Supreme Martial God Art

Chapter 651 Death reappears, illusion

Chapter 651 Death reappears, illusion

All Wu Yun did was to get them to take their attention away from him.

Then he entered Xingyu Academy.

It just gave Wu Yun a headache.

Seems somewhat counterproductive.

In this way, Xingyu Academy has become the focus of attention.

The only benefit is to let Huoying return to Tianhuo Academy.

This problem must be solved to draw everyone's attention away from Xingyu Academy.

After thinking about it, Wu Yun came up with a rather effective solution.

In this way, it will be able to distract everyone's attention.

It made them even more confused and incomprehensible.

Just lure them away.

By then, everything will be smoother.

Now that Bai Li'er is by his side, on the side of Xingyu Academy, a single Yulin is much easier to deal with.

In the middle of the night, Wu Yun brought Bai Li'er and hurried to the Martial Arts Academy.

Today, the Martial Arts Academy is also waiting for it.

It's a pity that Qi Xiuyuan and Du Xingning are both detained in Xingyu Academy.

In the Martial Arts Academy, there is no strong person in charge.

Wu Yun can be said to come and go freely.

Speaking of which, this situation also made Wu Yun hate Nie Yuan and the others even more.

With Du Xingning and Qi Xiuyuan being imprisoned like this, if the so-called god of death is not Wu Yun, but such a person.

Isn't everyone in the Martial Arts Academy, who has no strong man in charge, like lambs to be slaughtered?

Nie Yuan and these bastards, I am afraid that the Martial Arts Academy would be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Soon, Wu Yun finished all the actions, and painted some words about the coming of death in the martial arts academy.

Of course, he didn't use human blood, and he didn't kill people at the Martial Arts Academy.

It was enough to draw the attention of Nie Yuan and the others.

All is well, just wait to be discovered.

I thought I would have to wait until dawn, but never thought.

Just two hours after Wu Yun left the Martial Arts Academy, a panicked scream came from within the Martial Arts Academy.

Then it quickly swept through.

A few hours later, this matter was passed on to Xingyu Academy.

At this moment, everyone outside Xingyu Academy was preparing to question Du Xingning and Qi Xiuyuan.

Hearing this, they hurried to the Martial Arts Academy.

At the same time, as Wu Yun expected, everyone was even more puzzled.

They thought it was Wu Yun and the Martial Arts Academy who planned all this behind the scenes.

But now, that doesn't seem to be the case.

If it was a martial arts academy, would they even spare their own academy?

In order to find out what happened, everyone hurried away.

Among them, Nie Yuan was also included.

Wu Yun smiled secretly, the plan really worked.

Huoying is also restless in Tianhuo Academy.

Although he also really wanted to go to the Martial Arts Academy to find out.

But after all, he still didn't dare to leave, for fear that if he left, Tianhuo Academy would suffer.

And the most headache in this matter is none other than Yulin.

He had expected this to be Wu Yun's doing.

But now even the Martial Arts Academy has not been spared, and he has the same doubts as everyone else.

Could it be that Wu Yun didn't even let go of his own academy?

This is unlikely!

Even Du Xingning and Qi Xiuyuan in prison were equally confused.

At the same time, their hearts also began to worry.

There are no reports of casualties at the Martial Arts Academy yet.

They are also worried, is this really not what Wu Yun did?

Really someone else?

The two even wanted to meet Wu Shitian several times and asked Wu Shitian to let them go back to the Martial Arts Academy.

It's a pity that Wu Shitian didn't seem to pay attention to this matter.

He only replied lightly, "Everything is fixed, just wait with peace of mind!"

Perhaps, Wu Shitian has seen through everything.

Or maybe he really just doesn't want to care too much.

At the same time as everyone rushed to the Martial Arts Academy, Wu Yun was relaxed and hurried to Xingyu Academy with Bai Li'er.

The plan is more than half successful.

A few hours later, Nie Yuan and the others hurried to the Martial Arts Academy.

At this moment, there was a hint of fish maw white on the horizon, and it was almost dawn.

At the same time as Nie Yuan and the others rushed to the Martial Arts Academy, Wu Yun and Bai Li'er had also arrived outside the Xingyu Academy.

Martial Arts Academy.

At this moment, people were panicking, and Nie Yuan broke in first.

Everyone in the Martial Arts Academy, although they did not wait for Du Xingning, nor did they wait for Qi Xiuyuan.

But when Nie Yuan came, he could be regarded as a life-saving straw.

Because they still don't know what Nie Yuan did.

Still kept in the dark.

Nie Yuan roared and asked.

"Where is the person, where is the person, and are there any clues left?"

And everyone in the Martial Arts Academy said that it was a patrolling student disciple who discovered the words of the god of death.

Afterwards, Nie Yuan went to check the words that the god of death came, and it seemed that they were exactly the same as those of the Flying Dragon Academy.

However, Nie Yuan soon realized that something was wrong.

Suddenly, I saw his eyes condensed, and he said to himself: "No, this is not human blood."

Then, he turned around, grabbed a disciple of the Martial Arts Academy, and asked, "Come on, is there any dead person in your Martial Arts Academy? Has the Star Picking Pagoda been damaged?"

Seeing Nie Yuan's sudden change of face, the disciple replied tremblingly, "No, no, no one died, and there is no abnormality in the Star Picking Tower."

When the crowd watching the excitement heard it, they were all surprised.

What's going on, why did this so-called god of death kill so many people and destroy the Yuelong Pond when he went to Feilong Academy.

But when he came to the Martial Arts Academy, he only left some handwriting.

Could it be that he just came here to stand up?

This is what everyone thinks, but what Nie Yuan thinks is completely the other extreme.

I saw his face getting more and more ugly, and at this moment, countless thoughts flashed in his mind.

Suddenly, Nie Yuan smashed the head of the man beside him with a single palm.

The frightened surrounding people stepped back a long way, staring at Nie Yuan with horror in their eyes.

I don't know what touched Nie Yuan's nerves, why did he suddenly go crazy again?

At this moment, Nie Yuan gritted his teeth and said word by word, "Wu Yun, I killed you!"

After the words fell, I saw that he flew directly and hurriedly flew towards Xingyu Academy.

Obviously, he has figured out everything.

Although he hasn't figured out some places yet, it doesn't matter, at least, he's determined.

This matter must have an absolute relationship with Wu Yun.

Moreover, he also guessed the reason why Wu Yun did this, I am afraid it was to lure them away to facilitate their entry into Xingyu Academy.

And a group of people waited to see Nie Yuan's sudden madness, and then hurriedly left.

Even before leaving, he shouted about Wu Yun or something.

A bit of confusion.

However, someone with a quick mind quickly responded.

Speculatively explained: "I know, this time the death of the martial arts academy came, it was fake, it was Wu Yun, or the people behind Wu Yun deliberately tried to distract Nie Yuan and us. Although I don't know their What is the purpose, but it is definitely related to Xingyu Academy."

"Go, go to Xingyu Academy, do they want to forcefully rescue Du Xingning and Qi Xiuyuan?"

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