Super Wizard

Chapter 99: One life, two luck

Feng Shui is a superstition for young people, but for many older people, although they believe, they feel that Feng Shui is too mysterious.

Because there are too many professional terms for feng shui, and all kinds of gossip, nine houses, and stars, etc., I heard that they are getting bigger.

This is only a part of it. Fortunately, Yangzhai's graves, etc., are more about Zushan, Zishan, Mingtang, and Shashui... In short, even the most talented students in China who have formulated insurance company exemptions have listened You have to get in.

It is precisely because the Feng Shui team has too many things to master, and it often takes a long time to learn these things, so most of the Feng Shui masters did not come out to show people Feng Shui until they were in their forties. One of the reasons for Ming.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that many feng shui scammers are emerging in society. These people simply don't understand feng shui. They have read a few books and learned some feng shui jargon.

Anyway, employers don’t understand Feng Shui. If you ask about it, you can just use a few words and confuse it. Moreover, the feng shui thing is slow to take effect. It will take three to fifty years and one or two years to be fast. This period of time is enough for these scammers to leave.

"Actually, you don't have to think of Feng Shui as magically. There are many factors that affect people's life. Feng Shui is just one of them, and you don't have to entangle the Feng Shui problem too much."

"I believe that many people have heard the phrase "one life, two transports, three fengshuis", but there is still a paragraph behind it.

Fang Ming looked at everyone, he felt the need to let the world have a more correct understanding of Feng Shui.

"The so-called destiny is determined by the sky. At the moment of your birth, your destiny is already determined. This is something you cannot choose, such as your family background, your birth environment, and the so-called Feng Shui here refers to birth. surroundings."

"Oranges are oranges in Huainan, and trifoliate in Huaibei. Whether they are settled in the princely home of the rich and the rich or the poor and the poor, these are things you cannot change."

"We can't choose whether our birth is good or bad, but this does not mean that our lives can't really be changed. One life and two lucks Many people know that a word is destiny, so why does this sentence separate life and luck? Life and luck here are two completely different concepts."

"Fate can't be changed, but luck is possible. The so-called destiny and destiny actually mean changing lives. Life is determined by heaven, and life is determined by life."

Fang Ming's voice was not heavy, but every word drifted slowly into everyone's ears like Qingquan, making them listen.

"Every time during the Spring Festival and New Year holidays, we would always say a polite word to wish you good luck this year, but how has the University changed?"

"When a person is born, the character of birth has been fixed, and according to the arrangement, it can be guessed in which year a person's luck will be particularly strong. One luck in five years and one luck in ten years is a changing trend."

"But the fortune is not just changing according to this law, it is necessary to mention the latter part of this proverb. Four plots of Yin and virtue are five readings, six of them are seven phases and eight of respecting gods, and nine of them are nobles and ten are keeping in good health."

"According to good deeds can change a person's fortune, and the merits of reading naturally needless to say, since ancient times it has been said that the carp leaps to the dragon gate."

"The so-called six names and seven appearances refer to the names and appearances. Names and appearances are also very important for a person. It seems that many people make up for the lack of five elements and their appearances are more important. By the way, a person’s appearance often affects a person’s luck, and even in some cases, his life.

Fang Ming increased his tone deliberately when he said this, because it was not alarmist. After seeing the puzzled expressions of the people, he explained: "Why should the fortune teller first be called a Xiangshi, because many times I watch popular luck It is all seen from the face, the face of the person corresponds to his luck for a period of time. If the face is broken, the luck will suddenly change sharply."

"Especially our face, many people who have a little understanding of the appearance should know that the human face corresponds to the twelve star palace, which affects various fortunes of people, so don't easily break the face."

"Of course, if you are really out of luck, then you might as well consider going to the whole room and running it in time."

Seeing the atmosphere suddenly dignified, Fang Ming half joked a joke, and the scene really gave a conscientious smile. In fact, the atmosphere is dignified because they were shocked by Fang Ming's words. They never knew that the appearance was so important.

"Worship the gods and worship Buddha, then let's talk about making friends with the nobles. The nobles here don't necessarily refer to those big men with high weights or net worth. The nobles refer to people who are helpful to you."

When Fang Minghua said this, the old Lao Xu couldn't help but ask: "How do you know that the other party is our noble person?"

"Help is not necessarily a matter of giving, it may be a change to your luck, just like if you meet a beggar and you give him a dollar, in fact this beggar does not bring you any In return, but then you have negotiated a contract that was not negotiated, so this beggar is your noble.

"It's also possible that your noble person is your employee, a passer-by on your side of the road... In short, remember that being kind to others is also good for yourself."

Fang Ming's words are over here, but these people still have a sense of expression, because no one has ever discussed the relationship between the fate of Feng Shui with them in such detail.

Those so-called Feng Shui masters and Xiang Shi always talk about the fate of Feng Shui when they talk about the fate of Feng Shui.

"Boss Fang is really a master, so simple and easy to understand, compared to the gentlemen I have encountered in the past, it is really much smarter."

After half a ring, someone felt emotion.

"Yes, boss Fang is a master. We understand what we say."

"I think those who are deliberately very mysterious are liar."

Hearing the praises of these people, Fang Ming waved his hands and explained: "That's not the case. Some masters don't like to say too much to people, they just point to the end, because they should also explain to you what they should explain. ."

Fang Ming, who is in the circle, knows very well that most people don’t like to tell their employers too clearly, some of them don’t understand half a bucket of water, and some are to keep mysterious. After all, they are too transparent. It will inevitably make the employer lose its mystery, and without the mystery, there will be no awe, and no more money will be made without awe.

Of course, it is more because of the rules of the teachers, because if you talk a lot, you will inevitably reveal the technique of the teachers and the public, and fear that they will be stolen.

Keeping yourself behind closed doors is a common problem in this industry. As far as he knows, at present, the entire domestic feng shui school is divided into Luantou and Liqi, and there are two north and south schools in the region, and there are many schools within the two schools. What is the house, Yanggong, Xuankong Flying stars, crossing the Yin and Yang...

"Okay, this is the end of today."

Fang Ming got up, and it was almost noon, so he should have lunch.

"Boss Fang, can I come over tomorrow and ask you to do some calculations."

"Yes, I also make an appointment tomorrow."

Several bosses opened their mouths and saw Fang Ming's ability, they didn't need much, as long as Fang Ming saw their future luck, then a few sentences would be enough.


Fang Ming shook his head, "I don't accept appointments here, and the other few should not come over tomorrow unless someone who really needs it in this regard."

Although I have seen the strange rules of Fang Ming's previous sales, most people still can't understand Fang Ming's words. Even if you open the door to do business and choose people to sell, why refuse to come to the door?

"Everyone, because it is open today, it is free, and tomorrow it will start charging, and the price is not low." Fang Ming looked at the person and said slowly.

"Isn't it just to see a fortune teller, where can it be expensive, and it should be given money, there is no way to see a fortune teller who doesn't give money, boss Fang, I will come over tomorrow and you will show me my fortune next year. ."

When a middle-aged man in the crowd heard Fang Ming’s words, he said audaciously, but then he felt that the people around him looked at him with a weird look, which looked like a fool. .

"You look at me with this look, have I said the wrong thing?"

The middle-aged man looked puzzled, and the one standing beside him obviously couldn't stand it anymore, reminded him, "The previous few items under the boss Fang sold that price, but the boss Fang didn't say that expensive, but now Say the price is not low..."

The middle-aged man came down with cold sweat on his face. He suddenly found that he was acting so hard. If he had to count dozens of millions in his fortune-telling, then he really couldn't afford it.

"You don’t care too much about the price. Normally, I don’t like to tell people fortunes, because fate changes too much, and knowing that the future is not necessarily a good thing, I still say that, and welcome people in need to come to your door. As for the price, the lowest one is not capped."

Fang Ming smiled and saw the panic-stricken opening of the crowd to explain. The middle-aged man's expression did not change when he heard the front. When he heard the "lowest piece", he even smiled, but when the last "on" The word "uncapped" came into his ears, and the whole person was immediately counseled.

For example, what they are most afraid of when opening a store to do business is not to cap, because without capping, they don’t know how high, and the lowest piece has no meaning at all.

It seems that many shops will put a speaker in front of the store or post a SH report: a minimum of 66 yuan for the whole audience, many people think that things are cheap, but after entering, they will find that there are only a few pieces of 66 yuan, other Are hundreds or thousands.

This character is similar to Boss Fang's "not capped".

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