Super Tech Powerhouse

Vol 3 Chapter 704: 5 years later

In 1969, five years had passed since the expedition's triumph.レ m ♠ 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

"Five years have elapsed, and the empire has finally risen in half."

Today is the fifteenth day of the first month. Zhang Shusheng's mood is very good. The new empire of the empire, science and technology education, industrial and commercial development, comprehensive promotion of martial arts, genetic transformation and brain development plan also completed the second stage goals, the average intelligence index of the people. There has been an order of magnitude improvement, and average life expectancy has increased from 754 years ago to 955 years ago.

Compared with 1959, all children under the age of 25 in the Empire received a new system of teaching, represented by virtual teaching, in a formal system.

Compared with 1959, the genetic modification of the empire has changed from only targeting young people under 30 years of age to citizens of all ages, and brain domain development has changed from only targeting elementary and middle school students to young people under 30 years of age.

Zhang Shusheng breathed a sigh of relief, and the glass window in front of him suddenly reflected like a mirror. In the mirror, he looked like he was in his thirties, mature and stable. Although the emperor's uniform was not expensive, it was very chic.

It is snowing in Hanjing this year, and the public hopes to see a heavy snowfall in the south. The meteorological department has an artificial snowfall. Ruixue is a good year, which is a good sign.

Looking at the white snow flowing out of the window, Zhang Shusheng couldn't help thinking about it, "Getting to the Royal Office Mao Yunxian."

The fully-automated intelligent brain quickly connected Mao Yunxian's communication.

"Yunxian, you adjust your work for these two days. I have important things, and I will not be working for these two days."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Mao Yun didn't dare to ask why, but he thought it was strange that His Majesty was absent from the office. Was it true that the Royal Family intended to create people this year, and His Majesty decided to make more time to accompany several princesses.

"Be careful. Are you going out?"

Fu Huiyu pushed in the door and saw Zhang Shusheng opening the closet, looking for clothes from the inside, he knew he wanted to go out and walk.

Every year, she and her two sisters take turns to accompany her husband to take a walk, relax, and ease the huge pressure of building an empire, but most of the time it is a spaceship, and when it is far away, it will go to Changqing Xing, as far as once even Song Yangxing, Empire's fourth life planet.

Song Yangxing as the newly developed life planet of the Empire. From the beginning, it gained high attention. It took the Empire only two years to complete some necessary transformations of the planet. It was necessary to repair the seismic zone, dispel some weird poisonous gas, and round up some beasts. Building water conservancy and so on.

These are all basic work. You ca n’t emigrate people. You must first be attacked by dinosaur-sized beasts, or stumbled into the forest and poisoned by poisonous gas. Then, a bad earthquake or a monstrous flood. The Empire repaired the original planet in two years.

The Empire currently has four open planets of life. Earth is the most mature capital star, and Avatar Star is a high-end cash crop planting planet. Although the scenery is very beautiful, it does not destroy the original ecology. It is the limit to be able to host a population of 200 million, and the number of indigenous people is huge. Considering the problem of ethnic integration and coexistence, it is necessary to immigrate a large number of people in the past. Not too much, keep a balance.

Changqing Star is a vast area, and it is also the largest aquaculture planet in the empire. It also has a large population.

"Well, I'm going to go out alone and feel the new weather in the new year."

Zhang Shusheng was not going to take the husbands this time. Most of them were taken away. Imagine where a handsome man might be just getting noticed. But if he took one or two beautiful women with grace and luxury, What kind of distraction was there, completely watched.

"Yes, Sister Ning is a little bit sick recently. I spend more time with her. Sister is busy with work."

Fu Huiyu thoughtfully helped Zhang Shusheng choose a suit, a simple mountaineering suit, and a pair of imitation military boots, which was the first choice for long-distance travelers.

Zhang Shusheng didn't talk nonsense. He changed his head and went directly to the underground passage. After opening the defensive door with a command from a secret exit, he opened an inconspicuous door that had already appeared in Hanjing.

Hanjing is now a highly developed city. However, as the concept of the empire capital star is increasingly strengthened, the concept of the city is weakening, and the concept of a planet as a big city is taking shape.

Like all high-level Mings, the Capital Star will eventually move towards common development. Any area is a land of gold, and no suburbs exist.

"The traffic situation is completely different. The operation of La Guxing was really far-reaching."

The entire city of Hanjing has changed greatly from five years ago. Hundreds of meters of high-rise buildings abound. The original ground streets have long been replaced by three three-dimensional pedestrian streets near the ground, which are reserved as nostalgia.

If the area is calculated by the entire city, the concept of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai on the ancient map has been completely covered, and the next step will be further expanded. In the ultimate plan, the entire Turkistan will become the most prosperous zhōngyāng district in the future.

"Go southwest."

Zhang Shusheng hasn't been back to the southwest for a while. Although the traffic is very convenient, it takes only a few minutes to get on the spaceship, but it is expensive, and travel is not a trivial matter. It involves too many aspects and delays the local high-speed economic construction.

The year before last, he and his three ladies attended the celebration of the integration of Chengyuyi into the Southwest.

In the planning, there are several districts below zhōngyāng, of which the southwest will be the future district name, which is also a huge city.

Taking Chengyuyi as the central area and building a new area in the whole southwest is also a considerable effort.

This is Zhang Shusheng's expected first stop.

He carried a travel bag and took the bus elevator directly to the fly station on Fifth Avenue. Although the speed of this gravity elevator is not fast, it is very stable, energy-saving, and has a very low failure rate.

In the urban planning, the three streets near the ground are pedestrian streets, and the transportation hub is from the fourth-level avenue. The fourth-level avenue is mainly for urban traffic, while the fifth-level avenue is for mid-distance traffic.

There are not many people on the speeding platform, because there are too many shifting speeds. Even if a large number of speeding vehicles are in reserve, they will still be used by the entire empire.

The 5112 speedcar will soon enter the station, it will drive all the way to the long-distance spacecraft station.

The process of getting in the car is simple, DNA swipe. The instrument just scanned Zhang Shusheng's information and passed. Speeding is completely free public facilities and does not cost anything. The on-board scans are more targeted at criminals and those with physical or jīng abnormalities and are found in advance.

This is a 15-seater medium-speed car. It is very stable. People greet enthusiastically, watching the on-board TV on the car, discussing news and movies.

"Boy, where are you going?"

"The long-distance spacecraft station is about to go southwest."

"What a coincidence, we also go to the long-distance spacecraft station, but we are going to go fishing in the Arctic."

Sitting next to Zhang Shusheng was a middle-aged couple in their fifties who greeted him enthusiastically. Zhang Shusheng felt the ordinaryness of a long absence and talked with them very easily.

A few years ago, the Arctic opened a spacecraft flight. Many people go for tourism. Of course, there are many couples who go fishing like this. It is too convenient. Even if the passenger spacecraft uses new nuclear energy, the entire flight will not come down. A little more than an hour.

Within a few minutes, the speeding car arrived at the long-distance spacecraft station.

Zhang Shusheng and the middle-aged couple said goodbye and asked each other for a phone call, saying it was possible to go back to the North Pole and go fishing together. The couple used their vacation to prepare for a few days in the North Pole.

Tickets for long-distance spacecraft are very cheap, but they maintain a minimum operating cost, which is different from the free transportation in the city. This long-distance transportation still has to be charged.

Zhang Shusheng successfully bought a ticket by the window. This self-produced spacecraft is an atmospheric spaceship. The spacecraft has huge floor-to-ceiling portholes on the left and right, and the scenery is very good.

Zhang Shusheng sat down by the window, and the cabin was boarding one after another.

Looking out from the perspective of Zhang Shusheng, you can see the entire long-distance spaceship station. Dozens of spaceships on the planet are undertaking Hanjing's transportation missions around the world.

As the key area, the southwest area has a spaceship flight every hour.

Soon the passenger flow was on the line, and the spacecraft closed its doors to take off.


Zhang Shusheng suddenly smelled a low sobbing sound of the spacecraft. Don't look over it and find that she is a female student with a beautiful appearance and can see that she is a beautiful girl, but she is too ordinary and even very plain.

The girl was looking down at the phone, pursing her lips tightly and crying silently.

This is an old communication phone, without virtual call function, the overall xìng can be about the same as the later generations of smart phones.

Today, with the rapid development of technology, virtual mobile phones have become the first choice of many people. A mobile phone is equivalent to a small light brain. Of course, if it is more expensive, you can directly buy a watch type light brain.

The girl is very poorly dressed ~ ~ The mobile phone is also an old-fashioned smart phone, with a miserable expression. At first glance, it means that her family is in a bad state and she has encountered difficulties.

It must be said that there will be poor people in any era. This is not Zhang Shusheng's desire to solve, but once the class differentiation is completely resolved and the gap between the rich and the poor is completely resolved, the race will be "euthanized" in another strange circle.

For example, genetic modification, the whole people enjoy ordinary transformation, if you want intermediate or high-level transformation, you have to pay or redeem them with Empire credit points.

He carefully observed the young girl around him, and even sensed it with the vitality in his body. He had received basic martial arts training, also received gene injections and brain development. It can be said that she had enjoyed the welfare of the citizen.

The effect of genetic modification is on the upper side. Although the development of the brain domain is not particularly excellent, it has developed a good potential and belongs to the growth genius.

Why should such a carefree college girl look so sad.

"Can I help you?"

The spacecraft had taken off, Zhang Shusheng turned over and handed her a tissue.

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