Super Wizard

Chapter 438: What is partial wealth

Regarding financial luck, many people believe this, and the more people who like gambling, the more they believe.

So, those gamblers have a lot of taboos, what clothes to wear, what decorations to wear, and what women with big aunts can't touch.

"Wealth, in fact, is divided into many kinds, there are positive and partial wealth, and even there are several types of positive and partial wealth, for example, there is a kind of Lu Cai is a kind of Zheng Cai, said that there is noble help Fortune."

"Of course, gambling is a type of partial wealth, and the biggest difference between partial wealth and positive wealth is that the former is too unstable." Fang Ming saw Zhuang Xin's curious baby's eyes and thought for a while.

"Partial wealth, is the so-called Laobianmen chanting." Zhuang Xin said after thinking.

"No, it can be part of wealth, but part of wealth is not just saying that the wealth obtained by one's own efforts and struggle belongs to wealth, but there are other things, such as Demolition, such as property inheritance, or lottery winnings, and another example of buying South Korea 2-0 against Germany... These are all partial wealth, but these are legal."

Fang Ming corrected Zhuang Xin's words. In fact, this is also a misunderstanding of many people's partial wealth. In many people's view, partial wealth is the money made by squandering the door, violating the law or taking the sideline. Although the money belongs to partial wealth, But it can only be regarded as a part of partial wealth.

Everyone has partial wealth, but the difference is more or less. However, partial wealth is different from positive wealth, and there is an important characteristic that is easy to be deprived or lost.

To describe it with a very appropriate proverb, Zhengcai is: the tall buildings rise on the ground, relying on step-by-step efforts to lay the foundation firmly and not easily collapse.

As for the partial wealth, it means that the bluefly flies for thousands of miles. Although it does not depend on its own ability, it can easily be beaten back to its original form.

Therefore, there has always been a popular saying in the line of Xiangshi: starting a fortune and making a fortune.

What this means is that after earning the first money by relying on partial wealth, we must start to find ways to improve our positive wealth.

"It's a little bit farther, pull it back to the table."

After explaining partial wealth and positive wealth, Fang Ming continued: "From the moment you sit at the gambling table, whoever wins or loses depends on who has the strongest luck, and I see At a glance, the one with the most fortune among the six of you is the one on my left on the left."

Hearing Fang Ming’s words, Zhuang Xin froze for a moment, “No, although Lao He didn’t lose as much as I did at the beginning, he didn’t win much from start to finish. About one hundred thousand."

"That's because his partial wealth was taken away."

Fang Ming smiled slightly, "I said earlier that partial financial luck is the most unstable, and it will easily be lost. Although the strongest financial luck is the strongest, Tan Yaowen used some means to transfer his partial financial luck to On his head."

"There is a saying in Fortune One that is three yuan, nine games and sixty years of feng shui rotation. The so-called three yuan refers to the three Jiazi, which is 180 years. And every sixty years is divided into three A little luck, which is twenty years."

"Twenty years, there will be a change in the auspicious position. The original auspicious position will become the auspicious position. That is to say, the house that was originally suitable for human living may become a haunted house."

Zhuang Xin frowned when he heard Fang Ming talking about it, because he vaguely felt that what Fang Ming said was not quite right.

"Doesn't think what I said is unreasonable, because many people's houses live for more than twenty years, and according to what I said, don't they all have problems."

Fang Ming seemed to have seen through what Zhuang Xin thought, and directly said what Zhuang Xin wanted to say, and Zhuang Xin smiled, which was indeed the place where he just felt puzzled.

"The reason is very simple. Although there are three yuan and nine fortunes, but there is another one that affects the auspicious position. That is the Jiu Gong Fei Xing. The Jiu Gong Fei Xing is based on the trajectory of the stars in the sky. So, when the three yuan and nine fortunes change, the Nine Palace Flying Star will also change."

"Whether it's Sanyuanjiuyun or Jiugongfeixing affects the fortune, it may be unlucky to use the three yuanjiujiu to calculate, but it may be lucky to use Jiugongfeixing. The two complement each other, except for some special ones. Although the region will generally change during the years, it will not be too big."

"Not to mention, in addition to these, there are also a person's horoscope and many other factors that affect a person's fortune, so the impact of three yuan and nine fortunes is only a large range, and when it is specific to individuals, it will be different. As a result, it cannot be generalized."

Zhuang Xin was half confused, because some words were too professional, and his layman only understood most of them.

Seeing Zhuang Xin’s expression, Fang Ming smiled, which is why many people don’t believe in the fate of Feng Shui, because they simply don’t understand it. Of course, some masters said it deliberately, because in many people’s ideas If you don’t understand it, you’re tall

However, Fang Ming wasn't deliberately provocative. It was just that the content of fortune was too complicated, so complicated that even if he wanted a simple explanation, it was impossible.

"Return to the theme, Lao He has the highest partiality of money, and what Tan Yaowen did is artificially create a flying star game to change the financial fortune of the six of you. This game is called the Liugong Flying Star."

"If you notice Tan Yaowen's black bodyguard, you will find that every time when Tan Yaowen decides whether to follow the card or mask, he glances at the bodyguard secretly. The reason is very simple. The Meteor Bureau was arranged by the bodyguard."

"The Sixth House of Flying Stars is different from the Ninth House of Flying Stars. It is a very small fortune feng shui bureau, but the fortunes in the Sixth House of Flying Stars are functioning, which means that each of you will have their turn. When it is Tan Yaowen’s turn, remind Tan Yaowen to bet hard.”

Fang Ming discovered after a few minutes of observation that there was eye contact between Tan Yaowen and the black bodyguard. When the money was on Tan Yaowen, the black bodyguard nodded slightly.

"Of course, in order to be afraid of you discovering clues, Tan Yaowen must have deliberately re-injected and lost money when the card was small, but in short he will control it. You won't notice it so slowly."

Ten masks, four loses and six wins, and Zhuang Xin and others will not have any doubt.

"Of course, the reason why you lose so much is because you happened to be in position with Tan Yaowen. When Tan Yaowen's fortune is added, your fortune is also the worst, and naturally loses the most."

Fang Ming signalled Zhuang Xin to follow him to the gambling table. At this moment, the chips on the gambling table had already been cleared by the staff. Fang Ming was left in the whole box.

"You think about it carefully, what was the state of Tan Yaowen when he was gambling?"

"What state..." Zhuang Xin thought after a while and replied: "His body is leaning back, and the posture of taking a card is also a bit wrong."

Without Fang Ming’s reminder, Zhuang Xin hadn’t thought of it yet. At this moment, I really think that Tan Yaowen’s move is a bit wrong. Most people gamble, and their bodies are leaning forward against the table, and they rarely lean back because of the front. Not only can you pay attention to the situation of dealing cards, but you can also observe the changes of other people's expressions more carefully.

Another point is that when Tan Yaowen took the card, he first stretched his hands to both sides and then retracted it to take the card, just like pulling back the chips.

"There are backers on the back, like tigers in the front." Fang Ming answered at this time, "The Sixth House of Flying Stars, the fortune is running. Tan Yaowen used this method to consolidate the fortune on his own body, of course, except for this, He also carried a special brave bracelet on his hand."

Bringing brave bracelets is nothing, so Zhuang Xin and others didn't think much about it, but Tan Yaowen's brave bracelets are different from ordinary brave bracelets. They already have a little spirituality, and they have the function of absorbing the wealth of others.

"Of course, the most important point is still here."

Fang Ming walked on the innermost wall with a smile, and then opened the curtains. On the wall, there were hanging double knives.

"The knife itself is full of shame, and your position is facing the double knife, so the fortune is the most injured. The two factors add up, which is why you lose the most money."

"It turned out that this was the case, why did the Qin brother's situation change afterwards? It seems that there hasn't been any change. These two knives are still inserted here." Zhuang Xin still asked only half of it.

"The reason is very simple. When I sat down, the pattern of the Sixth House of Flying Stars had actually changed. But at the beginning, I didn’t do anything, and I deliberately lost some money, even if it was the Mongolian. The winning of cards is also in accordance with the pattern set by Tan Yaowen."

"Only in this way, Tan Yaowen will relax his vigilance, thinking that everything is still under his control, but Tan Yaowen's bodyguard did not notice. In the last two games, I changed the direction of the fortune."

It’s easy to say, but it’s not so easy to do. It’s easy to destroy the Sixth House of Flying Stars, but the difficulty is to not be discovered, so Fang Ming seems to be sitting in his position, but in fact his The right foot is stomping gently, at a certain frequency.

Although Tan Yaowen’s bodyguard knew a little about the Sixth House of Flying Stars, it was obviously not too powerful, so he didn’t notice any flaws, but Fang Ming also understood that if he was a master of the Sixth House of Flying Stars, how could it be? Make a game with others.

"Lao Tan, the bastard, was so insidious that it set us up."

After everything was clear, Zhuang Xin gritted his teeth with anger. If he really lost his luck, he would recognize it, but now he knows that Tan Yaowen is playing tricks. How can he not be angry.

"Gambling, ten gambling and nine empty, even if you are prosperous, you will have an exhausting day, and although the design of each casino is different, but they have a common feature, they are all gathering places."

At the moment of entering the casino, Fang Ming noticed that both the layout and the furnishings of this casino conformed to the pattern of gathering wealth. It can be determined that the layout of the casino must be designed by someone who knows Feng Shui.

Zhuang Xin’s eyes turned to Fang Ming, his eyes were full of thoughts, and he said, **** towards Fang Ming, “Brother Qin also seems to be an expert. This time, I’m grateful for my brother, and I won money this time. We have evenly divided.

For Zhuang Xin, if there is no Fang Ming, he won't say that he won the money. It is estimated that Tan Yaowen may lose more than 50 million in setting up the board.

"Forget it, I can't take the money."

Fang Ming waved his hand and saw Zhuang Xin's puzzled expression, and then explained: "In our line, there is a sentence called: Five shortcomings and three shortcomings, which means that our line belongs to the leak of heaven, and we change our lives, so we must Will suffer retribution."

"Although this is an exaggeration, if you use your skills to earn this kind of partial wealth, it will indeed have some impact on yourself."

Fang Ming is not saying a word of refusal. The so-called five disadvantages and three shortcomings are just fooling people. Generally, there is no chance for the Feng Shui master to reveal the heavens, or to give people the ability to change their lives.

But there are also unseen rules in this line. If you use the skills you have learned to make legitimate money, such as Feng Shui Kanyu collecting fees, there is no problem, but if you use the skills you have learned to infringe the interests of others and earn money, you will suffer. To some extent retribution.

Fang Ming couldn't tell what the retribution was, but this was what his master told him. You can make money. There are many rich people who are rich. Just give me a feng shui. The price is 100 times the price. The problem, but it is that we cannot embarrass ourselves.

"How can that be done, brother Qin, you won the money."

"Brother Zhuang, the money for gambling is fine, so, if you don't, you can donate all this money to me, donate it to charity."

For the wealth of gambling, Fang Ming does not want it.

Seeing Fang Ming's determined expression, Zhuang Xin didn't insist anymore, but he had already made up his mind. Since the Qin brothers didn't want money, he would then prepare another gift of equal value.

Moreover, with his wisdom, it was instantly understood that the reason why the Qin brother had good relations with the Hujun, the Hujun Qianding Wan told Wan to take good care, I am afraid there is a large part of the reason because the Qin brother is not an ordinary person .

"Brother Qin, let's go and send you to the hotel first, and then we will have a good chat."

After all, the casino is someone else's site, and Zhuang Xin didn't say much. With Fang Ming, he left the casino and went to the hotel that was already arranged.

When Fang Ming was on the way to the hotel, the mansion of a top gangster in Xiangjiang was brightly lit at the moment. The whole hall gathered dozens of people, and everyone looked at the old man at the top.

PS: Two in one chapter.

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