Super Tech Powerhouse

Vol 3 Chapter 481: Washington: nuclear explosion

Chapter 481 Washington: During a Nuclear Explosion

Empire Far East New Lan, strategic missile base.

Shao Jianhua is a host of the Empire TV station. Unlike the host of most TV station subjects in class, in order to reflect the empire's **** style, he is a hero who has gone to the battlefield and made first-class achievements, although he has not made a hug. I was bombarding a bunker, but in the war in the Far East, under the circumstances of extremely severe death and injury throughout the platoon, I successfully blocked the Japanese army's desperate attack with a few comrades, and tore by a mén. The machine gun killed dozens of devils by himself. His head was scratched by shrapnel, and his left foot was hit by a shrapnel of a grenade, causing disability.

Because of his good eloquence, outstanding image, handsome and tough politics, the overall image is very consistent with the image of Teijin's tough man, when he retired, he was fortunate to be one of the military host.

He did not host entertainment shows. Because the Empire was in a long state of war, Empire TV arranged a special 30-minute military news time during prime time, which was very popular. He combined the iron-blooded hosting style experienced by the battlefield in person and was extremely successful.

Just over a week ago, he suddenly received an interview order. He was taken secretly to the Far East by a military aircraft. After strict inspection, he arrived at the New Lanzhou Strategic Missile Base. The army also provided a military film crew.

After arriving here, he met Major General Fan Hua, the commander of the base, and a senior director of the Empire ’s Propaganda Department. He was informed that he would participate in a nuclear attack on a country and was responsible for interviewing and broadcasting the Empire ’s first actual combat. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.

As a veteran soldier and broadcaster of the Empire ’s military news, he can actually access a lot of secrets, some even top secrets. However, for missiles, he only knows that the Empire has multiple types of missiles. , Including surface-to-air missiles, air-to-air missiles, and missile missiles. He has only heard some reports of long-range missiles, let alone intercontinental ballistic missiles.

When he saw the thick guy over 30 meters long in the missile launch well with his own eyes, the whole man suddenly became enthusiastic. He saluted a long military salute, and the style of the old soldier was full. Live crying out loud. The kind of jī movement is to see the jī movement of the empire with a national god.

Lead the camera crew. During the first stage of the shooting, they interviewed several designated scientists. The scientists generally provided some information about the successful development of the Empire Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, which will be used as the news background for the emergency news after the successful nuclear attack plan.

In the second phase of the shooting, they took a relatively clear shot of the strategic ballistic missile. The picture shows the big guy, more than thirty meters long, sleeping in the shaft, the Dongfang-42 strategic missile.

In the third stage, they were allowed to come to the command center. Although they could not interfere with the command, they were able to shoot from a distance. Just now, they filmed and explained the entire ignition and firing process.

"Audience friends, now you see the large central screen of the Command Center, which shows that the missile is working normally, and commanders at all levels are monitoring and reporting on the missile's flight in an orderly manner. Now let us interview our strategic missile scientists. Wang Lixin engineer. "

Shao Jianhua handed the microphone forward and asked Wang Lixin's engineer to speak.

"Dear viewers from all over the country, now the missile flight is normal and is under full circle monitoring of our satellite system. At present, the missile is trying to enter long-distance orbit flight. This flight process is a mid-range flight process and it is used to be guided A necessary flight phase will also prepare the missile for its return to the atmosphere. "

Wang Lixin pointed at the large central screen and explained briefly.

"Okay, thank you very much, engineer Wang Lixin. Dear friends, next, we will have two minutes of valuable time to interview the commander of the nuclear strike program, Lieutenant General Zhou Tǐng, of course, if he has time."

After Shao Jianhua finished speaking, the shooting was temporarily suspended. He was also told that the missile flight had more than ten minutes to go, and for the truth of the show, the Empire Propaganda Department would arrange an interview with the commander for 2 minutes. The filming team was suspended, and Major General Fan Hua needed to ask Lieutenant General Zhou tǐng.

In the distant command hall, Zhou Tǐng's eyes were cast on the screen. In addition to a 3d simulated missile flight chart, there were many continuously updated parameters, including the missile's real-time flight speed, flight altitude, and the overall status of the missile. Other parameters.

"It's been 15 minutes! 15 minutes left."

Throughout the entire flight process, the speed control will be about 30 minutes. As the chief commander of the operation, Zhou Tǐng knows clearly that the missile launch was monitored and observed by space satellites in space, and the missile-borne equipment It is also very advanced, so all flight data is accurate.

"The missile is flying normally."

"The missile navigation system is normal."

"The missile-borne communication system is OK."


After a series of normal reports, the missile was still flying smoothly and normally. Two minutes later, a commander reported loudly, "The missile began to enter the phase of long-distance orbit flight."

"The missile flight attitude is closely monitored, and the navigation system pays attention to remote adjustment."

The missile in this operation was matched with a very advanced attitude adjustment system. Although this technology has not been applied to standard-produced missiles, this time the missile was loaded with the help of the Science and Technology Commission. This advanced system.

After the distant orbital flight phase, the final missile re-enters the atmosphere. The long-distance orbit flight phase is about 10 minutes. The final re-entry atmospheric flight phase has the shortest time, the fastest missile speed, and a speed of several kilometers per second. According to the current level of American science and technology, There will be no way to stop strength.

According to the planned assessment, unless the Empire ’s missiles are biased by themselves, even the American technology level will be helpless for another 20 years.

"The development of science and technology is an important part of the development of civilization."

Fan Hua looked at the 3D simulation image on the screen, said with emotion, raised his wrist and looked at the watch, turned and said to Lieutenant General Zhou tǐng, "Lieutenant General, according to the plan, Imperial TV will have a two-minute interview with you. look?"

Zhou tǐng frowned slightly and said, "Let them come over, and strictly control time."


After Fan Hua spoke, he whispered to a lieutenant colonel next to him. The lieutenant colonel immediately ran to the shooting team outside the command hall, and then the host Shao Jianhua and two crew members followed.

"Audience friends, the Lieutenant General Zhou Tǐng we are about to interview is a commander of a strategic rocket force of our country and a senior commander. This operation is under his command. Now we will conduct two Interview in minutes. "

Shao Jianhua saluted Zhou Tǐng a military salute and handed the microphone to him.

Zhou tǐng also saluted a military salute towards the camera, and then said, "Hello Empire viewers in front of the TV, hello, I am the commander of this nuclear strike, Lieutenant General Zhou tǐng. You have just seen the nuclear strike. Preparation and launch phases. The missile is currently in flight and everything is normal with the missile and nuclear warhead.

The mission is to use the Dongfang-42 intercontinental ballistic missile independently developed by our country as the carrier missile. The warhead is a type of 250,000-ton tnt equivalent nuclear warhead in China. It is an external nuclear strike from China and reflects the global nuclear New approach to nuclear warfare capability: nuclear missile strike.

On behalf of Emperor Fang, the Imperial Strategic Rocket Force, I hereby assure the people across the country that at any time and under any circumstances, we will obey the order of Chairman Zhang Shusheng of the Supreme Council and reserve the right to carry out nuclear strikes against any enemy. "

"Thank you, Lieutenant General Zhou Tǐng, for what you said to the audience at the end?" Shao Jianhua continued to ask.

Zhou tǐng: "Borrowing an old saying, whoever commits Chinese heavenly powers, although far away, will be stingy."

He saluted another military salute to the camera, then shook hands with Shao Jianhua with a smile, shouted a few words, and then returned to the command post.

Shao Jianhua also temporarily left the lobby of the command center, pointing at the command center across the glass and said to the camera, "Audience friends, the missile still has more than ten minutes of flight time. We will work with everyone and wait for the final result."


Alaska, a homeland air defense command center.

At this time, it was already 9 pm local time. Eisenhower had been checking the radar data gathered by the air defense command center during the day. Multiple reports mentioned that everything was normal and no suspicious flight targets were found.

"How many night-war planes do we fly at high altitude now?"

He asked a major general aside. Lieutenant General McLay was the commander of the Alaska Homeland Air Defense Command Center.

"Currently over Alaska, including a night cruise provided by a sub-fleet, we have a total of 72 aircraft flying at high altitude on combat readiness, and no abnormalities were found."

Lieutenant General McClay reported.


After waiting for a while, Eisenhower still didn't find out, so he picked up the phone and dialed the phone of the presidential palace in Washington White House.

"Mr. President, everything is normal at present, neither the Los Angeles Air Defense Center nor the Hawaiian Air Defense Center have found any abnormalities, and there are no abnormalities in the offshore radar network and the surface monitoring system."

Eisenhower reported on the situation throughout the day.

It's late in Alaska, and even later in Washington, but Dulumené still hasn't slept in order to wait for Eisenhower's last normal report today.

"The emergency vote in Congress has passed preliminary checks. We will announce the unconditional surrender decision to the Chinese to the world at the latest tomorrow, and God bless the United States."

Dulumén prayed a little, he was even fortunate that the United States was able to make a major decision at the most critical time. Surrender was not terrible, compared to the atomic bomb.

"God bless America," Eisenhower repeated.

The reason why the five-star general has always supported President Dulumén is not because of his popularity, but because President Dulumén has done at least one thing, that is, to implement American pragmatism to the extreme, U.S. interests are paramount.

The war has come to an end, so he strongly supports the president's unconditional surrender decision.

It's just a pity that history often goes to some doomed tragedy in many coincidences. Many major historical events, if the parties can predict in advance, the history will be completely changed.

If **** knew that Judas was a traitor, perhaps it was Judas who was nailed to the pillar.

If the Tang Dynasty knew that Japan might slaughter tens of thousands of Chinese children on one day, it would probably do its best to conquer Japan. Of course, maybe the Ming Dynasty would not send the invincible fleet to the South Ocean, but to the East Ocean.

If Xiang Yu knew that he would brag about Wujiang one day, he would not show mercy to Liu Bang.

Now, if Americans knew that China would not use so-called strategic bombers to carry out a nuclear attack on the United States, but would use an intercontinental ballistic missile they had never heard of before launching a nuclear strike from 10,000 kilometers away. They would Maybe crying, kneeling and shouting unconditionally surrendering a few days or even months in advance.

However, history is coincidental without assumptions.

At this point, the command center of the strategic missile base far in Xinlan, Far East has reached the most tense moment.

"Report, everything is normal after the nuclear warhead is unlocked, and it can detonate on time!"

A lieutenant colonel reported to Zhou Tǐng and Fan Hua that on the central large screen, the sign representing the lock of the nuclear warhead had already turned green, which means that Zhang Shusheng relied on remote control to complete remote unlocking, and the nuclear warhead was no longer It is a scrap of iron, but a terrorist nuclear warhead that can cause the destruction of thousands of people.

"It is reported that the missile began to return to the atmosphere, flying at a speed of 3.8 km / s."

The latest report raised everyone's heart to his throat.

The return of the Dongfang-42 strategic missile to the atmosphere also means that it has entered the final dive state, and the flight time is no more than 2 minutes.

Soon, the camera crew also aimed the camera at the large central screen again. Shao Jianhua shouted into the microphone very much ~ ~ audience friends, there is still 1 minute, the countdown on the screen is still One minute, let's count down and look forward together. "

The missile entered the final hit countdown. If someone can fly into the air and look over Washington at this time, you can see a super-high-speed flying object falling into Washington at super-high speed. The target is exactly where the White House is. region.

Everyone held their breath, stood up, and stared at the big central screen playing a real-time simulation.

Zhou Tǐng opened his eyes wide and looked at the countdown. On the 3D simulation, the missile had crashed into Washington during the final countdown. "boom……!!!!"


Brothers, Typhoon Anemone swept through Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. Be sure to pay attention to safety and travel carefully. Don't grab the limelight with the typhoon. No, let's leave the house to read a novel.

New book real-time announcement: The new book has a draft of 40,000 words, and Xiaoyu said that the target of the 100,000 book to be published on the 20th is not big. This time, it is not like a super-powerful book, a junk update.

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