Super Tech Powerhouse

Vol 3 Chapter 477: During a nuclear attack: Longbow shoots Di

Chapter 477 During a Nuclear Attack: Longbow Shoots Di

Zhang Shusheng decided to fulfill his promise. After nuclear attack on Britain and the United States through nuclear leasing, the General Staff began to operate at ultra-high speed. A set of preliminary plans were selected. The most appropriate one was immediately modified and refined. At ten o'clock the next morning, two detailed nuclear attack reports were in front of Zhang Shusheng. (Baidu search updates the fastest and most stable, read and see the novel network)

He has read both plans, and the 250,000-ton tnt-equivalent nuclear bomb technology is very mature. Whether it is an atomic bomb launched on board or a nuclear warhead loaded on a missile, the former has passed the test of actual combat, and the latter is early. It has completed the research and development of miniaturized bombing, and after many tests, it has proven reliable performance.

To put it simply, two plans, one is a plan to launch nuclear weapons on board, and the other is a bomb-launched plan. Each of the two plans has advantages and disadvantages. The nuclear bomber plan has many practical experiences and is highly reliable. . The method of carrying missiles is also very obvious. It can be unexpected, and it can kill the enemy far away.

Since the Empire began the research of missiles in the 1930s, it has been developing particularly fast, from the initial range of two or three hundred kilometers to the later range of 1,000 kilometers, 1,500 kilometers, and 3,000 kilometers.

After 1937, major breakthroughs were made in missile production and manufacturing technology. With the advancement of missile theory and technology, one small step per year and one large step in three years. The missile test with a range of 5,000 kilometers was completed in 1937. Although the accuracy still needs to be improved, the nuclear warhead was originally produced. The accuracy issue can temporarily lag behind the major factors of missile range, stability, reliability, and even production cost.

In 1942, the Oriental missile with a range of 8000 kilometers was successfully tested. With a theoretical shortened range, it was launched from the northeast to the northwest. The actual range reached more than 6,000 kilometers. The development and production of missiles officially entered the era of intercontinental missiles.

Compared with the dozens, hundreds, and thousands of medium and long-range missiles and intercontinental missiles, Zhang Shusheng needs only a few or a dozen intercontinental missiles in future generations, because there is no nuclear competition today. There are no corresponding enemies, and small batches of intercontinental missiles are applicable.

What's more, even in the worst case, Zhang Shusheng also owns a Chinese Starship, which is the worst thing.

However, he knows that even if a civilization develops at a very high speed, it cannot be boosted by faults. Therefore, he still formulates a scientific and technological progress plan step by step, producing appropriate amounts of nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles. Compared with Star Wars, it is more useful in use. Convenient, the cost is not high, and the deterrence is enough. There can be no small things. It is not necessary to drive an interstellar warship to Yaowu.

In 1945, in the production of very small batches, the intercontinental missile with a range of more than 10,000 kilometers was successfully tested. This time, it is no longer launched from the domestic east-west direction, but directly from the northwest to the waters near the Solomon Islands in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Although it eventually exceeded 50 kilometers, the satellite still traced its tracks and successfully recovered the relevant parts of the missile, proving that the test was successful.

After the occupation of Australia, these so-called British territories were taken over by the Empire. It's just that there are so many mountains like Papua New Guinea, and the places with very poor traffic are very fast in the reform of the regime, and the rest have not affected much. The indigenous people did not even have any objection to the yellow-skinned middle men. Aggression and occupation were to them, as long as the squadron did not take the initiative to mass kill them, they were accustomed to it.

The Chinese army did not massacre and abuse the indigenous people in these backward areas. Instead, it quickly established police stations and courts during the process of political reform, and used the system and laws to manage local order and maintain law and order. It was welcomed to a certain extent.

"Let's choose the missile-launched method. There are only two missiles, and there will not be much problem in performance."

Zhang Shusheng thought for a long time and thought that it was convenient for missiles. First, the strategic bomber needed time to carry out and missions took time. The US high-altitude and ultra-high-altitude alert radars and high-altitude fighters have a considerable number of arrangements. The use of strategic bombers may take considerable risks. .

After all, Washington and Chicago are the nuclear bombers. The two cities are not close. Although the range of the nuclear bomber is very large, that means the range of the bomber.

The closest empire to the United States is the Far East. The distance from the Far East to the eastern United States is about 6000-8000 kilometers. Even if you add a fuel tank and increase the fuel load, it will definitely not fly back in the past.

In contrast, the missile's advantage is too obvious, and it doesn't matter if it flies past. As long as it hits, it takes 10,000 steps to say that it did not hit the target. As long as it falls on US territory, the effect is similar, just dead people. Just a little less.

Judging from the plan, the nuclear bomber plan drawn up by the General Staff also transferred from the airport in the far north's northernmost and took off, bombing the United States, but the plane could not return. Only in a small country in South America forced landing.

This plan was originally not a big problem. After all, Zhang Shusheng remembered that in the original history, Americans took off bombers from aircraft carriers and forced landing in China. This idea is correct, but there are problems in actual implementation.

The Americans are not fools. According to the map, China also knows that China is going to bomb the United States. In addition to driving the aircraft carrier fleet to the center of the Pacific Ocean, near Pearl Harbor, only nuclear bombers are deployed in the Far East.

The carrier bomber's range does not meet the operational requirements of nuclear bombing at all, and it only takes off from the far east.

In this way, Americans may deploy a lot of high-altitude and ultra-altitude detection and early warning radars in secret in Alaska, and a new generation of jet fighters are also deployed in the west, ready to intercept Chinese bombers intending to invade from the Far East.

In this era, the best way for bomber raids is high-altitude and high-speed, but in the face of the latest generation of American F-3 fighters, this difficulty is very great. According to information, American F-3 fighters have not only reached a high combat height The extreme altitude of strategic bombers may even be the secret deployment of air-to-air missiles, just like China's main jet fighter.

War is the best way to catalyze science and technology, and it is not just that China is advancing. Therefore, these things must be considered by Zhang Shusheng. Of course, the plan of the General Staff has also been considered. It is not possible to send an aircraft to bomb the United States. Was taken down.

Therefore, missiles are still the best choice.

Moreover, due to the earlier successful development of the missile, the Empire has enough time to deploy a certain number of intercontinental missiles Dongfang-42 missiles in the Far East. Although the range is only 10,000 kilometers, it is more accurate and accurate than the Dongfang-45 long-range intercontinental missiles. Reliability must be one step higher.

After having the basic idea, Zhang Shusheng picked up the phone and said, "I'm Zhang Shusheng, and I will send General Lu Ziyun, the commander of the Strategic Rocket, to my office and pay attention to confidentiality."

Forty minutes later, after Zhang Shusheng processed the documents over two feet high, the knocking of the door finally sounded. After the response, Lu Ziyun pushed open the door and walked in, accompanied by General Staff Chief Jiang Baili.


After the two saluted, Zhang Shusheng motioned to them to sit down. Mao Yun had already placed the plan on the small table in advance about the use of intercontinental missiles to launch nuclear warheads.

At the beginning, Jiang Baili knew that the chairman had chosen the nuclear missile program. He also looked carefully and found that there were a few subtle comments on it, which were the chairman's handwriting.

Lu Ziyun also participated in the formulation of the plan before, and soon after reading the plan, he immediately stood up in excitement and saluted again, saying, "Chairman, the strategic rocket force will not live up to your expectations. If you follow this plan, we guarantee mission accomplished."

"You, are you so confident? Hehe." Zhang Shusheng smiled, pointing to the plan, "The launch rate of this intercontinental missile, but the success rate is less than 100%, I have also considered it, even if the launch fails, As long as you can reach the United States, it is successful. "

Zhang Shusheng did not hide him. To tell the truth, the issue of the success rate of this intercontinental missile, even in the 21st century, no one dares to say that it will be successful, especially the three big brothers in India. It is normal to fail once or twice. Things. Therefore, in order to improve the reliability and safety of the missile, he would rather increase the cost, use slow work and careful work, and high cost and high quality to produce it, but he did not build it all by hand like the most precise clocks.

In order to meet the imperial high-precision processing and manufacturing problems of the Empire, he exchanged several very advanced industrial master machines and some key high-precision equipment. These equipments are certainly not suitable for large-scale production, but they are guaranteed in a small scope. Demand is still fine.

"The chairman's lesson is, then I promise that there won't be human failures."

Lu Ziyun said with a firm chest.

Zhang Shusheng nodded with satisfaction, without much nonsense, but raised another question, "Our missiles still have some differences in accuracy, but this error is not unpredictable."

"Yes, Chairman, if it is calculated based on the approximate error, we can basically grasp the error probability." Lu Ziyun said.

Zhang Shusheng: "I don't worry about the nuclear bombings in Britain and Europe this time. The bombings in three areas including London and Birmingham can use the more accurate medium-to-long-range missile Dongfang 37 missile.

Two cities in the United States ~ ~ Washington and Chicago are very densely populated cities. The plan is very clear. We want to teach Americans painful lessons, let them surrender completely, and be subject to To the greatest extent possible, nuclear bombs must cause major injuries.

When implementing the plan, we must ensure that the nuclear bombs landed in the city. If there is no accident, we only have one chance to use nuclear bombs against Americans. This time is justified, borrowing from the Germans ’winds, it coincides with World War II, and can bomb nuclear bombs after the war. The impact is quickly reduced to a minimum. "

"Yes, Chairman, I see."

Lu Ziyun said excitedly.

Zhang Shusheng nodded with a smile. He would not be soft-hearted. Originally, after the success of the American atomic bomb, Americans planned to use nuclear weapons in many places around the world. The atomic bomb was once shipped to Asia, even Taiwan-Bay. Fully aimed at China, countless plans have been made to drop the atomic bomb on the Chinese, and on several occasions, the Chinese were hit by seedlings.

Unfortunately, this time it was the Chinese who first experimented with actual nuclear weapons. Only Americans who have almost escaped the two world wars are sorry.

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