Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 572: Golden rice field

Lu Chuan smashed his mouth, still not planning to be true to this unknown zombie.

Zombies that have not been unlocked are like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat, and a pity to discard them. Killing it now will only get a piece of it, which will not help unlock it.

Under instructions, the corpse dragon no longer hovered here, but flew away.

A few minutes later, the corpse dragon brought Lu Chuan to the sky above Yangshan City. As before, it also found the highest building in the city center and landed.

The Bloodthirsty Talon was divided into two batches, one of which hovered in the sky, and the other fell on top of this building.

As a city, it is only a third- and fourth-tier city, but in the center of Yangshan City, there is still a seventy-seven-story building, which is now Lu Chuan.

The bloodthirsty claws fell on the top of the building, covering a large circle.

Lu Chuan walked to the side of the guardrail and looked at the city. With the naked eye, I could hardly see the end, but after using the telescope, I still saw the dry and green field at the end.

In the distance of the city, some flying zombies appeared, mainly bloodthirsty claws.

Among the flying zombies, the worst unit is the bloodthirsty claw, which shows that the flying zombies are powerful.

Lu Chuan took a look at these flying zombies. They were indeed bloodthirsty claws. Dozens of them formed a group, moving in the sky above the city. From time to time, they would suddenly pounce on the ground, and then fly into the sky after a while.

No longer as leisurely as before, Lu Chuan took out the drones and started to make them work.

As usual, all ten drones were mounted by Lu Chuan with mounts, and the bombs were mounted and left in ten different directions, with this as the center point, spreading around.

"The street remains the same."

"There is no sign of the shop being broken open."

"The supermarket was not looted, because there were few scattered items at the entrance of the supermarket, and there were a lot of zombies inside."

"The zombies are calm, which shows that the survivors are not in the city."

Through the drone, Lu Chuan analyzes all this like a scout.

Like the survivors, there are many survivors in Yangshan City in the settlement. Through them, Lu Chuan has long determined that there should be no survivors in Yangshan City.

After confirming that there are no survivors, it is time to give the city a little excitement.

The old way is to throw bombs and make sounds.

The sound produced by ten drones at the same time made this city boil, and countless zombies rushed out, attracted by the sound, and plunged into violent violent on the street.

Lu Chuan calmly searched for possible poisonous camels from street to street, but he was disappointed that there were no poisoned camels.

After spending almost three hours in Yangshan City, Lu Chuan left with nothing.

Guangtai County.

Here, Lu Chuan was also disappointed, and there was also no trace of the poisonous camel. The scarcity of poisoned camels is beyond Lu Chuan's imagination. It seems that it is very difficult to find them.

The time spent in Guangtai County also took an hour.

No matter how small the county is, it will take some time to complete the process.

It was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon when I came out of Guangtai County.

Let the corpse dragons land on a mountain, and Lu Chuan looked around. There has been no human interference for more than seven years, and nature's ability to repair makes it almost like a primitive jungle.

The trees grew fast, and the shrubs blocked the original roads.

It takes a lot of effort from one mountain to another.

Simply staying on the mountain and eating some dry food carried in the storage space was Lu Chuan's own lunch.


Lu Chuan didn't stay here much, but climbed onto the back of the corpse dragon and left with a group of bloodthirsty claws.

Next, is Dening City.


Three hundred kilometers east of Zhongzhou City, Lu Chuan's farthest distance in the last days.

When the end of the world is coming, people initially panic about zombies, and do not know how to deal with them properly. It turned out that there should be more survivors, but a large number of them were killed.

Like a cruel knockout, there is no one who can survive in the end.

The number of zombies has increased, which means that the living space of human beings has been compressed. If you want to have a larger range of activities, there will be dangers. In the last days, not to mention spanning three hundred kilometers, it is thirty kilometers, which is also a huge challenge for the survivors.

If Lu Chuan didn't have a zombie suit, if he didn't have a zombie dragon, and wanted to cross three hundred kilometers from the land, even with the protection of zombies, it would not be as simple as it is now. I don't know how much to experience.

"In other words, the survivors in Dening City, they can't cross too far, can only be active around Dening City."

After a little analysis, Lu Chuan stopped about 50 kilometers away from Dening City.

Five hundred bloodthirsty claws, they are still hovering over Lu Chuan.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, they dispersed, and then flew towards Dening City like a fan. This time, Lu Chuan did not follow, but stayed in place, waiting for feedback from Bloodthirsty Talon.

Beyond the scope of the biochemical factory's vision, Lu Chuan couldn't use the bloodthirsty claws to see things, but beyond the scope, he could get what he wanted through the feedback of the bloodthirsty claws.

For example, Lu Chuan’s instructions for the delivery of Bloodthirsty Talons now include survivors and some survival conditions.

As soon as Bloodthirsty Talon discovers these characteristics, it will send a feedback message to Lu Chuan, so that Lu Chuan knows that this Bloodthirsty Talon has discovered the suspicion, and he only needs to go in and confirm it.

The speed of the corpse dragon is not a problem, and it does not take much time, but Lu Chuan does not want to be riding on the corpse dragon, it is revealed.

What if the survivors see it, don’t they panic?


Dening City is about 35 kilometers west.

The geographical location here is a bit like a depression, a large depression with a diameter of more than three kilometers. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and tall trees turn it into a forest.

Before the end of the world, the depression here is definitely a unique place that can feed tens of thousands of villagers, and it seems to live a life without any disputes.

A rural kilometer stretches out in the mountains, and finally connects with the national highway outside.

The world's largest national infrastructure, almost every village has cement roads.

It's just that compared to the other sides that are basically covered by some weeds, this rural concrete road does not. If you look closely, you can see that there are a lot of car marks, and there are also signs of felling on both sides.

There are not many zombies on the national highway outside, only one or two walking sporadically. And there are a lot of wreckage nearby. It should be the corpses of zombies killed by survivors and thrown in these places.

Abandoned vehicles on the national highway have also been cleaned up, and there is a space for cars to pass, extending all the way to Dening City.

In the depression, it is not green from the sky, but a golden yellow.

At this node, it is the season of autumn harvest.

The valley was blown by the wind, and a golden rice wave was set off.

"All quickly."

With a deep roar, I saw that in this field, thousands of people were rushing to cut the rice, adding a lot of black spots to the golden color. On this day, everyone involved in the harvest is required to wear green clothes to reduce the impact from the sky.

These survivors are all yellow and thin, and suffer from chronic malnutrition.

Facing the harvest, they still cut the rice numbly, seeming not to feel the joy of the harvest.

There are nearly a hundred brawny men in the field. They are either holding guns or cold weapons. They look at everyone and see who is lazy. It is a threat, and even fists.

Compared to these yellow-faced and thin people, these strong men have an overwhelming advantage, and this is their strength.

Some of the tall trees in the mountains and forests were climbed up to act as observers. They held up telescopes to observe the sky to ensure the smooth harvest of this autumn.

Putting aside the apocalyptic factors, here is like a big harvest.

With the output and area here, it is not a problem to guarantee the lives of 10,000 or 20,000 people.

"There are bloodthirsty claws."

Suddenly, an observer on a tree shouted into the intercom. After shouting, he hugged the tree. He was wearing a dark green hat and clothes. When he hugged the tree, he formed a body with the tree. It is difficult to find his existence.

After receiving the warning, the strong men in charge of supervision made a few gestures.

As if they had undergone thousands of training sessions, the thousands of survivors who were still harvesting immediately put down their work, then fell to the ground and hid their heads.

Looking down in the sky, you can see green everywhere in the golden color, which is weird.

The way the zombies observe, they will not distinguish the weirdness between yellow and green. They have a color-blind vision of green, and it is not easy to spot the survivors wearing green clothes.

Only saw a bloodthirsty claw appeared in the sky, it was flying a little lonely, but its head was always searching for something against the ground.

Bloodthirsty Claws passed from here, but did not fly, but as if they had discovered something, they hovered here for a while before leaving.

During the whole process, the survivors below did not dare to take a breath.

It is true that it is only a bloodthirsty claw, but they still dare not care, because this kind of bloodthirsty claw, as long as they alarm them, it will soon attract a large group of flying zombies, which are the most feared flying zombies. They also have the most people in their hands.

"Could it find something?"

Seeing this bloodthirsty claw leave, a strong man said with lingering fear.

"Don't I really found something. It has already rushed down. You don't know the characteristics of zombies." The other guy smiled and looked calm.

Indeed, if a zombie finds a human, even if there is only one, it will rush forward regardless.

"Go on, get up and continue."

The sky was no longer threatened, and the men shouted again.

The numb people got up one after another and continued to harvest the rice here. Thousands of people, even if they work non-stop, it takes three days to harvest the rice in this depression.


"Have you finally found it?"

Lu Chuan, who had been staying on the corpse dragon, smiled from the feedback from a bloodthirsty claw.

Zombies are hard to find survivors, but not including the zombies under Lu Chuan. Under instructions, they will record the characteristics. In fact, the bloodthirsty claw that passed by found the survivor below, but it did not have Lu Chuan's instructions and would not launch an attack.

The information returned gave Lu Chuan a relief.

In this apocalypse, it is not just Zhongzhou City that has survivors, other cities have more or less survivors.

Here in Dening City, Lu Chuan encountered the second group of survivors.

It seems that this group is not like the stronghold in Zhongzhou City, mainly relying on grabbing, but knowing how to use farmland for cultivation. The time now has just entered December in the new calendar. It is the season when the rice is ripe, and there will be golden patches for the bloodthirsty claws to discover.

Otherwise, judging from the fact that this bloodthirsty claw did not find the settlement, the place where they lived must be hidden in the depths of dense woods, it is difficult to find them.


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