Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 444 Unexpected and Expected

Fortunately, the Ring of Winter is indeed an artifact that even powerful gods covet, and the armor that was repeatedly reinforced layer by layer still held up.

Hill looked at the several light gates connected by the vortex. He no longer cared about which world he was in. He just tried his best to move to the outside of the vortex.

Although the whirlpool moves faster and strikes harder as it moves outward, Hill, who is very familiar with tornadoes, knows that although the source may indeed be safe, that place may not necessarily lead to somewhere.

He didn't want to test whether the Abyss liked natural warlocks as much as the legend said.

Hill was really grateful for his terrifying strength. His body was indeed strong enough to withstand such a blow.

Otherwise, even with ice armor, the shock would be enough to kill him.

If he couldn't hold on, he would have no choice but to follow those unlucky ghosts into the whirlpool.

Hill saw the two giant dragons. They were quite strong, but their weight was terrible, and they were originally at the center of the vortex, and now they were about to sink to the bottom.

Those undead who were involved were very straightforward, and those on the periphery were directly involved. They probably went to whichever world was closest to them.

Those who were caught in the vortex dissipated directly back to Trasil because they were too far away from the artifact of the God of Time and Space.

Hill rarely envied the undead.

Although he also saw a few Paladins who were still struggling, Hill could only sympathize, but these were at least legendary tin cans, and they should have their own masters trying to save lives.

The paladins who dare to stand by the star gate and monitor at this time should be devout believers that the gods should cherish very much.

When Hill was about to move to the outermost edge, he saw from the corner of his eye a demigod-level paladin trying to hold a rope to his companions passing by.

After Hill persisted in the whirlpool for half an hour, he finally found the light door closest to him.

The light gate has begun to become illusory, and Hill knows that this means that the star road that can connect multiple universes is about to completely collapse.

Even if he leaves from the Star Gate, he cannot reach the real port, but a random territory.

However, Hill decided to believe in his luck again. Energy is always conserved, and so should luck.

It's rare for him to be unlucky, so he should be lucky again!

Hill grabbed the edge of the star gate and found that the seemingly illusory light was quite solid.

Although he didn't know the material of this star gate, Hill could sense the breath of nature and light.

Hill tied himself to the star gate with the line of light that flew more than 1 meter, and then took out a rope woven with the fiber of the ancestor of the Crystal Flower.

Once the rope of light is woven into the Star Gate, it can never be untied.

Although I'm a little reluctant to give it up, this is the material for making a semi-artifact! But he had accumulated thousands of the same ropes over the years, and Hill still couldn't put money more important than human life.

This light gate may not last for 12 hours. If those paladins fall into the abyss, it is absolutely impossible to survive.

If they die in other places, their souls can return to the Kingdom of God, but there are countless ways to keep their souls in the abyss.

The kind of result that is more uncomfortable than death is the reason why those holy warriors dare not faint and no one is willing to give up their companions.

Hill weaved the rays of light tightly onto the crystal flower rope bit by bit, and then pulled hard. If it could not move even with his strength, this ten-meter-long rope should be able to pull the iron cans.

With sharp eyesight and quick hands, he saw the semi-sacred warrior who was about to turn to his side. Hill waved his right hand vigorously, and the transparent rope with a little radiance floated directly to a few meters in front of him.

Of course, those paladins had already noticed the mage who was about to escape.

However, for Tyr's Holy Scale Knights, they had long since given up seeking help from Hill. They simply could not believe that there would be any mages who had a favorable impression of them.

Those who don't take the opportunity to give them two blows and let them fall directly into the abyss of hell are all of good character.

He can actually save people!

Even the demigod was stunned for a second before he suddenly jumped forward and caught the rope before the whirlpool almost rolled back.

Hill chose him not only because he was almost on the outside in order to save his companions, but also because he had enough strength to move in the vortex, even if it was only a few meters.

It would be nice if the others could hold on to where they were and prevent themselves from being sucked in underneath.

Hill watched for a while. The semi-sacred warrior had tied up several companions with the rope he carried.

After having a way to save his life, he tentatively pulled the rope to determine the bearing capacity, and then began to jump to the position of his companions to save others.

Tyr's paladin is indeed brave enough. Even if a companion is almost in the middle and is about to be sucked in and pushed down, he rushes over without caring.

Moreover, he wisely tied up his companions with the rope he brought, and did not intend to let Hill pull them together.

Hill smiled. Although Tire's men were famous for being stiff-minded and rigid, at least they were aboveboard.

Even when their lives were in danger, they did not threaten others to save their own lives.

It is their own business to save their companions, and they are very grateful if others can help.

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