director Qin, Don't say that anymore. You are the director of the factory and I am an employee. Shouldn't I help you!"

"Okay, Brother Zhao Gang, tell me what happened at the time! Why did those steel bars suddenly fall from above! Why didn't those steel bars roll down suddenly if they were not placed properly." Qin Dachuan also had some lingering fears about the matter. He just couldn't understand how those steel bars would suddenly fall off the steel plates when they were placed well.

At this moment, Zhao Gang looked at Qin Dachuan and said, "It may be that the worker did not put those steel bars in place. He might not have paid attention at the time. When you walked to the steel bars, these steel bars It suddenly fell. This was purely an accident, and Director Qin didn't need to think too much."

After hearing Zhao Gang’s words, Qin Dachuan said again: “Well, it seems that this was caused by the worker who was careless. But even if he was not careful, it was because he was careless and didn’t know how to put those steel bars away. It seems that I still have to find out the worker and punish him ironically."

As soon as Qin Dachuan said this, Zhao Gang immediately said: "Manager Qin, forget it, I didn't love too much injury, and you didn't have any injuries. Why should we keep chasing this matter! It was caused by a certain worker, but he was definitely not intentional. Did he cause it at work too! Since none of them suffered too serious injuries, why bother to find out what happened? Besides, it is really necessary. It is also very difficult to check. At that time, there were a dozen workers who were working together! You said that it was the worker who didn’t put those steel bars in place! Don’t say, when we checked, none of them were there. I won’t admit it. There is another possibility that they don’t even know who didn’t put those steel bars! After all, there were several workers who placed these steel bars on it! Can you say which one? Placed it! It is possible that they all have steel bars placed on those steel plates! Are you going to punish all these ten workers!"

Of course, Zhao Gang knew what was going on, so he just didn't let Qin Dachuan investigate the matter. After all, it would be impossible to find out who was causing the trouble after the investigation. Because this is what Zhao Gang and Li Nansong did together, what good is it for you to check other workers.

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