"Good," said the Russian rocket player. "Only how do we get to the ground? I have a space suit, possibly in von Bock's cave. If we can find it, von Bock must also have a suit, although I think it is too big for you."

Li Huai explained his self-made space suit. Piot was impressed. The suit contained in Li Badi's big sacks was thrown down in the prison cave, and they opened the package. Piot checked the helmet with interest. "Very good. It might work. It doesn't seem to be breathable."

"I tested it underwater," Li Huai said. "It did not leak any bubbles."

The Russian nodded. "But I don't believe your big bag of air will work. How do you blow it up in the first place? I think you will still be sad. Fortunately, there are three oxygen cylinders on my suit. I can separate one for your use. "

He nodded and looked at the homemade helmet. Li Huai was translucent in the cave, looking at his new friend with interest. There were strange expressions in Li Badi's mind. His things brought back faint, almost forgotten memories, bomb explosions, building collapses, frightened children, and obscure and bleak and terrifying memories.

Li Huai suddenly asked: "Why do you learn to speak English so well?"

Piot looked up. "I want to know when you will ask. I always speak English and I am still a child. When my soldiers in Dresden found me, I was just a little boy, maybe six or seven. I will I speak German, but most of the time I can speak English. They couldn't find my parents and family, so they took me back to Russia. I also studied English at school, but I always knew it."

Li Badi started, his heart beating strangely. "What's your name? That's Russian."

The opponent stared at him hard. "No, no. My name is, yes son."

Li Huai was sure he knew now, but he insisted on the next question tenaciously. "My father's name is also John. John. How do you spell your last name?"

Peter said, "Why?" A curious smile began to press on his lips, "It's just like in Russia."

At the same moment, tears of joy popped into their eyes like mushrooms after a rain, and the two brothers grabbed each other, laughed and fell heavily on each other's backs in the field party.

Corey stared at the two earthlings indifferently and seemed to leave their senses curiously.

Escape bomb

When they recovered from their enthusiasm, the two let go of each other and sat down panting. "Well, this is amazing," Li Huai said at last. "Here, I must go to the moon to find my brother. You know I don't really remember."

"Of course not. You couldn't be more than four years old when we broke up. I think I was about three years old. Maybe we can put together what we know and find out what happened. I know my father and mother were **** The elements were detained in Germany. At the end of the war, the Germans began to move them and other prisoners nearby; in the chaos, we were trapped somewhere and bombarded constantly. Both you and me and my mother lost their father somewhere. After wandering for several days, I was with a group of Russians who were taken to Germany as slaves by the police. They returned to their homes and I held them tightly. The Soviet army just counted me as its orphan and then I bring it back. But maybe you know more about our family?" Peter looked at his brother expectantly.

Li nodded. "I don't remember what happened. I was still very young. I only remember that I was very scared, lonely, and things were out of control. When I was older, I checked the records of the orphanage. It seems that my father is American. Some kind of commercial agent. In Germany, when the United States entered the war, he was detained with his mother and the two of us. Apparently they were killed by some kind of bombing at the end of the war, and I was the only one who survived. According to the US Army report ."

During the conversation, Corey remained motionless and didn't know much about the content of the conversation. Now, he pointed to Li Badi's sleeve. "Look. Come cheeky."

Sure enough, Li Bad's ape pet finally found them. Obviously, this little animal can easily avoid being caught by the Grasse Islands, so it has been looking for its owner. Now his little head appeared on the edge of the big rock that sealed their cave. Cheeky heard Li Bad's siren, passed through the narrow gap, and waved to his friend.

Peter looked at the monkey with interest. He said: "I want to know if we can't use your pet to help us get out of here." "We should really start thinking about running away. I don't know when von Bock will adopt this idea to start something bad. "

"Well, let's start planning it," Li Hao said. "First, we should see what we need to do. I think the Glasgows have also left everything about me and me here. That should make things quite simple. What do they have of you?"

They walked to the pile of things, illuminated the road with them, and checked them. Everything exists. Among Peter's possessions, his space suit is intact, with three shoulder-back oxygen tanks. Li Badi picked up a gun belt, which was obviously part of his clothes, but the leather case was empty. Peter commented: "Von Bock took it when he opened me. He is also armed."

But Li Wei noticed that the German rocket pilot apparently did not expect to bring an extra bundle of pistol ammunition clipped to his belt. He pulled out a clip and turned it over, then said:

"We should be able to use them for some form of transfer. If we can attract their attention to other places, we can easily push away the rocks that seal our caves and run. We should not wait for von Bock to decide. determination."

"Yes," his brother said. "Those bullets have good gunpowder. We can make a small bomb that can be used as a fuse or a display."

"I think the bomb can solve the problem. Let's get started." Li Hao's words and deeds were decent. He sat down, spread the piece of clean cloth he found on the floor of Peter's property, then began to pull the ink cartridge away, and then gently shake the powder.

Back on Earth, if there is no instrument and powerful force, such work will be arduous. On the moon, this is not easy, but their strength allows them to twist metal rims. Soon, they gathered a neat small pile of explosive powder.

They packed them into a small glass tube in Peter's exploration device until it tightly filled the entire space. They twisted the dried fiber into a thread, and then rolled it into a small amount of residual powder until it turned completely black. They inserted them as fuses into the end of the tube.

Li Huai said: "Now we should put our things together and be prepared." "I don't think it's a good idea to go back to the way I came in; we just cut our distance. The idea is to get your rocket Ascend to the ground. Where did you come from?"

Peter pointed in the opposite direction. "I entered through a high hole in the wall and came here along a narrow ledge. I think I can find it again."

Li Huai said, "Then let us enter the equipment and get ready." He began to refill his big backpack, but Peter stepped in.

He said: "You can really leave some of them behind." "Make it easier to move quickly. Except that we have some narrow places where you can squeeze the way to the surface of the water. I suggest you put most of it Keep the food behind. Eat a few more meals. You only need your space helmet and space suit."

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