Superhero Academy System

Chapter 151: huge sum of money

"President Clive, take a step to speak?"

"Hurry up and say something. My husband is very busy. I have no time to accompany you."

As always, the attitude was cold, but Wang Jun was used to it, so he didn't care.

"I think the two stars are very good, so can you replace this reward with something else, such as gold coins or something?"

Although he didn't say it before, Wang Jun guessed it. This time the college's rising star is a reward for healing Marshal Edmond.

According to the official statement, although Marshal Edmund has been to the Durga Valley, there has been absolutely no problem. Only after returning, he retreats and breaks through the realm. Therefore, this matter cannot be mentioned.

Wang Jun can understand this approach. After all, he is taboo for His Holiness, but this does not mean that Wang Jun will be satisfied with this reward.

Obediently, the life of an marshal of the empire was exchanged for a rising star. In the eyes of the empire, the life of the military commander was so worthless?

Wang Jun felt that he had suffered a loss, and that he had suffered a terrible loss. Therefore, for the benefit of himself and the college, he resolutely stood up against it.

"Do you know how many colleges it costs to upgrade to a level?" Clive was ridiculed. He never thought that someone would refuse to upgrade the certification level of the alliance: "You believe it or not, what you have If the documents are put up for auction, the final transaction price can at least buy dozens of colleges like yours! "


Wang Jun's eyes lighted up at once, and the hand holding the paper became cautious, which gave Clive a little comfort, but the next moment, Wang Jun's words almost made him jump.

"Can it be sold?"

After trying to take two deep breaths, Clive restrained the urge to throw a fire forbidden spell on the other's face, and waited for her emotions to calm down before she squeezed out two words from her mouth.


"That's still useless!" Wang Jun spread his hands, his smile disappeared: "I understand that the league rating is important to the college, but our college is too poor to expose the pot, so compared to reputation It ’s better to give me more gold coins to repair the teaching environment, otherwise the hardware facilities can't keep up, what's the use of just having a name? "

With these words, Clive gave Wang Jun a high look.

In recent years, there has never been a lack of self-esteem guys, always thinking of one step to the sky, in pursuit of the interests that can not be grasped at all.

Contrary to these people, Wang Jun can recognize himself very well.

Seriously, the last time the superhero academy rose, it has already raised a lot of opposition in the league. This time, this little-known school has been pushed to the top.

How many people are jealous of the superhero academy rising stars twice in a few months, maybe it won't be long before Wang Jun can feel the pressure from these people.

Therefore, this may really be like Wang Jun said, it is better to replace this rising star instrument with gold coins.

Of course, that's what it says, but it is absolutely impossible.

It's a taboo to change early in the morning, and the league will never hit its own face. Besides, this time, your Majesty's meaning, even if the league wants to promise, there is no way!

"Boy, it's yours for you, so don't think about changing it, but don't worry about it. The evaluation of the Samsung Academy of the Alliance is not the advantage you think, you will slowly know."

After speaking, Clive turned and left, but when he was about to walk out of the door, he seemed to remember something, turned his head and threw a small bag to Wang Jun.

"The old man almost forgot to tell you that rising stars are just extra rewards. These are the benefits that have been set before. The empire will not treat the meritorious people."

When Wang Jun returned to God, Clive had taken his men away, along with Rayleigh and Riddle.

Wang Jun wondered and opened the bag in his hand, and his eyes suddenly lighted.

The empire did not pit him this time. The reward given to him was a real benefit, a gold card of 100,000 yuan!

Cover your chest and try not to let your little heart jump out.

Wang Jun vowed that this is definitely the greatest fortune he has ever seen in his life.

100,000 gold coins, according to the exchange rate of one to one hundred, how much is it?

Ten million for the life of the Marshal of the Empire, although not completely equivalent, but at least Wang Jun is acceptable.

Where should I spend so much money?

If this man is lucky, he cannot stop it.

A visit to the Imperial City can be said to be both fame and fortune. Wang Jun's smile at the moment can't stop.

The next day, Willa, who sent Lax back, saw Wang Jun's disgusting look, and couldn't help but puddle his face with a polo ball. Wang Jun was so cold that he finally returned to normal.

In a good mood, Wang Jun directly ignored the disrespect of the system elf, and then hung his smile to greet Rayleigh Bell.

Although Rayleigh Bell was an image of a villain coming to the door, but now it is different, he is now a rich boy!

"Here is ten thousand gold coins. Can you let them go now?"

"Of course, this dean is the most concerned about the goods and silver." Wang Jun clapped his hands. Naturally, some people from the chamber of commerce dragged out some unlucky ghosts that Wang Jun brought back yesterday.

These guys were uncomfortable. After being brought back, they were locked into the firewood room of the Chamber of Commerce. It was known that there was wind on all sides. At night, they could kill people, and Wang Jun also took care of it ~ ~ Don't give them food!

Under the hunger and cold, these unlucky eggs were exhausted. Now one by one is like a dead dog, with purple lips and strong whole body. If it were not for the occasional heat caused by the proportion of the mouth, everyone would believe that they were dead.

Rayleigh Bell didn't get angry over the appearance of these students, because in his opinion, these people were looking for themselves.

After returning yesterday, the first thing he did was to figure out the whole process from Riddle's mouth, the latter did not dare to hide anything, and vomited all his grievances with Wang Jun.

Without strength, they do n’t have a long time to take the initiative to provoke a person that they ca n’t afford, and it has brought trouble to him and the college, so even if Wang Jun does n’t deal with them, they will face cruelty after returning to the college The punishment may even be expelled directly from the college.

Rayleigh Bell doesn't care about the fate of these guys, as long as he makes sure that Wang Jun will not get into the league because of this, his work is completed, but he can't figure it out. According to Riddle, the guy in front of him is in the months The former is still a notorious liar, how can he become a master who can't even see his diamond power in a blink of an eye? Superhero Academy System

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