Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 616: Gene enhancement

When Fang Wenbin saw Lu Chuan, he knelt in front of Lu Chuan without hesitation.

This kneeling, in this mud, splashed out a piece of mud

Fang Wenbin did not speak, but bowed his head, bowed in front of Lu Chuan, and knocked his forehead directly in the mud.

It was Fang Qin, who also knelt along, bowing down like his brother.

Lu Chuan raised his brows slightly and said in a low voice, "Since you have decided, you will be a vicious dog in my hand from now on. You need to remember your identity at all times."

"Yes, master."

Fang Wenbin replied, worshiping more reverently, ignoring the muddy on the ground.

Now that he has made a decision, Fang Wenbin will not change it.

He must seize this opportunity.

A strong man who can tame zombies deserves his allegiance. In these last days, the word allegiance is funny, but Fang Wenbin still uses allegiance.

As long as he can make himself stronger, he is willing to pay no matter how big the price is.

Lu Chuan nodded. This is a tough person. If you cultivate this kind of person, you will definitely become a strong person in the future, because their will is not comparable to others.

"Remember, I can make you stronger, and I can also grab everything you have." Lu Chuan said flatly.

"Yes, Master, I will always be loyal to you and never betray, otherwise I will not die." Fang Wenbin swore.

Fang Qin was next to him, and vowed to say: "I also followed my master and will never betray."

Lu Chuan nodded and pointed to a rock not far away. It had a concave surface and was not wet by rain. It was a good shelter from the rain.

The Fang family brothers and sisters arrived here with Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan took out the first-level genetic potion and said, "I can make you stronger, but your sister is not included. If you want your sister to have the ability to protect herself, she will work hard for me and use your loyalty to earn money. ."

Fang Wenbin and Fang Qin glanced at each other.

"Yes." Fang Wenbin replied.

Lu Chuan handed the first-level genetic potion to his hand and said, "Drink it."

Fang Qin still had some concerns, but Fang Wenbin opened it without hesitation, then tilted his head and drank it in one mouthful.

Since you have chosen this path, you have to be cruel to yourself. No matter what it is, Fang Wenbin will drink it. It’s not worth your opponent’s meticulous design. If you want to kill yourself with the opponent’s ability, you just need to use a finger.

Fang Wenbin is not an idiot, of course he can figure it all out.

That's why he took it without hesitation.

Lu Chuan knew about the pain of the gene potion, but he didn't say it. Instead, he watched Fang Wenbin begin to fall into pain after just a few seconds.

The whole body trembled at first, then the muscles on his face twitched, and a big cold sweat came out.


When Fang Wenbin couldn't suppress the severe pain, he let out a miserable howl, fell to the ground and rolled frantically.

"Brother!" Fang Qin was taken aback and wanted to rush over.

But Lu Chuan pulled her hand to lift her up, threw her back aside, and said coldly, "Stay."

Fang Qin didn't dare to move, but tears kept streaming down.

Level 1 gene enhancement will not last long.

In just two or three minutes, this intense pain began to recede, and what followed was that kind of coldness, which made the muscles quickly recover.

The pain stopped and the coldness recovered, making Fang Wenbin stand up.

At this moment, he immediately felt the difference.

The whole body is full of strength. Although he is still thin, but this thin body is full of strength and full of explosive power. This kind of change is very obvious, so Fang Wenbin can clearly feel it.

"Thank you master for the reward."

Fang Wenbin knelt in front of Lu Chuan once again, this time even more sincerely.

He had doubted before, but now, when he gains power, all doubts have disappeared. In Fang Wenbin's eyes, the master is like a god.

Seeing his brother's appearance, Fang Qin still didn't understand that the pain just now was actually for strength?

"Thank you Master." Fang Qin also knelt down.

Lu Chuan kept his face indifferent, just nodded slightly, and said, "Get up."

The Fang family brothers and sisters stood up, Fang Wenbin still had excitement on his face. He is no longer an ordinary person, but a new human being, possessing power beyond ordinary people.


In Lu Chuan's eyes, this is far from enough.

Even the zombies can let him know, Lu Chuan doesn't care about letting them know more.

In front of Fang Wenbin's brother and sister, Lu Chuan's hand shook, and out of thin air, two war knives appeared.

With a quick throw, the battle knife made of alloy, with the blessing of Lu Chuan's power, was easily inserted into the rock for several centimeters, making the battle knife sway.

At the same time, Lu Chuan took out a bag of compressed biscuits.

"You have newly gained power. You haven't adapted and mastered this power. Now you don't have to go back to the settlement to practice how to control this power."

The two brothers and sisters Fang Wenbin, their eyes could almost fall to the ground.

It's hard to imagine why people can create things out of thin air. Lu Chuan just moved his hands, and these things will appear, not illusions, but real existence.

At this moment, Lu Chuan rose to the point of **** in their minds.

Yes, it is impossible to do all of this without God.

"Yes, master." Fang Wenbin couldn't be disrespectful.

"Tomorrow I will come again, if you can control this power, I will continue to strengthen until you become a real strong."

"In addition, I don't like the word master very much, just call me the boss."

Throwing these two sentences away, Lu Chuan turned and left.

The corpse dragon, who had received the instruction long ago, descended from the sky for the first time, and then appeared on the stage with supreme shock, and then took off into the air.

Lu Chuan had left, but Fang Wenbin did not dare to relax.

"Sister, I am stronger now, I am stronger." Maybe it was Lu Chuan who left, so Fang Wenbin was no longer afraid and restrained. He laughed and then yelled.

Fang Qin nodded with tears. Isn't this what my brother has been looking forward to?

After venting, Fang Wenbin pressed Fang Qin's shoulder: "No one will bully you again."

Suddenly gaining strength made Fang Wenbin extremely excited.

He pulled out the battle knife that Lu Chuan had stuck into the rock, and then adjusted to his strength. If you can't control it, Sora has a lot of strength, and it's wasted.

It requires not only strength, but also extraordinary fighting skills.

The best adaptation is actually to vent.


The next day, it was also around ten.

Fang Wenbin only slept for three hours before getting up to train himself. It doesn't need to be too complicated, he found that he can be like a fool, just holding a big rock and walking around, shaking his arms, etc., in a certain period of time, he can adapt to his own strength.

Very stupid way, like a fool, but very effective.

When he saw the corpse dragon appearing from a distance, Fang Wenbin took his sister and knelt down respectfully to welcome Lu Chuan's arrival.

Lu Chuan sat down on the corpse dragon, this time he did not let the corpse dragon leave, but let the corpse dragon stay next to him.

In this way, Fang Wenbin could see the true face of the corpse dragon more clearly. This is an experience that has never been experienced before. If this corpse dragon is not under the control of the owner, after changing the usual times, he is probably already swallowed by it.

Fang Wenbin has also seen the corpse dragon, and its power is still engraved in his mind.

Lu Chuan said, "Let me take a look at your results."

"Yes, boss." Fang Wenbin nodded. He let Fang Qin go aside, then took the sword, and did simple chops, slashes, and stabs in front of Lu Chuan, but he controlled the sword well.

Lu Chuan nodded, and took out the second gene potion: "Take it."

With the first experience, Fang Wenbin will not hesitate even more, and at the same time he is ready. After taking it over, he bowed to Lu Chuan and stood up and drank the genetic potion in one gulp.

Immediately, he took a sharpened wooden stick from Fang Qin's hand and bit it in his mouth.

This way, you can prevent biting your tongue.

Lu Chuan just smiled, and he could see that Fang Wenbin's brain worked very well.

The unexpected severe pain hit, Fang Wenbin bit the wooden stick to endure it, and hummed coldly from time to time. It's just that this kind of pain was stronger than the first time, causing him to roll to the ground again.

For the first time, although Fang Qin was worried this time, he was not as afraid as before.

In about five minutes, the genetic enhancement was completed, and Fang Wenbin seemed to have lost his skin again, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

His undulating chest was wet with sweat, showing what kind of torture Fang Wenbin has suffered in the past five minutes.

Of course, Lu Chuan has experienced it, and naturally has experience.

"Like yesterday, I adapt myself." Lu Chuan threw down this sentence, and then mounted the corpse dragon into the air and left.

The stronger power made Fang Wenbin even more respectful of Lu Chuan.

After regaining some strength, Fang Wenbin struggled to get up. He needed to adapt to the new strength as soon as possible and waited for the next change.

Previously, two or three hundred catties of stones could be easily lifted, but after the second time they became stronger, they could pick up more than five hundred catties of stones.

This kind of gap makes Fang Wenbin even more looking forward to what will happen after he gets stronger for the third time?

Fang Qin watched his brother become stronger again, and he was naturally happy for him in his heart. She didn't interrupt her brother's training, but went and picked up pots and pans and started to make a fire and boil water.

All she has to do now is to take good care of her brother.

Never underestimate a crazy person. Fang Wenbin is definitely a ruthless person. He was not a new human before. He was empty of mind, but was incapable. Naturally, he could only be trampled under his feet.

But now it's different. He has strength and his tenacious nature makes him clenched his teeth even if he hollowed out his strength.

There is almost no rest training, so that he adapts to this force, and is more relaxed.

Supported by this kind of strength, his thin body looks thin, but in fact, every muscle contains explosive power.

"I can also become stronger." Let the sweat drip, Fang Wenbin knows that only by desperately, will it be possible for the master to agree and gain stronger power tomorrow.

With power, Fang Wenbin eagerly yearns for the feeling of power.

The third day.

The fifth day.

On the fifth day, Lu Chuan handed the Level 4 genetic potion to Fang Wenbin, and said: "This is the last enhancement. The next step depends on your performance. I will score based on your performance. When the score is reached, you You can apply to me to increase your strength."

Shanshi County is a company system with points.

Lu Chuan also used Fang Wenbin's body, only enough effort can get the corresponding points, get more and become stronger.

Without paying back, the other party will not know how to cherish, let alone be grateful.

In five days, Fang Wenbin changed a lot. Most of the food provided by Lu Chuan was meat. With the enhancement of genes, every inch of Fang Wenbin’s muscles was filled with explosive power. Although he was still a little thin, his strength was not. Will be weak.

Fang Wenbin took it, but he realized how strong he was after three times. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are not many people who can beat him in the settlement.

As long as he becomes stronger one more time, he will have a longer and shorter capital in the settlement.

With capital, he doesn't mind becoming a vicious dog in the hands of his master.

He did not hesitate to bite whoever the master asked him to bite, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of the master's will.


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