Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 411: 1 empty city

During the mobilization of the entire settlement, Lu Chuan did not idle.

In order to ensure the smooth migration of these tens of thousands of people, the zombies on this road must be removed. Not only that, but also to prevent zombies from appearing in the city.

Throwing the mobilization to Chu Bin, Fang Wen and others, Lu Chuan once again became the shopkeeper.

Leaving the settlement swaggeringly, all that Lu Chuan left was dust brought up by a trolley and motorcycle.

The soldiers on the fence watched Lu Chuan leave, their eyes full of worship. This young man, with his unique skill, ruled this settlement of tens of thousands of people.

This kind of person is destined to be the strong in these last days.

Away from the settlement, Lu Chuan stopped.

In the field of vision centered on Lu Chuan, through the zombies, Lu Chuan can know everything within eight kilometers. Although the holographic God perspective in the biochemical factory cannot be used, it is sufficient.


A dark shadow passed by in the distance, but Lu Chuan's legs were like springs, jumping high, and then falling into the dark shadow.

The black shadow slapped the meat wing, leading Lu Chuan up into the sky.

Don't think of a corpse dragon as a zombie. Its mind is connected to Lu Chuan. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, it is absolutely flexible and everything is full of spirituality. This mount is very competent.

Soaring up into the sky, and plunged down again.

Ten kilometers, in the eyes of the corpse dragon, is nothing at all.

After ten kilometers, in Lu Chuan's mind, the corpse dragon landed and landed on the roof of a five-and-a-half-story residential building.

Lu Chuan jumped from the back of the corpse dragon and glanced here.

On the top of the building, a large number of flowers and trees were planted before, but now it is unmanaged and has long been abandoned. Many flowers and trees died, and only a few remained, but they were growing poorly. What's more, there is still weeds here, and there are people with high heads.

Lu Chuan stood in front of the guardrail, holding his hands.

I only saw that there was no zombie in the national road below, but in the next instant, lickers appeared. These lickers swallowed their long tongues, and their naked and exposed brains were like two huge eyes. The scarlet redness of the whole body increased their hideousness.

The number of lickers that appeared constantly was three or a few, then a dozen, to hundreds.

More and more lickers, they appeared on the national road, a scarlet piece.

The lickers have always been lonely, but there have been hundreds of them now, and if the survivors were to see it, they would definitely be shocked. This is a licker. The scale of hundreds is enough to make people feel terrified.

Soon, groups of hellhounds appeared.

Some of these hellhounds are tall and some are thin.

The characteristic of hellhounds is that their heads can split and turn into huge mouths. Not only will the bite position become larger, but also the bite force will increase. Their bite force, finer steel, will be bitten off.

Groups of Hellhounds quickly became thousands of scales.

Among these zombies, the appearance of the tyrant, dozens of tyrants stood out from the crowd, once they appeared, they immediately became the focus.

When the various zombies below occupy the entire national highway, half of the strongest group of zombies in Lu Chuan's hands appeared here. Two thousand hellhounds, two thousand lickers, three hundred tyrants.

This force is absolutely shocking.

Qiangwei and Titan appeared one after another. Qiangwei's capable black tights showed its devilish figure. It wore a small helmet, which made it hard to see its face. An anti-material sniper rifle is carried on its back, with bullets larger than the female finger exposed, and this violent beauty is unforgettable.

The zombies of the last days can change their clothes without the pretender system, just put them on.

And Titan, with a height of just over five meters and a water chestnut armor, is like the berserkers and giants in the game, extremely domineering. On its back, under a huge battle shield, was a huge battle axe, and at the waist, it carried a long battle knife.

Like the killing machine, Titan explained what power is.

Lu Chuan had an inexplicable pride in his eyes, possessing such strength, enough to make him feel proud. This force can completely crush settlements.

Thousands of zombies were standing below, in Lu Chuan's mind, all of them were motionless as if they had cast a body spell.

"set off."

Lu Chuan calmed himself down and sent out a thought.

The special way of communicating with the zombies, this idea came out, and the zombies who were motionless below began to act. They started to run along the national highway, then spread out, hiding on both sides of the national highway.

The spreading zombies, they rushed wildly, ran across this field and village.

The zombies that had been scattered around and coming from the city were bombarded and killed one by one when they faced these zombies. Killing intent from the same kind made them have no reaction at all, so they were chopped off their heads.

In the place where Lu Chuan's zombies passed, there was no one that slipped through the net.

Standing on the top of the building, Lu Chuan closed his eyes, but constantly switched the perspective of the zombies to understand the battle situation in this area.

There were a lot of zombies in Zhongzhou City, and they wandered out without a destination. They don't even know where they are going or where they are.


A tyrant strode forward, holding in his hand a thick piece of wood, about four meters long. The hundreds of kilograms of wood, in its hand, as light as nothing, waved the wood amid the roar.


With a dull sound, a fat zombie that wandered out of the city, its head was hit by a wood, it shattered like a watermelon, and even the remaining bones were smashed into its body.

Without any movement, the fat zombie fell down, rolling a few times like a ball.

After completing this blow, the tyrant did not fluctuate at all, and he held the wood again and strode towards the other zombie.

As for the lickers, their sharp claws are scattered, as long as they find the zombies, they will pounce on them and use their sharp claws to dismember the zombies.

Under the paws of the lickers, the zombies may still have whole bodies.

But under the hellhound's mouth, there is almost no possibility of a whole body. Under the bite, it is definitely a broken corpse. Lu Chuan had seen the ferocity of hellhounds. As long as they gave instructions, they would not stop biting the target into pieces.

Thousands of zombies were scattered and advancing, one after another emptied all the zombies that might affect the migration.

After being emptied, there will be a few lickers or dozens of Hellhounds in this area to ensure that if zombies appear, they can be quickly killed.

After the zombies moved all the way away, Lu Chuan let the corpse dragon fly forward again.

It is not an easy task to clean up the zombies along the road, and to arrange the remaining zombies.


July 25th, early morning.

Lu Chuan gave the time of migration, which is today.

Early in the morning, the entire settlement boiled. The first time countless people got up, they started packing their luggage, and then left the house where they had lived for several years and rushed to the street.

"There are steamed buns at the gate of the city. One person can receive six. This is your daily ration."

"Bring enough water, there may not be water for you along the way."

"Shanshi County has everything. Throw away your unnecessary things to reduce the burden."

"Walking along the national highway can ensure safety."

"Don't squeeze, we still have plenty of time."

On both sides of the street, horns rang, reporting the rules.

The people below were all serious faces, carrying their simple luggage and walking towards the city gate. Some people, they carried a lot of things, like quilts and so on, they brought them all, and they were about to crush themselves.

Perhaps the shouts in the loudspeaker played a role, and some people hesitated to throw away unnecessary ones.

But there are also some tenacious ones who ignore what these speakers say, their vigilant character, and let them bring everything they can, which gives them a sense of security.

The mobilization of hundreds of thousands of people is still spectacular, and the streets and alleys in the settlement are all people who have come out.

After arriving at the gate, you need to line up to travel.

At the gate of the city, someone will give the six big steamed buns that have been packed long ago to the people who left.

The moving crowd, after receiving the buns, all opened and ate while moving forward. They don't need to worry about other things, they only need to follow the leading unit, and they have been moving along the national highway.

The mighty team began to leave the settlement, following the leading team.

Maybe because of the excessive number of people, people are still very calm, gnawing steamed buns and drinking water, striding forward without much fear. The occasional vigilance is just looking to the two sides.

For them, they don’t know how many years they haven’t eaten this snow-white steamed bun. It is soft and big. After eating one and drinking some water, they feel their stomachs swell.

Inside the city gate, people kept leaving, forming a long line.

The leader is already a few kilometers away, but there are still a large number of survivors waiting in line to leave the settlement.

Some tenacious survivors, seeing this kind of large-scale migration, they all insisted on staying. But when there were fewer and fewer people around them, and their neighborhood gradually became empty, they finally became scared.

Desperately packed his luggage, then screamed and ran with his luggage, chasing the front team.

Just kidding, with the withdrawal of large troops, it is no exaggeration to say that this settlement is a ghost town. Who wants to stay here? The reason why he refused to move was because he was afraid that it would be safer to stay here.

The settlement is not safe now, they stayed because they were stupid.

The entire migration proceeded in an orderly manner.

On the national highway.

The people in the team were walking, looking around. What they were most afraid of was the sudden emergence of zombies.


As they walked, they discovered a secret thing, that is, there were no zombies appearing quietly around the national highway, and it was terribly quiet.

"There are no zombies?"

"It's really I've reached this distance before, and there will definitely be zombies coming out of it."

"Yes, when hunting zombies in the past, you always need to clean up some of the zombies that came out before you can enter the city. This time there is not a single zombie, which is really confusing."

"Be quiet, wouldn't it be better to have no zombies?"

In the team, there was naturally a burst of discussion, but their voices were very small, but they didn't stop at their feet, they still strode forward.

On both sides of the team are the troops in the settlement. Every soldier is holding a weapon. As the team advances on both sides, looking around with vigilant eyes, leaving the settlement, it means that danger will come anytime and anywhere.

However, what disappointed them was that they had left the settlement for more than ten kilometers, and there was no shadow of a zombie.

The secretive situation made many people not let up, but became more vigilant.

Lu Chuan did not follow right away, but stood on the fence, currently with this long line. The settlement behind him was almost empty, and when the last person walked out of the city gate, it represented that it had become an empty city.

"There is only a dead end, the last chance, you can still keep up with the big troops."

A group of people drove a car, spinning around the streets of this empty settlement, shouting non-stop with horns.

Half an hour later, this shouting man and horse also left the settlement, and was responsible for the hundreds of troops after the break. After confirming that the settlement had become an empty city, they also boarded their cars.

Lu Chuan glanced back. In fact, there are still some people in the settlement, but they are doing their own deaths. How can they blame themselves?

Leaping into the vertical, he jumped from the tall fence, Lu Chuan landed dexterously, and then got into an SUV.

"Go!" 8)

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