Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter five hundred and fortieth IX: Heavenly Daoists

Beef hot pot, this is the first time the poor Wanshiwu has eaten such a good thing. For Kagura who can only eat salt and bibimbap, it is even more luxurious...

In the end, I called Grandma Dengshi up and had a good meal...

"I am full."

Rarely, Kagura said she was full.

"A total of three cows were eaten."

In fact, after eating half a cow, it will be Kagura's performance alone.

"How did you do it?" Yinshi and his group lay powerlessly on the sofa, burping out a few beefy belches from time to time.

The truth is actually quite simple...

Just cooperate!

Gintama is a very magical world. The world here has completely deviated from the earth since the Edo period. Endless aliens have discovered Earth.

In this way, the earth has become a deformed planet with rapid development...

For example, there is already an online version of Monster Hunter here, but it still relies on TV shopping. In other words, the people here can already travel in space, but the main character is still a curly-haired samurai living at home...

The last sentence is redundant!

Sakata Gintoki complained unwillingly...

Because of this, Li Jiexuan found a business opportunity: Since there is already a mature network, why use TV shopping?

Almost any person on earth will think of something when they see this...

That's right!

That is Taobao!

On Earth, there are two horses that control everyone in Huaxia. One is Ma Teng and the other is Ma Huayun. Taobao is Ma Huayun's industry...

A primary industry with frighteningly high profits!

online shopping!

After Li Jiexuan told this idea to the Frog Heaven and Man, no matter how angry it was, it was reluctant to do anything to Li Jiexuan.

Not only won't do it, but should protect him well.

Li Jiexuan is his God of Wealth!

"Clean up everything in here!"

Li Jiexuan waved to Zhensengumi with a smile...

"Don't go too far!"

Hijikata gritted his teeth and roared, while Sougo at the side took out the bazooka directly, and was about to launch an rpg nuke to level everything.

"Before you do things, you should also consider the consequences!" Li Jiexuan sneered disdainfully: "Don't you know what will happen if you kill me?"


Sougo sneered and held up the rpg: "Don't think that a frog celestial being can protect you, even if we really kill him, the shogunate will not do anything to us!"

"Are you sure it's just a frog?" Li Jiexuan pouted with a smile: "This business of mine cannot be eaten by itself. Let me give you a friendly reminder..."

"Heavenly Taoists!"

Li Jiexuan only said three words, and Tufang pressed Zongwu's hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Zouwu, don't do anything!"

Seeing this, Li Jiexuan curled his lips, secretly thinking it was a pity, but he didn't care, and waved his hand and said: "Since you are doing things for heaven and man, you must be enlightened."

"What are you waiting for?"

Li Jiexuan waved his hand and chuckled: "Clean up this quickly!"


Hijikata gritted his teeth, and pulled Sougo together to put away the mess: They never thought that they would do such a thing one day.

"It's disgusting!"

After cleaning up the mess, the subordinates were puzzled and said, "Why, why didn't we kill that kid?"

"Because the Heavenly Daoists!"

Hijikata's eyes were cold: "The Heavenly Daoists are the real manipulators of the shogunate. In fact, I only heard this matter from the director once."

On the surface, the general is the head of the country. But behind it, the twelve heavenly beings are the real mastermind behind the scenes!

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