"No, sir!" he admitted. "Keep pace with the club."

A me and I are in a domed building he called "place". There was no one else in the huge auditorium, although there were many people waiting outside. Expressed the hope that no one will accompany me, and I can’t see a valid reason for rejecting the request.

"First," he said, stopping next to the shining subject on the spaceship, "Let me take you back for generations until only this northern continent is inhabited, and the Libarians and Niangs are People of that era.

"In those days, we had less understanding than today's Neen. There is no city here; every family lives in a simple hut, farming, plowing and foraging by themselves. Then, it fell from the sky." He touched religiously. The smooth side of the spacecraft. "It came to the world from this place, and from there, there is now someone speaking. Can you check the ship that brought him here?"

"Very happy." I said, and when I was speaking, Atul opened the small round door. A huge flashlight, still visible in our larger museum, stood inside the threshold, with the aid of a light beam, we entered.

I stared around in surprise. The port he entered resulted in a narrow cabin extending along the length of the ship: a cabin may be twice as long as a person, or half as long as a person. The rest of the ship was cut off by bulkheads, and each bulkhead was equipped with a control device. I can only vaguely understand its purpose.

It is a veritable tool maze, mounted on three large panels. The central panel of the group contains a circular lens, which is obviously the eyepiece of some types of TV discs, which I have never seen or heard of. From my hasty inspection, I found that the ship was not only affected by the rocket effect, an early propulsion method, abandoned due to ineffective maneuvering, but also by some form of attraction-repulsion device, apparently through my flight. The red-spotted disk observed around the head is a functioning boat. Although the text on the control panel and the instrument has been almost erased, it is no different from the language spoken to us.

This ship is undoubtedly from the earth!

I said solemnly: "Atul, you showed me something that made me more excited than me in my life. This spacecraft came from my own world and is called the Earth."

He nodded and said, "This is the name he gave it: Earth. He is a young man, but he is full of kindness and wisdom. He took my people out of the fields and forests, and he taught them the processing of metals, and he He thought it was a good thing. Other things he knew were secret. The small tools he could hold in his hand suddenly roared, which would kill large animals far away, but he didn’t explain them, saying they were The bad thing is all the good things he created for my people and showed them how to make others.

All my people are fine. Some of them hate this great man and fight with him. They were troublemakers, and he sent them to the southern continent called. He made his friends among those who love him and serve him best. He taught them his language, which is the language I speak, and has been the holy word of his priests ever since. He gave the names of these friends in his own country, and they passed them from father to son, so I am now because my father is his father for generations. "

I put it in, "Please wait a minute. Arthur? That's not-ah! Arthur! That's the name: Arthur."

"Maybe," the unknown priest of the Earth Child nodded. "In many generations, the name may change slightly. But I must continue to tell the story because people outside will be impatient.

"Over time, he passed away. An old man with a beard whiter than our newborn baby's hair. Here, our hair turns black with age, but he turns white like metal on a boat. Brought him here, but he left us with his voice, as long as he speaks to us on the anniversary of the sky rising, the inner man believes that his power still protects his people.

"But the Nien are just waiting for the time when his voice is no longer ringing in this place. Every year their brown and barbaric representatives come to listen on the anniversary, and every time they cower and return to their gracious state, they speak Man still speaks to his people.

"But on the last anniversary, no sound came out. His voice finally fell silent; ecstatic, telling their people that the **** finally died and his voice was in the place."

A nervous excitement enveloped me; my hands trembled, and my voice trembled when I spoke to Atul.

"That voice-where does it come from?" I whispered.

"From here." Unfortunately, he religiously lifted a small box of smooth, shiny metal from a small spot on the wall, and lifted the lid.

Strangely, I stared at the exposed instrument. One end of the horizontal panel is a small piece of metal film, I guess it is a diaphragm. In the center of the remaining space, a heavy rusty metal rod was pushed. A bright wire was supported by a tiny bracket so that it could not completely touch the rusty metal pole and disappeared through the small hole in the panel. Each bracket that supports the wire is tilted with a small roller, which leads me to believe that the length of the wire is longer than shown and is designed to be pulled onto a standing metal.

"Until the last anniversary," Atul said sadly, "When someone touches this piece of metal, here,"-he pointed out a lever next to the diaphragm, and I didn't notice-"This line is fast Moving, his voice rang. But this anniversary, the wires did not move and there was no sound."

"Let me wait a moment." There was a hinge on one end of the panel, and I lifted the hinge carefully. A labyrinth of intricate mechanisms appeared.

I could see it at a glance: a small, crude but viable atom generator was in the box. I was right about the wire: a spool with a neatly ordered coil, and the other end connected to an empty spool. The rusty metal pole is an electromagnetic pole, excited by an atom generator.

"I think I'm in trouble!" I yelled. One of the connections to the atom generator was severely corroded. It may be due to the electrolysis of two dissimilar metals that part of the metal was completely eaten. I re-established the connection with trembling fingers, and then turned the hinged panel down. "This is leverage?" I asked.

"Yes, you touch like this." Moved a little bit of metal, and then the shiny wire began to move, passing through a small hole, passing directly above the magnet on its roller guide, and then disappearing through another hole to wind Spool on the reel. There was no sound for the time being, and the slight friction of the wire on the roller was omitted, and then a powerful sound of bass was emitted from the vibrating metal diaphragm:

"This is Thomas Anderson," the voice said. "I am a native of a world called the Earth, and I have traveled through space to reach another realm. I left this record, and I believe it is immortal, so when others follow me, they may know the earth It is an honor for the earth to bring the first visitor from the stars to this world.

"There is no record of me on Earth, and no record of my spaceship adventurer. The history of science is the history of mankind working under the strong impact of criticism and mockery; I have nothing.

His adventurers gathered far away from the city, in a lonely place where no one laughed or criticized. Upon completion, I was in place and sealed the port I entered. The adventurer spurned below the cradle of the earth, and in the middle of the 22nd century, as time counted on the earth, mankind found himself in outer space for the first time.

"I landed here by accident. My ship has already shot bolts. Maybe I can leave, but space navigation is a dangerous thing. I can't be sure to choose my country. This is a happy world, I The work done here is good work, and I still stay here.

"Now, in that distant year, my voice was going to be my voice, so that my bones are less than dust, but my mind refuses to count the years and let me take charge of the happiness and well-being of the world for you. These , My people. May peace and happiness be your part. This is the wish of Thomas Anderson, the first orphan on earth."

There was a click, and then the sharp hum of the wire re-wound on the original drum.

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