Supreme Naruto

Chapter 77 Naruto's Strategies (Wrong Chapter, Repost)

ps: The previous chapter 77 sent the wrong chapter, please watch it again.

The second Chunin exam, the day of the exam.

In front of the west gate of Examination Room 44, the candidates who passed the first exam are here.

The sky was clear and cloudless on this day, and the sky was clear and high.

The soothing breeze blows through, bringing a few strands of floral fragrance, thick or light, refreshing and pleasant.

the weather is nice today.

Hikes, outings, picnics...

However, Naruto... was a little bit quiet.

He looked solemnly at the gate that locked the boundless forest.

Adjacent to the trees in the forest were a few bushes of low shrubs.

Further inside, there is an extremely tall and straight giant tree, with luxuriant branches and layers of secrets, the thick branches and leaves block the sunlight, and when people look inside, they can only see the black hole in front of them.

The wind blew, blowing the big iron gate "Forbidden area of ​​Konoha, no entry" sign.

The kanban was blown, and the rusted iron door squeaked...

Goosebumps rose directly.

In front of the signboard, the person standing was Ibizi, because the entrance of the candidates was changed to the east and west entrances.

Mitarai Red Bean was in charge of the east gate, and the west gate was short of people, so Ibizi did it for him.

Black hood, black coat, black gloves.

With hideous scars on his face, Ibizi, who was shrouded in darkness, made Naruto feel a little terrified.

I don't know if it was an illusion or not, but Naruto always felt that Ibiza had to look at him from time to time.

And still with a negative look...

Naruto communicated with the nine tails in his heart: "Kurama teacher, that Ibizi didn't want to kill me, did he?"

Nine Tails replied listlessly, "I don't feel it."

Naruto relaxed a little.

Afterwards, Kyuubi gasped and said, "But...even if I don't want to kill you, it's not be beaten."

Naruto swallowed...

Beaten by Ibby?

Naruto consoled himself and used multiple shadow avatars when he saw Ibizi in the future.

Thought it was possible to escape.

Feeling that this idea is a good idea, Naruto directly seals the seal: "The technique of multiple shadows!"

"Boom! Boom...Bam!"

A dozen or so Naruto appeared around, and Naruto felt a lot safer for a while.

Others looked over with strange eyes.

It hasn't been tested yet, why did this guy start using ninjutsu?

Among them is Ibis.

Ibizi glanced at the suddenly extra Naruto's mouth twitching a few times.

Thinking of that day, like dumplings, a bunch of Naruto fell from the upstairs of the ninja office.

That day, Miten was very angry with the red beans.

As a Shangnin, in front of the three generations of Hokage, there is no way to take a lower ninja, no matter who it is, it will not feel good.

Ibiza glanced at the time.

Finally, he said: "The time is up, I'll give you one minute to hand over the food you prepared. Those who don't hand it over will be disqualified from the exam once we find out. Each team can bring up to three."

Can't bring your own food?

Hinata and Sasuke looked at Naruto.

Naruto nodded and said, "Hand in the food."

At this time, a group of ninjas appeared out of nowhere, with bags in their hands, and walked towards each team.

Naruto glanced at these people, they all looked the same, and at first glance it was a shadow avatar.

At the same time, Naruto discovered that there was a butterfly on each ninja's shoulder.

A minute later, the ninjas who were searching for food disappeared.

Only a group of butterflies remained, and the butterflies circled around each team.

Scouting for food?

One of the teams suddenly threw the paper tube containing the military ration pills on the ground.

The butterfly swirls three times and then spreads out.

Ibizi glanced at the person who threw out the military pills in the middle, and nodded: "You are acquainted."

Then Ibizi continued to explain: "I believe that Iruka informed you yesterday about what I should say, and the next step is to sign the life and death certificate. One day's thinking time, you can come here, I believe you are all mentally prepared. , In two minutes, sign the life and death certificate and hand it over to me."

The ninja who left before reappeared, divided into twelve people, each holding a life and death certificate and a pen to each team.

During the period, Ibizi added: "From here to your final destination, the straight-line distance is ten kilometers, and your time is five days, of which the river between the east and west sides is blocked for the first three days, that is, you have to enter your own entrance. Survival in the field area for three days, I would like to remind you here that there will be many unexpected dangers in this forest, if you don’t want to die suddenly, please be careful.”

"Also... the date for finding the scrolls is the first day after entering the examination room, 24 hours to be exact. After 24 hours, all undiscovered scrolls will be discarded. Please... be sure to hurry up."

Naruto rolled his eyes after hearing this.

The first sentence makes people be careful, and the latter sentence urges you to hurry up.

Tsk is sinister.

Ibizi turned around, took out the key and opened the sealed iron door.

"Squeak... quack... quack, crunch... squeak..."

The iron door opened, and Ibishi said, "It's time, you can enter the examination room."

Naruto's clone: ​​"Transformation!"

At this moment, one-third of the dozen or so Naruto became Sasuke, and the other one-third became Hinata.

In the end, there were four Naruto teams in the entire examination room.

All the Naruto shouted: "Go!"

Many Naruto rushed into the gate with Sasuke and Hinata beside him. After entering a distance, they divided into four directions and spread out.

Looking at the back of Naruto leaving, Ibizi couldn't help but praise: "Although this kid is fooling around, his mind is really good."

At this time, a voice secretly said annoyed in Ibizi's ear: "Are you complimenting him? Which side should I chase? I'm not good at shadow avatars."

The smile on Ibiza's face was even stronger.

He knew that the person he was talking to was the invigilator in the exam room who was in charge of recording.

Ibizi said to the air: "Just chase a team first, anyway, the clone won't last long, and it won't be difficult for you to search again when it disappears."

There was a cold snort in the air, and then there was no sound.

I can only feel that a slightly stronger wind blows suddenly, and the leaves make a louder noise.

The Naruto team entered first, and then the other eleven teams entered one after another.

After everyone entered, Ibisi locked the big iron gate again.

"Naruto...I'm really looking forward to his next performance."

into the forest of death.

Naruto took out a scroll and gave it to Sasuke: "If I'm gone, you can open this scroll again."

Sasuke frowned and accepted it, wondering, "Why are you gone?"

The Naruto grinned, "Guess what?"

Sasuke's face darkened.

Naruto turned his head to Hinata and said, " Hinata, use your eyes to see if any other teams are following."

Hinata opened his eyes and said, "No, the nearest gathering is 500 meters away from us, and the movement is moving away from us."

Naruto nodded: "Where are the others? Are there people who are not candidates? Like proctors or something?"

Hinata replied: "No, no outsiders are approaching within five hundred meters in diameter."

Naruto nodded, raised his hand, and released the clone that went to other directions.

Then Naruto turned his head and asked Sasuke, "Did you guess it?"

Sasuke's body arcs flowing, the meaning is obvious.

Naruto quickly raised his hand, "Don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive."

"Now, open the scroll I gave you."

open now? Didn't Naruto say before that he wasn't after?

and many more!

Sasuke's eyes suddenly widened, and he was about to speak. Naruto raised his hand and stood in front of his mouth to silence.

Sasuke hurriedly opened the scroll that Naruto had given him earlier.

It reads: When you see this scroll, the person standing in front of you should be my avatar, my main body... It should have successfully sneaked into another exam room.

Wish me success, I succeed, our great cause is not far from success.

In the dense forest on the east side of the examination room, three people dressed as ninjas from Yuren Village looked at the west side, and said in a voice that only they could hear: "The great cause can be accomplished."

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