There are three types of information currently included in the spokesperson's level, and the information currently included in the spokesperson's authority is divided into stars, moons, and suns.

It basically corresponds to Mahuateng's QQ...

The higher the authority, the more help you can get from the system. And hunting the spokesperson can quickly increase the authority level.

Because of this, the spokesperson has been opposed from all aspects...

However, there are always exceptions to everything.

The Age of Gods may hunt the Dadai, and the Dadai may hunt the Xiaodai. But apart from those lunatics who specialize in hunting down spokespersons, spokespersons of the same level still maintain a tacit understanding of mutual respect.

"In this way, my previous luck was really bad!" Li Jiexuan shook his head helplessly: Those two guys, Ganglian and Shinigami, are obviously lunatics.

In addition to this knowledge, this manual also briefly describes some strategies for developing the world, and the suggestions are fairly pertinent...

This one thousand points is worth spending, even like doing charity.

"Of course, this is sold by Yue Zhishang." The passerby smiled and shook his head: "You are so cute, you don't even know who you are buying from."

"Sorrow of the Moon?"

Li Jiexuan was a little puzzled: Isn't this the name of this chat group...

"That's right, the one who sells this newcomer's handbook is the official of the Moon's War, the largest organization in the Moon authority level!"

The passer-by smiled and walked away: "It is your luck to be the first to choose Yue Zhishang."

Li Jiexuan nodded secretly: It seems that Yue Zhishang is quite famous here. I just don't know if it's as good as it says it is!

After quitting the group chat, Li Jiexuan finally had some understanding of the huge system of spokespersons...

"If you let me go, who will let me go?" After cleaning up the ashes left by Huang Wanting, Li Jiexuan chose to return to the world of Naruto.


When Li Jiexuan opened his eyes, Tsunade in his arms opened his eyes just in time. Apparently, she had a good night's sleep...

"You can take a few more days off if you want."

Li Jiexuan smiled and hugged Tsunade in his arms: "We are only five years old, these things should be left to the old man in the door!"


Tsunade broke free from Li Jiexuan's arms with a smile: "I hope I can help you, so I'm leaving to deal with this world well."

"All right."

Li Jiexuan watched Tsunade leave with a smile, until her figure completely disappeared from sight.


With a call, the pale-faced Orochimaru came out of White Snake's mouth and knelt down on one knee: "Master, what are your orders?"

"I have something I want to give to you." Li Jiexuan turned on the system, selected the authority of the spokesperson, and handed over the qualification of the next-level spokesperson to Dashewan.

The sub-spokesperson gave the opportunity (2/3) Because of the great power of the system, Dashemaru only took a second to understand everything, what is the system, what he can do, and what he can't do.

"I only gave you this system." Li Jiexuan's eyes were meaningful...

"Thank you Master Jiexuan for your attention." Dashewan was naturally very moved, but he knew Li Jiexuan very well: "Master, what do you need me to do?"


Li Jiexuan narrowed his eyes: "I need you to be me, Li Jiexuan on the bright side!"

"This is?"

"One insurance, you will be my substitute in the future!"

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