Super Scientist

Chapter 491 Genetically Modified

Ye Chen even participated in state banquets, and he ate a lot of delicious food. Logically speaking, he wouldn't behave like a foodie. However, this fragrance has a special charm, Ye Chen couldn't help sniffing.

"Xiaoye, how about it? Let me tell you, everyone who comes to us will be just like you." The father of hybrid rice saw Ye Chen's foodie, squinted his eyes and kept watching, really enjoyed it ah.

It is rare for a world-renowned scientist like Ye Chen to perform like this, so we must seize the opportunity to appreciate it.

"This scent is very special, making people want to have a big meal involuntarily." Ye Chen commented.

The father of hybrid rice patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, gave Ye Chen a thumbs up, and said, "To raise poultry and livestock, you also need good food. If the food is not up to standard, the meat produced will not taste good."

To this, Ye Chen agrees very much.

The meat bought in the market is completely different from the meat fed with grain at home, and it is not fragrant enough.

The meat is so fragrant, it is enough to prove that the fathers of hybrid rice and the others grow very good food.

Soon, the fat chef prepared the meal, and the father of hybrid rice took Ye Chen to his seat. He sat in the middle, with Yuan Sheng on the left and Ye Chen on the right.

To Ye Chen's surprise, Chen Wang and other doctoral supervisors took it for granted that Yuan Sheng sat next to the father of hybrid rice. Ye Chen understood that even though Yuan Fasheng was an old farmer, he was convinced by big intellectuals like Chen Wang.

From this, it can be seen that Yuan Falun is very powerful.

The father of hybrid rice picked up a three-jin wine jar and said with a smile, "Come, Xiaoye, try our rice wine."

"Old man, I found that you are really versatile. You can farm land, raise poultry and livestock, and make wine. It's amazing." Ye Chen was very emotional.

If Ye Chen didn't know that this is the father of hybrid rice, he would have thought he was a farmer.

It's unbelievable that he did all the things in the farm house without missing a single thing.

"Once the food is grown, there will be a lot left over in addition to scientific research. You can't finish it just by eating it. You have to find a way to use it up. Raising poultry and livestock is just one way, and brewing wine is another way. Xiaoye, you know, grain It has a great relationship with future generations, and there must be no problems. We are the experimental subjects, and of course we have to test all kinds of uses." The father of hybrid rice said very seriously.

For this statement,

Ye Chen recognized it very much.

The relationship between food is too great, and it is related to future generations. If something goes wrong, it will cause endless harm, and strict experiments must be carried out. Since it is necessary to experiment, it is necessary to experiment with various uses of grain.

"Old man, you are very thoughtful." Ye Chen admired him very much.

The father of hybrid rice poured wine for Ye Chen and Yuan Sheng, and then poured it for himself. Finally, hand over the wine jar to Chen Wang and the others, and they will pour it by themselves.

After the wine was poured, everyone raised their wine glasses. The father of hybrid rice said, "You have been with me for decades, and you are all mud legs. However, we mud legs are different from others. We not only want to develop new varieties of rice , but also treat yourself as an experimental product, and leave safe and reliable food for future generations."

With leaves in his ears, Ye Chen felt a heavy burden on his shoulders.

The father of hybrid rice always thinks about future generations. For this reason, he did not hesitate to make himself an experimental product and taste the grain himself.

"In the past few decades, we have made good achievements. Hybrid rice has been famous all over the world, and super hybrid rice is about to succeed. However, I think these are nothing. What we need to do next is to conquer the real super rice. Explore a higher level of life." The eyes of the father of hybrid rice are burning.

How great it is to explore a higher level of life, and its meaning is too important.

If it really succeeds, it means that a brand new door will appear, and a whole new world will be discovered.

In a word, it was revolutionary.

Chen Wang and the others knew the idea of ​​the father of hybrid rice for a long time, and they also recognized it. After hearing this, they were all very excited.

"To achieve our goal, there is a long way to go, and it is difficult to accomplish with our strength alone. Therefore, I invite Xiaoye to join. Today, we can give Xiaoye a cleansing, and everyone will give Xiaoye a cup." The father of hybrid rice stood up .

Ye Chen and everyone stood up together.

"When I was very young, I heard the stories of the old man and your excellent team. It can be said that I grew up listening to your stories. I feel very grateful to be able to join your excellent team. It's an honor. I will definitely work hard to overcome this worldwide problem." Ye Chen also cheered up and said loudly.

"Do it!" Ye Chen's words were very sincere, and there was no lie, which made everyone very happy. They raised their glasses to Ye Chen and said in unison.

"Dry it!" Ye Chen drank it dry in one gulp.

The rice wine is very mellow and lingering in the mouth, with endless aftertaste, and the bottom of the tongue produces fluid.

"Good wine!" Although Ye Chen is not a good wine drinker, he has drunk a lot of good wine. This is the first time he has drunk such a mellow wine, and he praised it loudly.

Everyone laughed and drank.

The father of hybrid rice gave Ye Chen a piece of chicken, and said with a smile, "Xiao Ye, try it."

"Thank you, old man." Ye Chen picked up the chicken and put it in his mouth, a tenderness instantly filled the tip of his tongue.

Ye Chen ate the chicken, enjoying it all over his face, and commented: "It's delicious and tender! To make such delicious food, not only the best ingredients, but also excellent cooking skills are required."

The father of hybrid rice gave Ye Chen a thumbs up, and praised: "As expected of a world-renowned scientist, this tongue is also quite powerful. Xiaoye, let me tell you, Lao Kang was originally a reporter, and he was quite famous in the industry. Once , he came to us for an interview, and after eating our meals, he decided to change his career and join our team as a chef."

This feels a bit like a fairy tale, Ye Chen doesn't quite believe it.

The fat chef smiled and said, "Scientist Ye, you find it unbelievable, don't you? But, it's true. As for me, it's delicious. If it's delicious, I must eat it. I've done a One thing, take a plane to eat ramen..."

Ye Chen rolled his eyes, he took a plane just to eat a bowl of ramen, how delicious is that?

Air tickets are much more expensive than ramen, what kind of foodies do you have to do such a thing?

"After I tasted the delicious food here, I knew that I belonged here in my life." Master Kang said again.

What kind of brains do you have to be a chef instead of being a reporter for food?

However, the more Ye Chen ate, the more he recognized Master Kong's choice. The food here is really amazing and delicious.

For this meal, Ye Chen ate a lot of dishes, and also ate four bowls of rice.

It wasn't until he couldn't eat anymore that Ye Chen reluctantly put down the bowl and chopsticks, touched his stomach, and felt that his stomach had never been so round.

After a good meal, everyone sat in the courtyard, Chen Wang and the others made tea, and put it on the small table beside the father of hybrid rice, Ye Chen and Yuan Fafa, and everyone started chatting.

"Xiaoye, what do you think about genetically modified rice?" The father of hybrid rice asked while drinking tea.

Ye Chen knew that the old man was asking for his opinion.

Ye Chen came here this time to conquer Super Rice. The old man will definitely attach great importance to Ye Chen's opinion.

Not only the old man valued Ye Chen's opinion, Chen Wang and the others also attached great importance to Ye Chen's opinion. Ye Chen is amazing, they have heard a lot, and now they can listen to Ye Chen's opinion, their ears are pricked up.

"Grandpa, I have no prejudice against genetic modification. It is a very important technology. However, I think genetic modification is a 'hybrid'." Ye Chen thought for a while.


Everyone was stunned. They never expected that Ye Chen's evaluation of genetically modified technology would use such rough words.

Genetically modified, this term is familiar to everyone, and it can be seen in the news from time to time.

But what genetically modified?

Simply put, it is the implantation of another living body or artificially synthesized DNA fragments in one living body. The implanted DNA fragments are screened and have specific functions.

In the final analysis, it is to gather the excellent characteristics of different lives to form a new life body.

For example, the genetically modified soybeans we often hear about are the result of this technology.

The word hybrid is rough, but it can really describe the characteristics of genetically modified technology.

Transgenic technology means that the genes of different types of organisms can be recombined through genetic technology. Human beings can modify the genetic characteristics of organisms according to their own wishes and create new life types.

Mastering genetically modified technology is equivalent to God creating man, and human beings already have the characteristics of God.

However, the created life, with the genes of different species, is really a "hybrid".

"Xiaoye, are you against genetically modified technology?" the father of hybrid rice asked.

"I have no objection. The genetically modified technology is a great technology that allows human beings to have the characteristics of God and can create new life. Although this kind of creation still has great limitations, it will take a long time to work hard." Ye Chen Immediately said.

Although genetically modified technology allows humans to do more things, it still has great limitations. At the current stage, it is to "repair" the gene, find an excellent gene fragment on one life form, transfer it to another life form that needs this gene fragment, and form a new life form.

With the current technology, that's all.

It is incomparable with the magical means of "God created man".

"I support research on genetically modified technology, but I am cautious about promoting genetically modified technology." Ye Chen said again.

Ye Chen's words are a bit confusing, and everyone's eyes are full of doubts.

"Why?" asked the father of hybrid rice.

These words were asked on behalf of everyone, their eyes widened and their ears pricked up.

"Transgenic technology is a great technology. Although it has great limitations at this stage, it has not yet shown its true value. With the advancement of technology, it will be hard to say in the future. Perhaps, it will have very important value , will allow human beings to do more things. If research is not carried out now, it will be useless in the future." Ye Chen explained.

The father of hybrid rice and the others nodded, agreeing with Ye Chen's statement.

"As for the promotion, I am cautious, for two reasons." Ye Chen said again.

"Which two reasons?" The father of hybrid rice asked hurriedly.

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