Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 555: Savage forward


The firepower of the Vulcan Cannon can't last forever. The movie that can be shot for a long time is simply nonsense. With full firepower, the barrel will be red in a few seconds at most, and red in less than ten seconds.

Therefore, Vulcan guns generally control the rate of fire, and the second is to conduct intermittent firing.

The automatic firepower was designed with this in mind, so after 15 seconds of continuous firing, it entered the cooling-off period.

Sun Hongguang also thought of this cooling-off period, so he only had this cooling-off period when he knew that Lu Chuan was using it to deal with zombies. Because zombies generally do not damage this weapon, the Vulcan Cannon will continue to function after the cooling period has passed.

As soon as the shooting stopped, surging zombies burst in.

However, they only rushed to less than ten meters, and the second Vulcan cannon fired again.

With the data of the first Vulcan cannon, the program in the server starts to automatically adjust the shooting elements of the second Vulcan cannon, which will bring higher shooting accuracy.

The firepower of the Vulcan Cannon fired all the way towards the head of the zombie.

The heads of the zombies were hit and exploded. The huge power was really not covered.

In the four directions, the trend is almost the same, and the zombies have to pay a huge price before they can make a breakthrough. They need to be piled in absolute numbers, and only when the Vulcan Cannon is too busy will a few break through the fire defense line of the second Vulcan Cannon.

However, these breakthrough zombies only ran for about ten meters, and as the second Vulcan cannon fired, they were harvested like wheat.

Through the holographic projection, Lu Chuan held his arm and observed all this.

"If it's just like this, it's impossible for them not to talk about siege, or even close to the biochemical factory."

Although the defense system created by using the resources in hand is not perfect, it seems that if the zombies charge like this, they will definitely be unable to break through.

Suddenly, Lu Chuan's brows wrinkled.

I saw the lickers appearing in the holographic projection. They climbed on the wall, then bypassed the first cease-fired Vulcan cannon and pounced on the second Vulcan cannon.

The second Vulcan cannon, which was firing frantically, fired with its muzzle facing downwards. With too many targets, it could only constantly adjust and shoot everywhere when scanning.

The automatic firepower mechanism also has the principle of having the first priority and then the heavier, but when the licker approaches, its muzzle is adjusted, but it is already a bit late. Just blast the heads of two or three lickers, and the other lickers have already jumped over and destroyed the Vulcan Cannon with their claws.

All kinds of zombies on the street below were crowded and crowded after they were not suppressed by fire.


The third Vulcan cannon fired immediately, and the kind of sourness it brought, it also made the zombies who rushed into despair.

This street leads all the way to the biochemical factory, but it is three kilometers long and is full of automatic firepower along the way. Four streets, all the way.

If the zombies want to break through, they must pay a huge price.

Lu Chuan was not very worried about the zombies on the ground. What Lu Chuan was worried about was actually an attack from the sky. The most dangerous is the attack in the sky. Once there are loopholes, they swoop down, and the result is unpredictable.


The number of bloodthirsty claws and corpse dragons gathered in the sky continued to increase, and these two types of flying zombies continued to appear below, but they began to move after thousands of them gathered in the sky.

They flapped their flesh wings and flew towards the biochemical factory.

When they move, they cover the sky and the sun, making people daunting.

Lu Chuan knew that the time had come to really test his line of defense. As long as they stopped them, this time the zombie attack would be half the battle.

With modern resources, the difficulty is not as difficult as before.

The large amount of deployed automatic firepower is actually too cruel, like a ditch that is difficult to cross. The zombies siege to the city need to pay a huge price before they can move forward.

Through the holographic projection, the streets are already full of zombies, and the zombies coming from behind have to step on the corpses of the zombies in front to move forward.


The anti-aircraft gun fired, and a round was shot out. With the help of the computer, the cannonball exploded precisely at their flying height, and shrapnel was arbitrarily sweeping the sky.

The bloodthirsty claws and corpse dragons were beaten into sieves.

Dozens of anti-aircraft guns fired at the same time, even if it is daytime, the traces of the shells can still be seen across the sky, and then exploded in the bloodthirsty claw group.

Those who hurt their fleshy wings, or hurt their bones to support the flight, fell from the sky.

The bloodthirsty claws and corpse dragons that fell like rain smashed into the streets and buildings below, and some of the roofs were even shattered.

The power of a dozen anti-aircraft guns is actually far beyond Lu Chuan's imagination.

In fact, Lu Chuan still didn't know enough about the performance of anti-aircraft guns. After all, Lu Chuan was not a soldier. These anti-aircraft guns were also from the 1970s and 1980s. The anti-aircraft guns of this era have almost played their role to the extreme, and their power is naturally great.

The dense group of flying zombies makes almost every shot not missed, and visually it is naturally powerful.


There are still too many flying zombies, especially the bloodthirsty claws. They are fast and sensitive. They soon flew several kilometers and appeared in the sky above the biochemical factory.

Lu Chuan stared at them and issued a command: "Bloodthirsty claws, snipe them."

In the last zombie attack, the appearance of corpse dragons almost caused them to break through the defense line and contact the biochemical factory. Once they are brought close, their dive will be fatal and it will be difficult to intercept them.

Therefore, Lu Chuan, who has experience, will certainly not make this kind of mistake again.

Following Lu Chuan's order, the group of bloodthirsty claws moved, and the scale of 5,000 bloodthirsty claws far exceeded them. Five thousand, Lu Chuan completely lost his blood.

Soon, the two groups of dark clouds collided, and the two sides tore up.

The battle directly entered the vain.

I didn't know if it was the other party's or the bloodthirsty claws under his own hands, which kept falling like rain. From a distance, it looked like it was raining heavily black.

When it fell to the ground, the "bang bang" heard endlessly.

In terms of quantity, the five thousand bloodthirsty claws in the hand completely surpassed plus the bloodthirsty claws carried out Lu Chuan's instructions. They were very thorough, they were desperate to tear each other , And sometimes even the same method is used.

Lu Chuan stared at the situation on the battlefield, not only looking at the sky, but also at the streets.

For the time being, there is no need to worry about the streets. The large amount of automatic firepower ensures that every step of the zombie is difficult.

With the destruction of the lickers, the automatic firepower in Lu Chuan's hands is still getting less and less.

This also means that the crisis is starting to worsen.


In the cracks of time and space, the zombies were still voicing.

Zombies range from ordinary zombies to zombies at all levels, and appear in a mixture.

The total number of them has exceeded 100,000 in a very short period of time. Aside from the zombies that were killed in large numbers, at least eighty to ninety thousand zombies were divided into several paths and marched along the street.

The huge number of zombies made the streets crowded with zombies, one by one.

With the appearance of the tyrant's first trial type and the T-002 type of zombies, it is not difficult to understand the presence of pursuers. Further up, there are five-level zombies like water ghosts, but there is no water here, and water ghosts did not appear.

After some time of observation, Lu Chuan found that it swallowed zombies, there was no pattern at all, it appeared completely randomly.

Eighty to ninety thousand zombies swarmed over, forming four frenzy of zombies, they almost ignored everything.

Especially among the eighty to ninety thousand zombies, there are still a lot of tyrant prototypes. Their size of more than five meters is really too destructive.

The concrete guardrail used for interception was directly kicked to pieces in front of them. The siege zombies at their feet were also lifted between their feet. They were kicked and kicked out abruptly.

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