Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 593: Secret base

"One sentence reveals the future direction of virtual technology."

"Social software may usher in change."

"Communication, no matter where you are, you can face to face."

"The chat of the new richest man in the world revealed the future direction of this technological giant ship."

"Virtual technology will change our way of life."

This screenshot is enough for reporters. The words above are enough for them to use their huge imagination, after all, everything is possible in the future.

It is no exaggeration to say that this one will keep them from lacking news for a week.

In the era of new media, any news will be very fast.

For example, Lu Chuan only said this sentence in the WeChat group, and only chatted with Shi Ruoyu and Man Yirou for half an hour. On the Internet, many news articles were already produced.

In less than forty minutes, an unexpected call came to Lu Chuan's cell phone.

Looking at the number with Brother Xiao Ma's name, Lu Chuan smiled wryly.

As far as people’s nose is, they deserve to be someone who can create a network empire. As the godfather who controls huge network resources, it’s not surprising that he knew what he said so quickly.

From this point of view, no matter when and where, it is better to speak carefully.

of course……

Lu Chuan's eyes flashed with cold light, and he could see that WeChat or something was in the hands of the other party. If he used it by himself, there was naturally no secret.

Many things, in fact, cannot withstand investigation.

There are backdoors in the program that only they know, which is not a secret. Baichuanguihai company can rise so quickly, and leave the network empire far behind, it is naturally the target of the other party's key monitoring. Your own WeChat, your company's WeChat, and even the WeChat of people around you are actually naked in the eyes of the other person.

I was chatting with Shi Ruoyu, Ye Lingwei and Man Yirou, and they must also know about it.

Lu Chuan was very uncomfortable with this kind of secrets not under his control.

In fact, this time, it was more like a test.

The virtual social revolution based on virtual technology is absolutely subversive, and the meaning it represents is epoch-making, far from what WeChat can change.

Once he controls this one, Lu Chuan's energy will be terrifying.

To reveal it, I just want to see how long it will take for the other party to come. The importance of WeChat to the network empire is naturally needless to say. For a company that relies on the number of users, once it loses its user base, how long can its seemingly high game revenue support?

Ma's company is invested in virtual technology, but he hasn't got the ticket yet, and without the prophet, God knows if he can make this giant ship move forward in balance?

There is no need for Xiao Ma to be in a hurry. He has grasped the changes of the times and has achieved today's achievements.

These things just scratched Lu Chuan's head in an instant, he gave a faint smile, and chose to connect the phone.

"Mr. Lu, I just saw the news about you. If it really doesn't sound, it's a blockbuster." Xiao Ma Gelang smiled. Everyone is sensible, so he simply went straight to the subject.

People at this level don't have to make so many turns.

Lu Chuan said: "Mr. Ma, it's just a joke during chat, don't take it seriously. Now the virtual network is still in the experiment, the virtual device seems to be vigorous, but there are still many problems, and it is still far from this day."

"But it will come after all, won't it?" Xiao Ma's tone was serious.

Lu Chuan nodded: "Yes, it will come eventually."

"I want a ticket, no matter what the price." Xiao Ma said: "Socially, we can say that we are the most experienced. Moreover, some companies are too greedy to chew, but we don't meeting."

Just a word, more like a confrontation.

Brother Xiao Ma is waking up Lu Chuan. You only need to become a standard manufacturing company. If you put your foot in everything, it will easily drag the company forward. In this world, not everything will be in your hands, and there will be a good result.

Professional things are left to professional people.

Lu Chuan showed a playful smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Ma, there are still a few key points in technology. How are they going to be specific? It's not easy to say for the time being. You also know that technological breakthroughs may be one or two days or two. It’s been a few years. It’s still early to talk about tickets."

Without slamming the door, Lu Chuan knew that the technology was in his hands, and Baichuan Guihai Company was now strong enough, so there was no need to worry about what methods they used.

As a technology company that is surpassing Apple, it is also a company that caters to the national strategy, which is not comparable to the Internet empire of Xiao Ma.

For the online empire that only plays social and games, it has been defined as entertainment in the eyes of the country.

But Baichuan Guihai Company is different. Each of the technologies in its hands is related to the strength of the country and whether it can rise in this world.

The light and the heavy, the country is very clear, not the high-level behind Xiao Ma can reverse it.

Brother Xiao Ma simply said: "Okay, I'll wait for your call."

Lu Chuan hung up the phone and leaned on the sofa.

In fact, Brother Xiao Ma is right. Once the virtual network is constructed, with the support of virtual technology, it will completely subvert the network. The impact this will have is really terrifying.

Why the country wants to redefine Baichuan Guihai Company lies in the technology that Baichuan Guihai Company has, and what is more important is the future technological achievements of Baichuan Guihai Company.

If Xiao Ma's movements are fast enough, the call from the other horse also comes quickly.

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly and had to answer the phone again: "Brother Yun."


It took Lu Chuan almost two and a half hours just to deal with the phone call, and the phone was almost out of power.

This result was in Lu Chuan's expectation.

"Well, that's all this day."

Lu Chuan smiled, then stood up and gave Ye Lingwei a call: "I will go home for dinner later." When he said this, Lu Chuan scolded himself for being bothered.

Shi Ruoyu, Man Yirou... how to deal with a woman who has a relationship with her is simply a headache.

The paper package can't hold the fire, after all, there will be a day of exposure.

After receiving Lu Chuan's call, Ye Lingwei was naturally excited, and immediately notified the kitchen. The master chef is in the castle in the sky, and a chef of this level cannot be wasted.



It was in the afternoon when Lu Chuan arrived here.

Compared with the fact that it is already cold and raining from time to time in the country, the impact here is not great. Some healthier ones wear short sleeves. The impact of winter here is very limited, and drying up has always been the predicament of Somalia.

Walking into the manor, Xia Min and the others were already waiting.


Xia Min and they said in unison, standing straight in front of Lu Chuan.

The manor is constantly being built and is getting better and better.

In the outside world, this manor is really mysterious. How many people are sent in, there is only one result, that is, there is no return. After several aggressive armed attacks, no one dared to easily get into the manor.

In the area of ​​Bosasso, the manor has become one of its own.

Somalia is a place that pays attention to who is strong. As long as you are strong, you will be respected. No one will dare to treat you. But if you are weak, you will become fat in the eyes of others.

Lu Chuan nodded. There are all zombies here, and there is nothing to communicate, so every time he goes straight to the subject: "Has Yiran's goods arrived?"

"Boss, it's already here." Xia Min answered without hesitation.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, the importance of Yi Ran is actually an irreplaceable member. It has various channels in its hands, as well as huge resources and intelligence, which are of great help to Lu Chuan.

How did all this happen? Lu Chuan never asked Yi Ran. Based on his trust in the biochemical factory and his loyalty to the zombies, Lu Chuan only asked about the result, not the process.

Like this time Lu Chuan came, he actually wanted to do a little experiment.

At home, it is really inconvenient.

For a country with a complete system, if there is any action, it is probably no different from seeking death.

But Somalia is different. The conditions here allow Lu Chuan to do whatever he wants, without worrying about making his moves too big to attract attention. In this area, there is no radar, which is unimaginable.

"We go over."

Yi Ran's goods were delivered to the manor, but they were transferred to the secret base established before.

The secret base, just east of Bosasso, is the exit direction of the Gulf of Aden. The small cities of Bossasso and Gandara are full of undulating mountains, and it is a barren and populated place. It is too simple to hide something in this area.

Xia Min nodded, there was a sea boat in the manor, boarding directly at the dock.

Ten water ghosts were transferred here by Lu Chuan. They circled the ship, protecting the safety of the ship. In other areas, water ghosts are cruising, they are monitoring all movements in this area of ​​water.

With their existence, it is enough to ensure the safety of Lu The sea-going vessel has been modified and has the ability to travel automatically on the route, so it does not require anyone to operate it. Xia Min stood behind Lu Chuan, and the whole ship was just him and Lu Chuan.

After spending more than half an hour, the ship turned into a gap along the coast and began to move upstream.

In less than ten minutes, I stopped on a pier.

Once again, I changed to a small speedboat, but this time it was under the operation of a swift zombie, driving on this stream, constantly bending and twisting, and it took half an hour to arrive.

Along the way, there are secret whistle, these secret whistle are not simple, they are served by zombies, really no one can slip under their noses.

Not to mention these secret whistles, Xia Min also dispatched three water ghosts in the stream. Any boat passing by, it is impossible to escape the water ghosts' perception.

Lu Chuan looked at this secret base like a paradise, and didn't say anything. It was actually used as a pirate spot, and it was used to silence the world.

The base was built against the mountain, and the radar obtained by Yi Ran was placed on the rock wall of the mountain. Here, a large area can be covered, including some water locations in Aden Bend.

Anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft guns...

This type of weapon can be seen everywhere here, arming the secret base into a hedgehog.

Today's Yiran, it is not difficult to obtain these weapons. Its channels can even obtain missiles and fighters with technology in the 1980s and 1990s. This capability was also shocking when Lu Chuan knew.


Zombies who had unlocked the language function spoke respectfully when they saw Lu Chuan.

As for the zombies that were not unlocked, Lu Chuan became the air and did what he should do.

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