Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 636: to cultivate

? In a house.


Wu Yingcai howled miserably, rolling on the ground.

"Uncle, take it, take it." Wu Yingcai begged for mercy, but this kind of pain didn't mean to stop at all, and it was still tearing every cell of him.

Several times it was almost painful to death, but Wu Yingcai still managed it.

Lu Chuan mentioned him to this house, without allowing him to think about it. He just poured a blue potion into him. In just a few seconds, the pain came up like water, making him dying of pain.

Wu Yingcai didn't dare to scold him. He didn't know if Lu Chuan had his head twitched or what, it felt like he was crazy.

First let him and the zombies tore and kill, and then punish him like this.

He really couldn't guess what Lu Chuan meant.

If you want to kill yourself, it's just your own fate. It's not worth a sandwich. It's impossible to kill chopsticks after wasting a sandwich. This is not logical.

But what does Lu Chuan mean?

The severe pain, after two or three minutes, passed like water.

Wu Yingcai panted, and he got up, only feeling sour everywhere in himself. The next moment, that kind of coolness came up, making him so comfortable that he shivered.

Before Wu Yingcai could enjoy it, Lu Chuan directly picked him up and strode out of the house.

Soon he arrived at the place where more than a dozen zombies were wandering. Lu Chuan mentioned him here, threw him to the ground, threw the saber at his feet, pointed at the zombies not far away and said, "Kill them."

Wu Yingcai was dumbfounded, and he shouted: "Are you crazy?"

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Enjoy the zombies."

The zombies in the distance heard the sound and rushed towards Luchuan.

Wu Yingcai was furious, and he wanted to escape, but Lu Chuan's cold expression fell on him, and said quietly: "Fighting with the zombies, there is still a chance to survive. If you escape, I will break your neck myself."

The voice was very flat, but the coldness caused Wu Yingcai to tremble.

The zombies came very quickly, but Wu Yingcai gritted his teeth and took the saber into his hand. How strong is Lu Chuan? He has seen him before. Hundreds of lickers are not enough to kill. What is he now?

I don't know why, Wu Yingcai found that she was holding the sword in her hand, and she felt that the sword was extremely light, as if it had no weight.

Especially when he was fully focused, he became keen on everything around him.

A feeling that had never been experienced before emerged from his body.


Since Wu Yingcai couldn't retreat, Wu Yingcai also screamed and greeted him with a sword. He found that he was running faster and his explosive power was not comparable to before.

Raising the battle knife, the power erupted from the arm, let the battle knife pass by, splitting the head of a zombie in half.

Instead of getting stuck on the skull as before, he split his head in half.

This kind of power difference, Wu Yingcai was stunned, if he hadn't reacted quickly, in this stunned time, he was almost scratched by a zombie.

Without thinking about it, Wu Yingcai just had to kill in his head.

Crazy killing intent emerged, Wu Yingcai broke out, he was carrying a war knife, the knives were like crazy. He hasn't practiced systematically, but his strength and speed make up for his lack of experience.

A dozen zombies were ordinary zombies, and they were really clumsy in front of Wu Yingcai.

"I'm scornful of your uncle, I'm a dog, come on, come on..."

Wu Yingcai had never been so happy before with the carefree killing, and this feeling was actually refreshing.

When the last zombie fell, Wu Yingcai's chest was ups and downs, even though he was panting, he still laughed, laughing crazily.

After the end of the world for so long, he has been very depressed, and has never let his emotions release. I don't know how many days and nights, he almost thought he was going crazy.

Now that he vented it out, he found that he was so comfortable, as if a patient had been reborn. Especially after this kind of killing, he didn't have that kind of endless exhaustion, but felt that he could still fight.

Strength, Wu Yingcai felt the changes in her own strength.

Wu Yingcai's eyes flickered, and he realized how much he looks like a new human now.

From ordinary people to new humans?

Even a mindless person knows what this is all about. Combined with the opportunity Lu Chuan mentioned earlier, Wu Yingcai naturally understood.

At this time, Wu Yingcai's eyes on Lu Chuan changed.

Carrying the sword, Wu Yingcai walked to Lu Chuan who was holding his arm and smiling slightly, and said solemnly, "Thank you."

Lu Chuan shrugged and said, "There is no free lunch in the world. I can help you. It is conditional."

Wu Yingcai doesn't matter, he has experienced the last days for so many years, and he understands that the weak have no human rights. What's more, before I had nothing, now I have a chance, so I naturally want to seize it.

He must hug Lu Chuan's thigh tightly. Since Lu Chuan can turn him into a new human, he knows that he needs to rely on Lu Chuan if he wants to become stronger and want to get out of the ground.

"I understand." Wu Yingcai nodded.

Lu Chuan said, "Follow me to do things."

"Okay!" Wu Yingcai didn't hesitate for a moment. The skill he showed was how many times stronger than Wu Yingcai before. In other words, the previous Wu Yingcai was not the real self, but in these last days, he suppressed himself, so as not to shoot out.

An ordinary person, if he is too good, would never know how to die.

In the face of death, anyone will become mellow and know how to deal with others.

Lu Chuan pointed to the direction of the settlement and said, "I have only one goal. You can help me get it."

Wu Yingcai frowned and said, "Boss, with my strength, I will be killed in minutes."

"So, you still need to continue to grow stronger." Lu Chuan tilted his head, looking into the distance, and said: "First start with adapting to your strength. Also, you can call me the boss later."

"Yes, boss." Wu Yingcai had a decision in her heart, so she would not be hypocritical.

Lu Chuan said quietly: "This world will be the world of the strong. If you are willing to be mediocre, you can only live at the lowest level. If you live a life that can't even be guaranteed, you may be starved to death at any time. Without order, If you want to kill a person, you don't even need a reason, you kill it."

"If you don't want to live a life that is inferior to a pig and a dog, learn to make yourself stronger and stand on top of this world."

Wu Yingcai's eyes were full of fierce rays, and when he felt the power nowadays, ghosts would be willing to be mediocre, willing to be an ordinary person, and be trampled under their feet for a lifetime.

He has always suffered too much shame. I don't know how many days and nights he was shivering in the cold wind, and how many times he almost died.

Holding the sword, Wu Yingcai's eyes were full of killing intent, and she walked towards the zombies in the distance.

Lu Chuan hugged his arms and looked at Wu Yingcai, who was full of fighting spirit, and showed a faint smile. Becoming a new human being is only the first step, how to become stronger, oneself will contribute, but in the end it depends on himself.


The best way to solve a settlement is to start from the inside.

He directly cultivated a capable hand, using him as a fulcrum, and then swallowed this settlement. He doesn't need to come forward directly, he is providing enough food, and his own strong strength is enough.

Flattening with zombies is very simple, but if the zombies are exposed, how do you get along with them?

High-pressure policy?

This is what Lu Chuan wants. What he wants is a stable rear, and then turn them into members of a huge factory, allowing them to display their human wisdom.

The biochemical plant is just a trump card hidden by Lu Chuan. It is not a last resort and will not be used easily.

It's difficult to take the upper-level route.

People who already have power will not be handed over easily, nor will they become the hands of others from tens of thousands of people. Even if they are allowed to succumb, who knows in the future if they will stab themselves?

Only those who are selected from the suffering below have the heart to forge ahead and will do everything possible to climb up.

When they succeed, they will cherish what they have and will not betray easily.

If you want a person to do things for you, you must give enough benefits and the strength to make every cell in him shiver.

Now Wu Yingcai felt a breath of death enveloping herself.

A huge corpse dragon was standing in front of him, staring at him with cold eyes, and approaching step by step, Ruoda's head almost reached Wu Yingcai.

Faced with this big head, Wu Yingcai only needs a knife to chop it off.

But Wu Yingcai knew that it was impossible.

When this corpse dragon appeared, he tried it. After taking the second-level genetic potion, he could not even hurt the opponent's epidermis with a war knife. How to confirm its head?

The current corpse dragon is not something he can fight against, he only needs a mouth to swallow him.


Wu Yingcai's eyes were huge, because he saw the body of the corpse dragon, and there was a big saddle fixed on it. It was clearly prepared for the corpse dragon, and it fits perfectly.

Then, Wu Yingcai saw Lu Chuan come out, just walked in front of the corpse dragon, and rode on it.


The unimaginable shock made Wu Yingcai know for the first time that zombies can be so close to humans that they can be ridden underneath by humans.

There is a sense of collapse in the world view, which makes Wu Yingcai feel at a loss.

"Stunned what? Don't move things yet?"

Lu Chuan's voice came, making Wu Yingcai sober. Looking at the boss, Wu Yingcai's eyes were not only shocked, but also a deep fear, because the impact the boss gave him was really too great.

This corpse dragon is carrying a huge encirclement. Its powerful flying ability is no problem with a load of several hundred kilograms. Now it is carrying three packs of 100 catties of rice, as well as some salt-cured dried vegetables.

In the last days the most powerful thing is still food.

When Wu Yingcai saw the three packs of 100 jin of rice, his breathing became confused and his eyes were staring tightly. The whole person turned out to be looking at the rice and swallowing saliva.

"Move?" Wu Yingcai hesitated.

Lu Chuan laughed and said, "These are all for you. In this world, if you want others to follow you, you must make them full. As long as you are full and want them to do anything, they will not Hesitate."

Wu Yingcai naturally understands the most reasonable sayings of the last days.

Don't underestimate the 300 catties of rice. If you use it well in these last days, you can definitely win over and drive hundreds of people. Draw another big pie, promise a better life in the future, and you can draw a team of thousands of people.

People who are tormented by hunger and go crazy, driven by food, will be like a pack of evil wolves.


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