Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 382: Grey Eagle UAV

Port of Sochi.

Watching this transport ship leave, a middle-aged man with a beard pulled his collar a little: "Goal set off, target set off."

"Falcon understands, Falcon understands."

After a brief conversation, the middle-aged man with a beard disappeared into the busy port.

In an ocean-going vessel dozens of nautical miles away, a sturdy middle-aged man has eyes like a sharp eagle. He clicked his headset to hang up the call, and clicked again to switch to the group communication.

"The prey appears."

In a nutshell, in this ocean-going vessel, dozens of elite special forces inside are the last to check their guns, and everyone's face is full of determination.

In the history of special forces, they now bear a shame.

The green beret is now a joke in the industry. The four combat teams were completely wiped out, and even the corpse was not found. It can be said that even death did not know how to die.

And this shame, let them swear that they must be washed away.

Not only did it take action against the helmet mercenaries on the Syrian battlefield, it was their deal, and it was also one of their goals.

The entire green beret was divided into two strands.

The largest group has already arrived in Syria, and is undergoing the most detailed operational planning and planning.

And they, as soon as they received the news, appeared here, in order to snipe each other first and have an appetizer. Stop the opponent’s weapon this time. Without these advanced heavy weapons, the threatening power of the helmeted mercenaries will be much reduced.

Like this kind of arms trade, Russia is strictly conservative, but it is impossible to keep it secret.

The person who was there still got the news.

"We only have ten minutes to evacuate. In ten minutes, the Russian side will respond and must complete this combat mission before they respond."

The commander said carefully, this time in the sea so long away from Sochi, it was actually an adventure.

With the twisting of the rope, the bow of this ocean-going ship, with a huge canvas pulled apart, turned out to be a small runway. With a buzzing sound, a drone dashed into the sky after a short run.

This kind of drone is not a civilian aerial camera, but a real military drone, capable of performing various tasks.

If anyone sees it, they will know that this is the famous Gray Eagle UAV of the US military.

The first tactic is to use drones.

Mounted with 4 AGM-114 "Hellfire" missiles and 4 GBU-44/B "Viper Strike" small precision-guided bombs, it is fully capable of turning the designated target into Fireball at sea.

Modern special warfare is no longer the same as before. Soldiers must appear.

Utilizing advanced military technology, special warfare has undergone tremendous changes.

The failure in Syria was mainly due to the neglect of the other side, and the presence of Russia did not use these weapons. But now, for the sake of shame, there is no need to think about so much.

If the drone fails, the second tactic is that they are dispatched.

As a special force, the ship used by it will of course not be an ordinary ship. This ocean-going vessel looks like an ocean-going vessel, but in fact, its performance is so powerful that it is just covered with the skin of an ocean-going vessel.

Of course, they don't think that the drone will miss, let alone such a transport ship, even a small warship, just this kind of firepower is enough to send it into the sea.


Transport ship.

After all the arms were transferred, Lu Chuan was naturally vigilant.

The U.S. hates helmet mercenaries for it. When this is the case, naturally it is their most suitable opportunity to start. With the US intelligence network, it is impossible not to know this transaction.

Such a large-scale arms deal cannot be started with the consent of a single person on the Russian side and China, and it may even alarm the president.

After so many people, the Russian side is like a sieve, and there are no secrets.

This also means that the United States has obtained intelligence on this transaction.

Hatred is deep in the bones, and not in Syria. For the United States, it is absolutely like a fish in water. How can it miss this opportunity?

On the transport ship, there are some rescue ships.

Without the consent of the captain of the transport ship, or even without their knowledge, Lu Chuan dismantled a rescue ship, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, but Lu Chuan hugged it with both hands and threw it into the sea. .

With a leap, Lu Chuan landed on the rescue boat.

Quickly start the engine, the rescue ship rushed out like an arrow, and quickly left in the opposite direction to the transport ship.

Because it was the opposite direction, the people on the transport ship didn't even know Lu Chuan's departure.

But they were curious, because they obviously felt that the boat had become lighter. The boat had a deep draft before, but now it seems to be unloaded. But it was obviously carrying heavy cargo before, how could it become lighter?

There was curiosity, but they didn't check.

This shipment was full of mystery, but they didn't think much about it.

After sailing for a few minutes, one of the crew members exclaimed.

In the cockpit, you can see a drone in front of you when you look up. On the gray-white fuselage, you can clearly see the weapons hanging on it.

The drone is not marked, and it is obviously impossible to identify the country from the pattern.

But the appearance still allowed the knowledgeable captain to confirm its identity: Grey Eagle.

"Fak, how could the Yankee Grey Eagle UAV appear here?" The captain cursed. The appearance is strange enough, but it still carries weapons, so things are big.

This place belongs to another country, and drones carrying weapons enter, which is considered an airspace invasion.

At the beginning, everyone was just curious and didn't know who the target of this grey eagle drone was.


After ten seconds, they knew.

In front of them, the two missiles on the Gray Eagle UAV suddenly separated from the UAV, and within a few tenths of a second they were ignited, propelling the missiles, and leaping towards the transport ship.

"Do not……"

Everyone who saw this scene exclaimed.



Both missiles were hits. For an unprotected ship such as a transport ship, two missiles would be a disaster.

Two large holes appeared on the wide ship. The power of the missile's explosion shredded the interior, and the power of the high-pressure explosion brought a billowing fire.

But this was not over yet, two missiles were fired on the drone again.

This time, it hit the horizontal line of the transport ship, blasted two large holes, and the sea water poured in, causing the transport ship to tilt on the spot.

With four missiles, the transport ship was desperately flooded into the water, causing a fire across the ship.

When the drone flew over the transport ship, the two "hellfires" fell at the same time, hitting the position of the driver's cab, and wiped the driver's cab from the flames, and none of the crew members could escape.

The drone went away and came back again, letting out the last two "hellfires".

After the transport ship turned into a raging fire, the Grey Eagle UAV would fly away and disappear between the sea and the sky.

For the green beret, this kind of textbook-like combat was naturally extremely successful. In this kind of surprise attack, no one on the transport ship could escape and was devoured by the fire.

The famous helmet mercenaries, are they still under high-tech, without the power to fight back?

After recovering the drone, this ocean-going ship, like a speedboat, was driving fast on the sea. The powerful engine makes this ocean-going vessel as light as nothing.



Lu Chuan, who was leaving in the rescue boat, heard the explosion faintly, and then saw the fire on the horizon.

Unconsciously, Lu Chuan's brows curled into a ball.

"It's fine."

Immediately, Lu Chuan laughed again. It seemed that his judgment was correct. This time the transaction was leaked, and then the already angry US side would not be unmoved by the success of the transaction.

If you are a few minutes late, maybe it's really hard to tell what the result will be.

Taking out the binoculars, a small black spot appeared in the sky. Under the high-powered binoculars, Lu Chuan could clearly see that it turned out to be the famous American Grey Eagle drone.

"It's really rich."

After a series of explosions, Lu Chuan, who was somewhat familiar with Grey Eagle, had to sigh.

In order to deal with themselves, in the absence of any powerful intelligence, they turned out to use eight missiles. After this round, they would have to spend millions of dollars.

Like this kind of move, only the United States can have such a wealth of money.

In wars under high technology, sometimes people don’t know how to die, and they lose their lives in confusion.

Looking at the fireball on the sea in the distance, Lu Chuan did not stop, and the rescue boat drove at full power and moved fast on the sea. It was not far from the coast, and within ten minutes, I saw the land.

Landing is very simple. The rescue ship has a shallow draft and can be delivered directly to the shore.

When he got ashore, Lu Chuan didn't even let the rescue ship go, and put it into the storage space. I don’t have a boat yet, and if I’m in the sea, it’s a tragedy. Prepare a boat to be fearless of the sea.

After crossing the coast and seeing the road, Lu Chuan took out an electric motorcycle from the end of the world.

The breakthrough of the battery makes the battery life of the electric motorcycle very amazing, reaching one thousand kilometers. Under this kind of index, the power of the electric motorcycle motors in the end of the world has increased dramatically. The one used by Lu Chuan today is completely racing.

Riding on, Lu Chuan did not intend to return to Sochi, but instead planned to drive an electric motorcycle directly to another city with an airport.

Turned on the phone and made a call. After Xia Min was connected, Lu Chuan said, "It's good, but I have some trouble. The green beret appeared. It should be the Russian news that leaked.

Xia Min's voice was equally indifferent: "I know, I will talk to the Russian side, how can I let them make up for a little bit of benefit, after all, this matter is their fault."

Naturally, Lu Chuan would not object to things like this.

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