Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 570: Camel

Among the five-tier product line, the first is the type of zombies in the flight system.

This product is not a zombie like a bird, nor is it a crow or an eagle, but directly jumps over the bloodthirsty claws.

The last kind of zombie in the four-level product is the water ghost, and its role is naturally to surprise Lu Chuan.

Water, air...

According to this law, the second product zombies on the fifth-level production line should belong to land.

Poisonous camel: 0/10.

It is a simple name, but Lu Chuan dare not think it is simple. The most obvious one is poison. Lu Chuan didn't know if this poison was a virus or other poisons. In short, the poison reminded people of biological and chemical weapons.

Even when Lu Chuan saw the name, his heart jumped.

The icon is a very old man with a face similar to a human. If you look closely, you can see that its back is humped high. Its eyes are cold and indifferent compared to other zombies. Even more prosperous.

Without explanatory information, even from the icon, there is nothing strange.


Its vision, even in the icon, makes people feel nervous.

It was the poisonous camel who made Lu Chuan bewildered. He had never seen this type of zombies in Zhongzhou City for more than a year.

Lu Chuan was calm, with the special existence of pursuers. Lu Chuan understood a rule. There are some special types of zombies, they will have a fixed range of infection generation and movement, and it is difficult to see them outside these ranges.

To unlock them, the key is not how to eliminate them, but how to find them.

Once you find them, unlocking is easy.

Like water ghosts, like bloodthirsty claws, they are all group activities, squeezed into a ball, and when they are strong enough, they can be unlocked for a few hours a day.

I have never seen a poisonous tuo. I can be sure that they should be the same as the chaser and have a specific range of activity.

Lu Chuan knew the surrounding area of ​​Zhongzhou City very well. He didn't dare to say how far, at least 50 kilometers, there should be no Poisonous Tuo. The reconnaissance troops dispatched from the settlement are currently spreading reconnaissance in this area.

There will be two reconnaissance by the reconnaissance force. The first is to determine whether there are high-level zombies, and the second is to find materials, prompt the address, and provide intelligence for the next troop operations.

For now, their role is limited to this.

But Lu Chuan knew that after the New Year, they would need to expand this scope to face even more dangerous dangers. Being in this apocalypse, there are zombies everywhere, they are not regularly infected and alienated, and no one knows what kind of zombies will face next.

Lu Chuan didn't know when the survivors in other places began to explore the world of the end times.

Zhongzhou City finally began to explore the end times after its own intervention.

It can be said that for this apocalypse, for more than seven years, it is still in a state of little understanding. Even the types of zombies, their abilities, etc., are just based on the preliminary data sorting state, and there is no sound data.

From this point of view, human beings are really miserable by the zombies.

For more than seven years, no survivor team appeared in the vision of Zhongzhou City, which indirectly showed that the survivors in other places will definitely not have a good life.

Zhongzhou City is the central city in this area and a provincial capital. It is impossible not to know its status by other survivors, but no survivors appear, which explains the problem.

Lu Chuan speculated that it must be the survivors who were incapable of reaching here.

For more than seven years, survivors from the outside world were unable to reach here, and the danger of the end times can be imagined.

For a long time, Lu Chuan didn't know much about the danger of the end of the world. After all, he had a zombie suit, which was not attacked by zombies. At the same time, he had zombies under his hands, so he could easily play with the zombies in the city.

But the survivors are different. As soon as they appear, the zombies will sense signs of life and can easily spot the survivors, thus launching a crazy pursuit.

In this case, the survivors were simply rubbed against the ground by the zombies.

If there is not much change, let alone seven years, even if given another seven years, humans may not be able to turn around.

We must know that humans can allow alienated new humans to grow, and problematic zombies will also continue to evolve. Don't forget that the base of zombies is a hundred times that of human beings.

Lu Chuan believes that mankind will definitely fight a turnaround.

But this time is really difficult to determine. It may be ten years, twenty years, or even thirty years.

Zombies will not die because of time. Infections in their bodies, like nutrition, can provide them with a long life. It is difficult for them to die naturally in just 20 or 30 years.


The corpse dragon stayed on the roof of the biochemical factory, its cold eyes looked at the street below, motionless.

Five hundred bloodthirsty claws, they hover in the sky.

On the street next to the biochemical plant, everything was cleaned up, only a few dirt was not removed, but it would not affect the normal entry and exit.

After several zombies attacked the city, the abandoned cars here have long been transformed.

If you look carefully, you can still see the weirdness here, because it is very different from other streets.

The zombies, under the command of the Super Brain commander, are orderly carrying out their work.

The entire biochemical plant was thoroughly revitalized.

Lu Chuan walked to the top of the building, then turned over to the back of the corpse dragon, put his feet into the fixed lock, grabbed the fixed rope again, and issued instructions to the corpse dragon with his mind.

The corpse dragon like a statue, under Lu Chuan's instructions, flapped his fleshy wings and took Lu Chuan into the air.

When the corpse dragon submerged in the sky, the five hundred bloodthirsty claws also moved. They formed a huge circle that surrounded Lu Chuan and the corpse dragon.

"set off."

Lu Chuan issued a command, the corpse dragon moved, carrying these bloodthirsty claws, and walked towards the east.

Zhongzhou City is an inland city, flying eastward will arrive at the seaside and arrive at coastal cities.

No matter what that space is, coastal cities will always be the most developed. Although it has the densest number of zombies, it also has the largest number of survivors.

This time, Lu Chuan wanted to explore the world, and no longer stayed in Zhongzhou City.

With a corpse dragon and five hundred bloodthirsty claws, Lu Chuan is confident that when they face any zombies, they will definitely buy time to escape. Using the ability to travel through time and space, it only takes one second for Lu Chuan to escape.

With this person's ability to travel through time and space, Lu Chuan is already invincible.

If you can't beat it, you can escape.

Even in the face of the top zombies, Lu Chuan can escape calmly. This is why Lu Chuan has the confidence to lead his team out to attack this unknown zombie.

When carrying the zombies on the ground, it was still difficult for Lu Chuan to travel far.

But now it's different. With the air force, Lu Chuan can finally get rid of this restriction.

The speed of the corpse dragon is faster than the bloodthirsty claws. The bloodthirsty claws are not slow, but in fact their flying speed is very average. How to put it, it is about 300 kilometers per hour.

In addition, the flight can be straight, which is the reason for reaching a certain destination faster.

Lu Chuan was sitting on the corpse dragon. It flew in balance and was not in a hurry, so Lu Chuan could turn on the smart wear. In the virtual screen that popped up, he used the principle of refraction to open the map in front of Lu Chuan.

"Seventy kilometers east of Zhongzhou City is Andong County, and the past 58 kilometers of Andong County is Yangshan City."

Staring at the map, Lu Chuan was calculating his schedule.

Nakasu City to Yangshan City can be eliminated, and the survivors in these places should no longer exist. Knowing the settlements, Lu Chuan knows that many survivors in these places have concentrated on the former strongholds.

Yangshan City used to be Guangtai County, probably from Yangshan City, 166 kilometers away, is Dening City.

Dening City is 294 kilometers away from Zhongzhou City.

Dening City is also a populous city, with a distance of almost 300 kilometers. Lu Chuan wonders if there will be any survivors. If so, they should use Dening City as their activity space.

Finding survivors is not easy, because you don't know where they are.

Every settlement formed has a strong disguise. It is possible that you will fly over their heads without realizing that there is a settlement below.

Of course, if you are more careful, you won’t find Lu Chuan.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, the camouflage against zombies was full of flaws.

After clarifying his route, Lu Chuan did not hesitate to let the bloodthirsty claws protect him. The first to arrive was Andong County, a county only 70 kilometers away from Zhongzhou City.

As a county directly governed by Zhongzhou City, Anning County used to be just a town. With the development, it eventually became a county. According to the data, if there is no accident, the name of Anning County will be included in the next batch of lists to be withdrawn from county to city.

On this trip, Lu Chuan had many purposes, such as looking for survivors, or looking for Poison Tuo, unlocking Poison Tuo activation.

The Poison Tuo definitely existed, but Lu Chuan didn't know where it was. He could only learn to find a needle in a haystack and search bit by bit until he found them.

It is included in the five-level products provided by the biochemical Then the poisonous person will definitely exist.

The most serious alienation of zombies is naturally the cities. The huge population base makes all kinds of zombies alienate in different ways. The larger the base, the more zombies that have evolved to higher forms will appear.

According to this one, Lu Chuan can only act around the city.

Seventy kilometers, for the bloodthirsty claws flying in a straight line, it takes about twenty minutes to arrive.

In the sky, Lu Chuan could see a large-scale city below. The buildings went from sparse to dense, and finally formed a huge building complex.

Now according to the new calendar, spring has entered, but in the old calendar, it belongs to winter.

Countless withered yellows with green in them make up the scene Lu Chuan sees today.

Taking out the binoculars, Lu Chuan looked at the buildings and streets below, and he could see a huge number of zombies in motion. They wandered on the streets. Without stimulation, they would not change this form.

Through the abandoned cars on the streets, the surrounding Anning County is almost intact. On the streets, even in the outer streets, no wreckage can be seen, which proves that neither survivors nor zombies have been killed in large numbers.

All the signs indicate that no survivor has ever set foot in Anning County.

Whether there are survivors or not, Lu Chuan will search Anning County.

"Go down."

Under the order, first part of the bloodthirsty claws landed on several tall buildings in the center of the county seat, and then under the protection of the other part of the bloodthirsty claws, the corpse dragon brought Lu Chuan to the high buildings.


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