Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 632: Mystery is scary

? February 16th.

Today is the ninth day of the new year, and a large number of people who have returned to the city embarked on their journey on this day. The same is true for Lu Chuan. From the early morning, Lu Haixiu began to have a hearty breakfast. This is something that almost every family and every parent has to do.

The children will travel far, and everyone wants to cook a good meal for their children. After all, many people will not see each other until a year later.

Lu Chuan and his parents wouldn't be like this, but it's for sure.

If it wasn't for his parents who were young, Lu Chuan would take them to Handong City. The time to spend with them would be much longer. There is no need to have a parting pain like now.

After breakfast, then we said goodbye to my parents.

Lu Chuan's departure was different from the others. Not only the whole village came to see him off, but the leaders of the town also came to see him off.

Not only Lu Chuan's identity, but also the title of Lu Chuan God of Wealth.

After waving goodbye to these people, the vehicle got on the highway, continuously leaving the village behind.

Of course, Mu Jiangxue would not ride in the E350, but in other vehicles. If it really rides, I am afraid the problem will be serious.

Ye Lingwei has been looking at the assistant Lu Chuan with hostile eyes these past few days, so beautiful, it always makes people wonder.

But Ye Lingwei didn't question Lu Chuan, she knew what trust was.

Since Lu Chuan took her to her hometown, Ye Lingwei knew that Lu Chuan had feelings for her. People who have experienced the entertainment industry are more open to these things. After all, compared to the chaos of the entertainment industry, it is normal to find a few women.

In the entertainment industry, there are many chaos that you can hardly imagine.

The journey went smoothly. When I arrived in Handong City, it was already afternoon.

Lu Chuan did not deal with official duties immediately, but stayed with Ye Lingwei in the castle in the air until the next day.

February 17.

When Lu Chuan gets busy, the company has already gone to work. Although Lu Chuan is a shopkeeper, he still needs to show up at the company after the new year.

In the morning I was at the company, and I accompanied Shi Ruoyu in the afternoon. Then, instead of going back to the castle in the air at night, I stayed in the villa and spent the night with Shi Ruoyu.

Next, it will be busy for several days, and the size will continue.

It was not until February 22 that Lu Chuan cleared everything up and became relaxed.


Lu Chuan flew to the deep city on the 23rd, and there was also a Man Yirou. It was left out for more than half a month, and the seafood channel was broken again. After all, he had to give an explanation.

Now Lu Chuan finally understands why the women who are being taken care of, always turn around and take care of the men.

Think about it, sometimes a woman has not been touched by a man for three months. What kind of situation would this be like?

Rich can only be trapped in the room, and no one can bear this kind of loneliness.

First ask friends to go shopping, eat, beautify, etc., and then evolve to have a little white face. Use the money to support his own men to raise other men.

Lu Chuan didn't worry about being green, but for half a month, he still had to come to comfort him.

There are a few women, but different places, it is definitely not a happy thing.

First I spent one day with Man Yirou, and then another day to establish a new seafood channel. With previous experience, the establishment this time is naturally fast.

Several zombies who were sailors before they were alive were recruited again, and they were brought to the present under the blessing of the pretender system, and then they were arranged on a new ocean fishing boat.

After everything was resolved, four days had passed in a flash.


February 28.


Lu Chuan appeared here, then sat down on the boss's chair, and looked at the information records in the biochemical factory one by one. There were thousands of pieces of information that he needed to check.

This information contains a lot of information.

For example, the lost zombies will have a prompt sound, and the bloodthirsty claws that they sent out to detect, what kind of discovery they have in a month, and so on.

The one-month span is indeed a bit long, and a lot of information has little effect on Lu Chuan.

Some of the information about the corpse dragon was discovered. Some were more than twenty days ago. God knows where the corpse dragon went in these twenty days?

And the loss of zombies, naturally needless to say, most of them were killed by high-level zombies.

There were fewer losses in the city, but the bloodthirsty claws sent by Lu Chuan lost as many as 30.

This surprised Lu Chuan. This was 30 bloodthirsty claws that had been strengthened ten times.

Sure enough, the outside world is dangerous.

"There are a lot of corpse dragons, but they are scattered, and some have been too long. The corpse dragon knows where to fly."

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, which meant that the loss of more than 30 bloodthirsty claws seemed worthless.

I also blame myself for being too rushed, ignoring many things, and not arranging bloodthirsty claws. They should be stopped.

It's just that it's no use regretting now. Lu Chuan issued an order, and the remaining bloodthirsty claws went into a dormant state, waiting for Lu Chuan's instructions again.

After checking the information, Lu Chuan left the biochemical plant after confirming that there were no major incidents.


The settlement of Shanshi County.

Today is another cloudy and rainy day, and this kind of weather will last until at least March, and there will be almost a month before the sun will usher in.

Lu Chuan appeared here on his electric motorcycle and was discovered from a distance.

Today's Shanshi County changes drastically every month.

The new technology in the wolf's nest is constantly being applied here, so that Shanshi County has begun to return to its pre-apocalyptic level. Such as communication, such as electricity, and water supply.

They were repaired step by step, and damaged and unusable were replaced. Until a year ago, the water and power supply were finally restored.

The water supply is easy to solve, but the difficulty is power supply.

Fortunately, it is only a place of power supply. There is a small power station in Zhongzhou City. Its existence provides conditions for power supply. The power station has been repaired, the wires have been rearranged, and Shanshi County has recovered its strength.

The whole New Year is absolutely happy for the survivors living in Shanshi County, because they have food and meat, not only water is convenient, but electricity is also supplied.

Everything is so perfect except that the electricity is turned off at night.

Many people suspected that they were dreaming, and more than half a year ago, the current life is something they dare not imagine.

Needless to say, their gratitude to the boss is from the heart.

I would rather be a peaceful dog than a person in troubled times.

This sentence will be truly understood by those who have experienced it. Now that they have a peaceful life, they naturally cherish it. Now I am afraid that anyone who dares to split the settlement of Shanshi County will be torn to pieces.

Here, the boss Lu Chuan is the real master.

"It's the boss."

The soldiers on the fence screamed, attracting everyone's attention.

When Lu Chuan approached, the soldiers here were almost lined up at the gate of the city, standing straight, as if accepting Lu Chuan's inspection.

"Happy new year, boss."

The sound is loud and uniform.

Lu Chuan smiled and nodded, drove through the center of them, and when he entered the city gate, he stopped again, and then took out a stack of red envelopes from the back of the electric motorcycle, and then gave each of them one.

"Not money, just some dried pork."

Lu Chuan smiled, using pork jerky as a red envelope this Chinese New Year, and it was too bad for Lu Chuan to think about it.

In Shanshi County, only points are recognized, not others.


After the collapse of order, money is no longer money, but a pile of paper.

Some dried pork is definitely the best red envelope for the soldiers. Lu Chuan has the ability to adjust their points, but this is beyond the scope of the red envelope.

Entering Shanshi County, there are pedestrians everywhere and it is extremely lively.

Eat well, sleep well, don’t worry about safety, natural people look different. In addition, it is still a year, and people naturally relax.

When they saw Lu Chuan, they all stood up and bowed.

Lu Chuan was smiling all the way, looking at the New Year here curiously.

There is a shortage of supplies, but they have points or exchanged a lot of things. Taking advantage of this Chinese New Year, people with craftsmanship will get some special foods, and take this opportunity to get some points.

Some people who can play acrobatics also perform on the street, but they are all reluctant, because they already regard this as their home.

Give the people here more joy, they are very happy.

The rise of business does not matter, it belongs to their power and freedom.

But one thing is that gambling is not allowed in the settlement, and once discovered, it will be driven out of the settlement. This punishment was very severe. Leaving the settlement is no different from death.

By the time it was at the headquarters, all the people here received the news, and stood at the door one by one.

"Boss, happy new year."

They shouted neatly again, making Lu Chuan laugh, shaking his head and saying, "Happy New Year everyone, but I don't have a red envelope for it."

When Chu Bin and Wu Jiang saw Lu Chuan, they both showed a fanatical look. They can be said to be the most direct beneficiaries of Lu Chuan.

First they were given high positions, and then they became new human beings, and they died for their confidants. If the boss wants them to die, they will not hesitate.

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere became very relaxed.

Now everything is going in a good direction, who is not happy?

However, Yi Zhanfei had a deep sense of fear for Lu Chuan, because he noticed the changes between Chu Bin and Wu Jiang, from ordinary people to new human beings, what have they experienced?

Yi Zhanfei possesses immense power, and he can easily determine that these two people have received this kind of change from the boss.

All this is related to the boss?

What kind of concept is it to turn ordinary people into new humans?

Don't think that ordinary people and new humans seem to have nothing, but there is a gap between heaven and earth. An ordinary person, no matter how strong he is, he can only carry one or two hundred kilograms. However, a first-level new human can carry four to five hundred kilograms.

From strength to speed, to endurance, and explosive power, it is a qualitative leap.

A first-class new human can deal with dozens of ordinary people without a problem. Their reaction nerves are faster, their strength is greater, and their speed is faster. When all these stack up, the gap they bring is really big.

There are tens of thousands of new humans in the settlement. They are the core force in the last days, because they are better and stronger in learning, no matter what, they can do better.

The top level of people refers to the new humans.

If the boss can really make ordinary people become new humans, if it is used on ordinary people on a large scale, in the future the entire settlement of Shanshi County will be new humans, how strong will it be?

The boss, Shenlong, sees the beginning and ends, and no one knows how strong the boss's power outside will be.

The boss is often absent, but no one in the settlement dared to have a hint of strangeness. This is the boss's brilliance. The unknown is the most feared.


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