Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 566: Ruthless

After going ashore, Lu Chuan wiped his wet head with a towel, and did not leave. Instead, he went to a sea-view restaurant by the beach and found a seat by the sea.

The tea culture of Shencheng has always followed Guangcheng, and this kind of Cantonese breakfast can be seen everywhere in Shencheng.

Lu Chuan ordered one, and after sitting down, he ate comfortably.

Even if it is not the peak time for swimming, there are not many people eating here. In this location, you can enjoy the sea view and eat breakfast, which naturally makes people feel different.

After eating five or six points full, the Cantonese breakfast is about chewing slowly and chatting more.

The same is true for Lu Chuan. It really makes people feel comfortable. He took out his cell phone, but called Yi Ran's cell phone: "Are you sure?"

"Boss, it's a bit difficult, I can't locate his position at the moment." Yi Ran's voice came out.

Although a lot of power was used, it was still difficult to find a moving cruise ship at sea. Of course, because the cruise ship moves along the coast, the scope is reduced a lot.

It's true, it's not so easy to find out in a while.

Lu Chuan had long expected this result.

"Go on, let me know as soon as I have news." Lu Chuan finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Without getting angry, Lu Chuan ate breakfast leisurely.

In fact, who knew that a group of black shadows gathered at the bottom of the sea tens of meters away, under Lu Chuan's instructions, once again ejected and scattered? They are the 50 water ghosts that Lu Chuan just brought here.

The previous water ghosts were all transferred to the Gulf of Aden, and there was not a single water ghost in the deep city.

Now that they are redeployed, these 50 water ghosts will no longer be transferred away, but will be placed here. In this way, there will be no situation like today, and you need to sneak in by yourself.

The deployment of 50 water ghosts here is enough to form a deterrent to the deep city and even the entire domestic coast.

Water ghosts, they lurking silently in the ocean, even if the sonar spotted them, they would only be regarded as marine creatures.

Coupled with the abnormal speed of the water ghosts, many torpedoes with average performance may not be able to catch up with them.

Unenhanced water ghosts can reach 65 knots. What about water ghosts after ten times of reinforcement? Lu Chuan is sure and conservatively estimated that its speed will reach an astonishing 80 knots or more, or even break through 90 knots.

Except for a few torpedoes that can catch up with this speed, other torpedoes have no way.

In this way, it also means that after ten times of strengthening, the water ghosts can completely use their own speed to throw off and attack themselves for fear of torpedoes or bomb attacks.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, 50 water ghosts scattered in the sea area of ​​the deep city, each with its own direction. In this area, search for the target Lu Chuan wanted.

And Lu Chuan, after confirming that the water ghosts had started to carry out his instructions, lightly picked up the teacup and took a sip.

The tea provided here is actually very general, after all, this tea restaurant is only for ordinary people's consumption. It may be the Diaosi complex, Lu Chuan still likes these places and makes him feel at ease.

It took half an hour to finally finish the breakfast here.

However, what made Lu Chuan feel regretful was that in this half an hour, 50 water ghosts were looking for a carpet, and there was no trace of this cruise ship at all, which really made Lu Chuan feel a little weird.

The current speed of the water ghost is equivalent to about 120 kilometers per hour, half an hour, and in a straight line, it ran 60 kilometers. In this range, the cruise ship was not found, which really puzzled Lu Chuan.

Getting up, paying the money earlier, Lu Chuan left the tea restaurant and walked along this leisure trail on the beach.

At this time, the people who work out have basically left.

Lu Chuan found a chair and sat down, holding his arms, lowering his hat, with a mask, no one would recognize Lu Chuan.

Ten minutes later, Lu Chuan showed a secretive smile.

"The goal is..."

A command was issued, and dozens of black shadows in the ocean suddenly changed their direction and moved quickly toward a common goal.

They are like elves in the ocean, moving forward like lightning in the ocean.


Du Xin read on a whim and came back after going around the sea. This is why Lu Chuan couldn't find him in this area.

After shopping around, Du Xinyue felt that his irritable mood was much better.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning, and he still had to deal with many things, so he couldn't stay on the cruise ship. Then, how can the outside world look at him?

As he approached the deep city, he took the documents handed over by the assistant, and looked at these documents while eating early.

Du Xinyue has resigned from the position of president of Zhongtian Shipping, but still retains his chairmanship.

Du Xinyue, who controls more than 80% of the shares, is enough to have a chairmanship, enough to control this 100 billion enterprise.

"The stock price fluctuations, as expected, don't care about it."

After making a phone call and signing his name on a document, Du Xinyue let out a sigh of age. After all, he can't be the same as when he was young.

I have only processed a few documents now, and some energy is not enough.

After a while, he made another call and said viciously: "Find this bitch, no matter who is protecting her, take it, no matter the cost."

Thinking of his loss, Du Xinyue's face was pale, his chest rising and falling.

In fact, his subordinates are already searching for the deep city, but the deep city is too big and the composition of the personnel is also very complicated, and they cannot be found in a short while.

Du Xinyue hung up the phone, closed his eyes, then opened them again, shining brightly.

After twelve o'clock, he still couldn't find Man Yirou, a **** woman, so he had to ask the police in the deep city for his convenience. For example, the cameras all over the deep city will definitely be able to find Man Yirou's trace.

In the ocean.

When a huge group of black shadows passed by, the nearby fish were frightened and fled.

On the bottom of Du Xinyue's ferry, there was actually a water ghost lurking long ago. With it, the water ghost group cannot lose the target.

It is about 50 nautical miles away from the deep city, and some ships have passed by before time.

The black shadow appeared quickly, and then rushed to the bottom of the cruise ship. The water ghosts stretched out their tentacles and fixed themselves to the bottom of the cruise ship with the suction cups above.

Now, they just wait for a signal.

On a chair by the sea, Lu Chuan was sitting, with his hand on the back of the chair tapping lightly, his eyes gleaming with cold light: "Since we can't sacrifice more people and greater loss, then... Sacrifice yourself."

As if he had made a decision, Lu Chuan closed his eyes and issued an instruction: "Do it."

The command was transmitted to the water ghosts within a thousand milliseconds, and the water ghosts who had sharpened their swords immediately started their hands.

They were still in the form of octopuses, but at this moment they showed their true colors after tearing off their camouflage. The hideous water ghosts, like demons in the water, transformed their tentacles into sharp claws, and began to cut on the bottom of the boat.

50 water ghosts started at the same time, and the original oil tanker cut a big rift in a short time, let alone these cruise ships?

In just ten seconds, cracks were torn open, and the ocean began to pour in.

The cruise ship, which has been moving, slowed down and then sank slightly. But one after another cracks expanded, the water ghosts got in, once again destroying the second bottom of the ship.

A large amount of sea water finally poured in.

The huge cruise ship issued a shrill sirens, and the crew had long been in a mess. From the discovery of the abnormality to the alarm, it took less than a minute before they had time to react.

On the computer screen, red dots continuously appeared on the 3D map of the cruise ship.

"Water has entered, let's drain and fix it."

The captain issued the order, and the crew also executed it, but they found that there were too many damaged places this time. There were too many places that could be blocked without repairs, and it could not be blocked at all.

The bottom of the entire cruise ship seemed to be torn to pieces, losing the possibility of repair.

Du Xinyue, who was processing the documents, was taken aback for a moment, and then said sharply: "What's the matter?" He already felt the cruise ship slow down and sinking.

"Boss, it's not good, the ship is sinking."

"Boss, it's too late to get to the lifeboat."

The cruise ship was sinking at a jaw-dropping speed. It is not surprising that the entire bottom of the ship was almost torn apart by the water ghosts, and a huge amount of sea water poured in, instantly engulfing the entire cruise ship's lower buildings.

Du Xinyue was also panicked, and he rushed to the lifeboat with a few bodyguards, ignoring the documents.

The cruise ship is sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it continues to accelerate.

The floating cabins were destroyed by the water ghosts, and the ocean flooded in, submerging some of the crew members who were too late to leave. The entire cruise ship was in chaos, and everyone panicked and wanted to escape.

Du Xinyue boarded the lifeboat. There was no need to put it down, but to leave the cruise ship, because the sea water had already submerged to the fixed lifeboat position, and the entire cruise ship sank halfway.

Almost at the same time, several water ghosts escaped from the cruise ship, and instantly rushed to the bottom of the lifeboat. Their claws were cut, and the lifeboat was torn apart.

The people above all fell into the sea.

A water ghost stretched out its paws and pierced a bodyguard. The huge paws and tentacles penetrated his body, lifted it high above the water, and slammed into the sea again, leaving only a tumbling. The falling blood stained a piece of the sea.

Du Xinyue can swim, but after witnessing this scene, he felt cold all over, because these things that appeared are more like monsters in the ocean. They are as fast as lightning, and you can't see them at all. Was stabbed and taken to the sea.

Several bodyguards disappeared on the sea in the blink of an eye.

"Do not……"

Du Xinyue panicked, he was swimming desperately, but in front of the water ghost, he was too slow.

A water ghost moved at high speed, and a tentacle pierced out. It hit Du Xinyue’s chest and pierced its entire chest. Then it took him high from the sea, and then fell to the sea. A water ghost took him and dragged it into the sea.

Only at this moment did Du Xinyue see the true colors of these water ghosts. This kind of monster-like shape made his eyes wide open. He couldn't believe that there would be this kind of monster in the world.

Through the sea, Du Xinyue could see that under the sinking cruise ship in the distance, there were more of this kind of ocean monsters swimming and attacking, assassinating all the people who fell into the water.

"Could it be that the Sea Palace was also the work of these monsters?"

"Are these monsters man-made, or are they really monsters in the ocean?"

These two questions surfaced in Du Xinyue's head.

Unfortunately, no one will answer him, nor will he get an answer.

Du Xinyue's eyes widened like this, and while struggling, he was brought to the depths of the sea by the water ghost, until the struggle ceased and he lost his life.

On the surface of the sea, the cruise ship disappeared suddenly, and it was not noticeable at all. Everything was too sudden, and suddenly it was as if the cruise ship disappeared on the sea.

Within three minutes, the cruise ship No one had time to ask for help, everything was too sudden and fast. Just when they reacted, it was too late, and when they fell into the sea, black shadows appeared, plundering their lives.

A scarlet red appeared in this sea area, but it disappeared quickly in the sea.

Ten minutes later, a group of sharks that were attracted began to enjoy the dinner, and they devoured it until there was nothing left.


The 50 water ghosts joined forces. They surrounded the cruise ship, and they were digging in the bottom of the sea, causing the cruise ship to sink little by little into the sand on the bottom of the sea.

After more than an hour, except for the chaos on the seabed, there was no trace of the cruise ship. Anything about the cruise ship and the people here was buried deep into the seabed.

The water depth here is about 300 meters, and the cruise ship is buried here. If Lu Chuan doesn't say it, the cruise ship will always be deep here, there is no possibility of being found, and all of them will be listed as missing persons.


Lu Chuan by the sea didn't breathe out a sigh of breath until he finished all this.

He sat here for more than two hours and it was time to leave.

Standing up, Lu Chuan shook his clothes. The weather now changes when it changes. There was still sunshine before, and in a blink of an eye it was cloudy, and it began to rain drizzle.

There were 50 or 60 people on the entire cruise ship, but they were all buried for Du Xinyue.

It's not to blame Lu Chuan for being cruel, but the secret of the water ghost is so important, Lu Chuan doesn't want to make a mistake. To blame, you can only blame them for following the wrong person.

With the deaths of fifty or sixty people, Lu Chuan didn't even have a trace of fluctuations in his heart. Instead, he pressed his hat and left without haste.

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