During the confrontation in 1894, first at the Lek Observatory, then Perotin in Nice, and then other observers, a large amount of light was seen on the lighting part of the disc. English readers first heard about it in the August 2nd issue of Nature. I tend to think that this fire may be that huge guns were thrown into a pit that sank into their planet and then shot at us. In the next two opposition parties, strange marks were seen near the outbreak site, but they have not been explained.

Six years ago, a storm swept over us. When Mars approached, Lavelle on Java Island connected the astronomical alternating current with the amazing intelligence of massive incandescent gas explosions on Earth. It happened on the twelfth midnight. The spectroscope he immediately turned to showed a large amount of burning gas, mainly hydrogen, moving towards the earth at a great speed. At about 12:15, the flame became invisible. He likened it to a huge flame that burst out suddenly, violently blasting out of the earth, "That's burning gas from a gun."

It proves a proper phrase in the singular. But the next day, there was nothing in the newspaper except a short note in the Daily Telegraph. The world has ignored one of the most serious dangers that once threatened mankind. If I hadn't met the famous astronomer Ogilvy, I might have never heard of the eruption. He was very excited about the news, and when he was very excited, he invited me to turn around with him under the close inspection of the red planet that night.

Despite everything that has happened since then, I still clearly remember the vigil: the black and silent observatory, the shadowed lanterns cast a faint light on the corner floor, the telescope clock ticked steadily, and there was a gap in the roof. -In the depths of an oblong circle, stardust sweeps across it. Ogilvy walked around, invisible but audible. Looking through the telescope, people saw a dark blue circle and the small round planet swimming in the field. It seems to be a small thing, so bright and small and still, with faint horizontal stripes, and slightly flattened from a perfect circle. However, it is too little, silvery warmth-the pin shines! It seems to be trembling, but this is indeed the telescope vibrating with the movement of the clockwork to keep the planet visible.

As I can see, the planets seem to be getting bigger and bigger, moving forward and backward, but it's just that my eyes are tired. This is a distance of 40 million miles from us-a gap of more than 40 million miles. Few people are aware of the huge void in which the dust of the material universe wanders.

I remember that there were three faint light spots near the field, three distant stars were infinitely far away, and the surroundings were empty and unfathomable darkness. You know how this black looks in a frosty starry night. It seems more profound in the telescope. It’s invisible to me, because it’s so far and small, it flies towards me quickly and steadily at that incredible distance, close to a thousand miles every minute, it’s what they gave Our thing, that thing has brought too much struggle, disaster and death. When I watched it, I never dreamed. No one on earth dreamed of that unmistakable missile.

That night, another gas spewed from a distant planet. I saw. The edges flickered slightly, and the outline was projected just to midnight. Then I told Ogilvy that he took my place. The night was warm and thirsty. I stretched out my legs awkwardly and fumbled for the small table where the siphon stood in the dark, while Ogilvy exclaimed at the stream of gasoline coming out of us.

That night, another invisible missile flew from Mars to Earth, less than twenty-four hours after the first launch. I remember how I sat on the dark table there, with green and crimson spots swimming in front of my eyes. I wish I could smoke, and hardly doubt the meaning of the glimmer I see, and everything it brings to me. Ogilvy looked until one, then gave up. We lit the lantern and walked to his house. In the darkness, below are Otshaw and Chertsey, and hundreds of them, sleeping in peace.

That night, he was full of speculation about the state of Mars and laughed at the vulgar idea that people on Mars were sending signals to us. His idea is that the meteorite may be falling into heavy rain, or a huge volcanic explosion may be taking place. He pointed out to me that it is very unlikely that organic evolution will move in the same direction on two adjacent planets.

He said: "The chance of encountering any similar human being on Mars is one million to one."

Hundreds of observers saw the flame one night and one night after midnight, and the flame the next night. Waited for ten nights, burning every night. Why did the camera stop after no one on the tenth planet tried to explain? It may be that the shooting gas caused inconvenience to the Martians. Thick clouds of smoke or dust, which can be seen through powerful telescopes on Earth, resemble small gray, undulating patches that spread the clarity of the planet's atmosphere and obscure its more familiar features.

Even the daily newspapers woke up, and the volcano that disturbed Mars was here, there and everywhere with popular notes. The serous is punched regularly, and I remember happily using it in political cartoons. Moreover, all the unforeseen missiles that the Martians fired at us pounced on the earth, and are now crossing the open space at a speed of several miles per hour, running closer and closer at a speed of several hours per hour. In my opinion, it is almost unbelievable now that people can handle small things just like them because of the fate surrounding us. I remember how happy Markham was to get this new picture of the planet for the illustration paper he edited. People later on hardly realized the richness and arduousness of our 19th century papers. As far as I am concerned, I am very busy learning to ride a bicycle and a series of papers discussing the possible development of moral concepts as civilization progresses.

It was almost impossible for the first missile to reach 10,000,000 miles in one night. My wife and I went for a walk. It was starlight. I explained the Chinese zodiac to her and pointed out Mars. A bright spot of light flew to the top of the sky, and many telescopes pointed to Mars. It was a warm night. After returning home, hikers from Chertsey or Illworth gathered for us to sing and play music. When people go to bed, lights are on in the upper windows of the houses. There was a shunting sound from a railway station in the distance, and it rang and rumbling, almost turning into a melody in the distance. My wife pointed out the brightness of the red, green and yellow signal lights hanging in the sky. It seems so safe and peaceful.

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