This torrential rain is almost the biggest rain since the start of the game so far!

Ye Han was sitting in the bamboo building, and he could hear the whistling wind and the roaring thunder, as if it was right next to his ears, which made people terrified.

"Boss, it's raining really hard!"

Su Xiaoqi felt a little scared.

It wasn't that she was afraid of thunder, but mainly because of the heavy wind and rain. She was worried about bamboo buildings, rabbits, and earth kilns.

Ye Han took her hand.

"It's okay, don't worry."

"We brought in all our things, and there's a big bathtub left outside."

After Ye Han finished cooking, he put all the pots in, because he was afraid that the pots would be blown away by the wind.

Their second pot was brought by the strong wind.

As for the large bathtub, it was already heavy and filled with water, so there would be no problem.

Unless a thunder strikes on it.

But with Ye Han's luck, the probability of this happening is basically 0.

"It's all right now."

"Would you like to sleep for a while?"

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi shook her head, she still can't sleep.

Ye Han looked around and brought the map of bamboo slips.

"Almost forgot about this."

"I'll mark where the cassava was found."

Ye Han opened the bamboo slip map and began to carve it with a Swiss Army knife.

Since the last time cassava was discovered, I haven't had time to mark it.

Speaking of cassava, Su Xiaoqi became more energetic.

"We dug up a little cassava last time, and we've already eaten it."

"In fact, cassava can also be made into tapioca starch."

Su Xiaoqi said.

In fact, as long as it is a starch-rich plant, starch can be extracted.

This Ye Han also knows, and also has a certain understanding of the process.

"However, the properties of tapioca starch are different from those of flour, and it cannot be used to make steamed buns, flour cakes and the like."

"The tapioca starch is transparent after being boiled with water, the taste is elastic, and it is bouncy."

Su Xiaoqi continued to introduce.

Ye Han didn't know much about this.

The audience didn't know much either.

Someone immediately went to check.

"Fuck, the pearl milk tea I usually drink is made of tapioca starch?"

"The skin of the crystal shrimp dumplings is transparent, and it turns out to be tapioca starch!"

"Opened the door to a new world! It turns out that you are such a tapioca starch."

"The traffic password is here. I quickly buy some tapioca and make my own tapioca starch. When Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi do what I will do, I will definitely attract a lot of fans!"

"This kind of video has long existed on the Internet, and even Zhu Chuan has played it!"

"Isn't Zhu Chuan dead? I heard that his ashes have been scattered into the sea!"


On Ye Han's side, after completing the engraving of the map on the bamboo slip, he lay down beside Su Xiaoqi.

The two began to discuss future plans.

There is so much to do, so much to do!

So it has to be arranged first.

Although the plan cannot keep up with the changes, if there is no plan, it is absolutely impossible.

On the other side, except for Zhang Haoran, Thomas and Bill, the other players were sheltering from the rain in their shelters.

Only these three people, no house.

But if he insisted, Zhang Haoran had a house, but he left his house and didn't want to live that kind of bland life.

Therefore, some people on the Internet say that only Zhang Haoran can really survive in the wilderness, and his wildness is so charming. Thomas and Bill had already set up a temporary canopy.

At present, the two of them are squatting in the shelter, watching the heavy rain outside.

The entire game fell into a temporary standstill.

Many players started to fall asleep, and those who didn't sleep were just two people chatting or something.

Not much.

The audience also felt a little bored, but who made this a tropical rainforest?

Many people are looking forward to something happening quickly, so there is something to watch.

For example, which player was struck by lightning, which player's house collapsed, things like that.

But the probability of such a thing is still very low, and it did not happen.

Even a temporary canopy that Thomas and Bill had built was solid.

There is no risk of collapse.

As for being struck by lightning, about 100,000 to 200,000 people around the world are struck by lightning every year.

The death toll was about one in ten.

In other words, out of ten people struck by lightning, almost only one will die.

And for those who survived, many of them will have some lightning-shaped scar lines on their bodies, which is very magical.

Now there are many viewers from other countries, who are cursing Ye Han to be struck by lightning!

But Ye Han's luck is so good, if he is struck by lightning, it is estimated that the planet will be bombed.

It seems that they are afraid that everyone will be idle and bored. At this time, a heavy news was revealed.

One of the five staff members who went to see Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi last time sold his clothes!

On that dress, there were Su Xiaoqi's signature and Ye Han's tiger blood handprint.

And the transaction price reached an astonishing 1.5 million!

When the news came out, it was like thunder on the ground, shocking everyone.

This also sparked a heated discussion.


"Don't say anything, I'm Ye Han's middle school teacher, I must find Ye Han's signature!"

"It's useless, one of Su Xiaoqi's teachers wanted to sell one of her previous exam papers, but few people asked!"

"Let me tell you, Su Xiaoqi's signature plus Ye Han's tiger blood handprint is of high value, or it's some objects from their survival in the wilderness, such as bamboo slip maps, such as bows and arrows, those It's worth the money."

"That's right. I analyzed it before. If you want to sell something at a high price, it must have a certain meaning. This dress is very meaningful."

"Don't talk about these useless things, this is 1.5 million, I have never seen so much money in my life!"


A large number of viewers are discussing this matter as if they were fighting chicken blood.

Many celebrities' second-hand items are almost the same price.

And it has to be some charity auction to reach this high price.

Otherwise it won't be so expensive.

The remaining four staff members gave their notebooks and clothes as if they were treasures.

Some people have already started to contact buyers, and if they do not plan to sell, they must be well preserved.

Maybe one day in the future, if you need money urgently, you can take it out and sell it for money.

Then some people started to be sour and started to scold the buyer for being a fool, but they were quickly sprayed with autism.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi didn't know that the signatures and handprints that the five staff members had obtained were so valuable.

They are both asleep now.

After chatting for a while about future plans, the two of them lay together, covered with a tiger skin, and fell asleep.

It's good to sleep on a rainy day. There are lightning and thunder outside, but the house is very warm.

Su Xiaoqi curled up in Ye Han's arms, like a kitten.

In the blink of an eye, it was night.

Ye Han slept almost all afternoon, and now that he woke up completely, Su Xiaoqi also opened his eyes.

"It's already seven o'clock."

"I'll see if I can get something to eat."

Ye Han got up, but he found that the wind and rain outside didn't get any smaller at all.

It's a bit tricky now!

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