Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 791: Hiru Sarutobi Kills His Person

Disasters make people sad, and this grief may be gradually forgotten over time, but hatred will not, hatred will only accumulate and deepen...

Every household has disaster relief materials, only Li Chen's family does not. But it doesn't matter, after all, Li Zhenxing's family was not seriously affected by the disaster, even if he gave it, Qianshou Yizhen would not take it.

However, giving or not is one thing. Not giving is another matter...

It is conceivable that even if the staff at Hokage treat Li Zhenxing's family like this, what will happen to the others?

At this time, the truth of the so-called incident has also been investigated...

The gatekeeper at the entrance of Muye Village can testify to Li Zhenxing's family: when they went out to look for the child, there was no war in the village, and Nine Tails did not appear.

That is to say, from beginning to end, this is a coincidence...

That child hadn't been naughty in the early days and was not naughty in the evening, and it was at this juncture that he was naughty, turning Masashi's family into so-called deserters and being accused by thousands of people.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed endlessly...

When the others heard this, they all nodded, but no one had another thought in their mind: Maybe they saved the whole family's life.

However, even though Hiruzaru Sarutobi found out the truth, he still sighed like this. And Li Zhenxing's family is even relatives of his master's family.

However, he still didn't have the slightest intention to clarify for Li Zhenxing's family and come out on the platform...

Li Zhenxing was not surprised by this: After all, when watching anime in his previous life, he felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen was not the so-called Konoha Guangming at all.

This is an extremely hypocritical hypocrite!

As the saying goes, a hypocrite is not as good as a real villain...

Thinking about what Sarutobi Hiruzen did, he was not even as upright as Danzo.

The first is the safety of Naruto's family: Since Kushina is so important, why not send some powerful ninjas to guard it?

Please note that there were no important missions at that time, several strong men were in the village, including himself Sarutobi Hiruzen...

Let’s not talk about it, after all, he doesn’t have the ability to predict, it’s just his negligence. Let alone his friend Danzo!

A large part of the reason why Danzo became the so-called dark side is because Sarutobi Hiruzen, his idea is actually very simple.

He wants to be Hokage, he wants to prove to the second generation that he is stronger than Sarutobi Hiruzen!

On this point, I think anyone who has seriously analyzed Hokage will understand: he is indeed stronger than Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After all, the reason why Danzo became such a scourge, how many of them were intentionally weak and indulgent by Hiruzaru Sarutobi, needless to say.

Hiruza Sarutobi is Hokage, not only does not have the personality charm of the first generation to turn his classmates against each other, but also does not have the decisiveness of the second generation, indulge Danzo, and develop stronger and stronger!

This is also true for the Uchiha clan...

The third generation had a chance to avoid it, but he has always been indecisive. As Hokage, he does nothing, and seems to be scruples.

But when the matter developed to the last step, he pretended to be righteous, first fooled Uchiha Itachi to kill his whole family, and then fought with Orochimaru to hide the whole Konoha.

I have to say that in the entire history of Hokage, even including Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen is the worst one!

Seemingly mediocre, but actually incompetent...

Besides, apprentice Orochimaru...

Similar to Danzo, Orochimaru wantonly used Konoha's children and orphans for human experiments, killing or indirectly killing countless children.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen, who knew all this, deliberately indulged. Even at the last moment, he let Orochimaru go because of scruples, leaving a huge hidden danger for Orochimaru to attack Konoha in the future...

Let's not talk about how much damage Orochimaru's attack on Konoha caused in the future, and what kind of hatred for Konoha Village in the world after killing Kazekage.

Just those children who died because of Orochimaru's human experiments, aren't they the kindling of Konoha?

He talked about Konoha's spirit all day long, but when it was time to make a decision, he shrank his head and remained motionless. When the crisis broke out, he let others pay for his incompetence, until he messed up the whole Konoha, and his disciples wanted to kill him.

To escape the crime with death and leave Konoha's mess to his master's daughter, he is truly treacherous and shameless!

The two big families who built the village, Senshou returned to mediocrity, the Uchiha clan was killed and injured, and the last member of the clan defected. Kyuubi destroyed Konoha, and Orochimaru, the leader of the new generation, defected and destroyed Konoha. The huge Konoha Village did not have any decent fighting power left.

In the former Muye Village, one village can command nine villages, and there is no difference at a time...

And all of this, just in the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen for a few decades, all disappeared. If it weren't for Tsunade's hard work, the prince's cheating, and Uchiha Itachi's righteous killing of relatives, Konoha Village would have been finished long ago.

Sarutobi Hiruza, it is true that he is a hypocrite, making people sick...

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