Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 475: The rebellious golden dragon Terry Vilgas

Since he had several artifacts and semi-artifacts in his hands, Hill had almost forgotten that he was a natural warlock. He used more skills in battle than as a support person.

He waved his left hand lightly, and the crystal flower ring on his hand shone slightly, exorcising evil, purifying, and lifting curses and began to release them in turn.

Although the golden dragon has relatively high magic resistance, level 22 Hill can completely suppress this resistance and cast spells.

Jinlong's body suddenly moved. He spread his wings and swayed left and right on the bed, as if he was escaping in his dream.

Hill thought for a while, and then released several spells on him that could enhance his will and mental power.

Then continue to release the purification spell again.

The golden dragon's eyes suddenly opened, its wings flapped violently, and the furniture in the master bedroom was torn into pieces, including the bed under him.

There were even cracks in the wall.

He glanced sideways at Hill, and his big eyes reflected Hill's figure wearing a robe: "Ah~ I'm alive!"

Seeing Jin Long who was relieved and planning to sleep again, Hill's eyes twitched. He directly slapped the dragon's butt that was sticking out in front of his eyes hard.

"Ouch!" Xiaolong jumped up in pain and knocked off Hill's roof.

"Why are you so fierce?" He glanced at Hill with an aggrieved look, "Aren't you a kind follower of nature?"

No wonder he dared to sleep directly. If Hill was really a natural mage in this world, he would indeed not do anything to the Northland Golden Dragon who loves nature.

But he is safe, why don't you plan to notify his parents?

He is underage! I don’t know how worried my family will be when they find out!

Especially the giant dragon that protects its cubs. Maybe his parents are looking for him all over the world right now!

That is to say, only the Silver Moon City with the Mystery Lock can cut off the traces of dragons originating from their bloodline.

"Who cursed you? Who are your parents? How should you notify him! Is it appropriate to go to Alustriel?" Hill tried to control his emotions and warned himself that this little dragon was obviously at its most rebellious.

Generally, cubs of this age are in the most trouble, not just the dragon, but also the original Aurelio, who wanted to do the same things as adults, but didn't care whether he had the ability or not.

As expected, the same was true for the golden dragon. He directly covered his head with his broad wings, trying to express that he didn't hear anything and just wanted to sleep.

Obviously, when I almost couldn't sleep, I had to find a bed that was soft enough, but now I didn't even care about the broken wood on the floor.

Hill sighed, he couldn't help other dragons take care of their children.

"You go to the courtyard for a while and have something to eat." Hill said softly, "I have to rebuild this building. Aren't you hungry?"

The little golden dragon quickly opened the window and landed in the open space in the courtyard. He also looked curiously at the obviously more oak trees in the courtyard.

Looking at his salivating eyes, Hill knew that this guy was indeed hungry.

He also landed on the ground and released a long table filled with various meats.

Watching the little dragon raise its wings, press its head on the table, and eat fiercely, Hill could only shake his head and turn around to completely decompose the main house into mud, metal blocks, and wood.

Jin Long turned around curiously so that he could see Hill's movements while eating.

Hill glanced at Xiaolong, who seemed to be planning to stay with him, and waved his hand to build a concave house.

Although the buildings in the middle and on the right are also three stories high, Hill built them hollow.

Only the left side, following the normal residential pattern, was built with three floors.

The roof of the building on the right can even be opened directly, allowing the golden dragon to fall in from the air.

Hill actually made a split-level model. Although there is no floor separation, a soft dragon's nest is erected in mid-air.

There are stairs on the dragon's nest that you can go directly to below. Below is a hall that can provide daily living for ordinary people, including a bathroom.

Hill knew that this dragon must be able to shapeshift, and he must have an artifact that enhances disguise, otherwise Alustriel would not have known that there was an uninvited guest in his Silver Moon City.

If something really happened to this little guy in Silver Moon City, his Golden Dragon parents would be angry even if the person who did it had nothing to do with Silver Moon.

His bloodline inheritance is obviously very high, both parents must be ancient dragons.

Moreover, this golden dragon is very sensitive to magic. He must also know the effects of Hill's forest formation. Otherwise, he would not be so arrogant in his dragon form in the courtyard.

Hill really suspected that this guy was the child of the Dragon Queen in the North. The bloodline of the dragon was really very continuous.

And the temperament is a bit similar.

Although I don't know why he wants to stay here, there is no way Hill can drive out an underage dragon knowing what will happen this year.

Not to mention that he had already been targeted, and Hill couldn't be that cruel.

So he built this house. If the child really wants to go crazy, just let him sleep.

Complete dormancy is a way to solve dragon madness.

"Can you have more food? I'm tired and hungry. I just want to eat and go to bed." A big head stretched out next to Hill's face, and his big golden eyes were filled with innocent light.

"Even if you don't want to go home, you still have to tell me your name!" Hill shook his head, looked at the table that had been cleared, and sighed as he refilled the food.

This time, Hill included lots of soothing fruits.

"Tali Vilgas." Xiaolong was silent for a few seconds before speaking, "You can call me Terry. Can I stay with you for a while?

I don't want to go home, but it is indeed too dangerous outside. The enemy I encountered this time may be the Dragon Worship Cult. I suspect I'm being targeted.

If you hadn't helped me lift the curse, I might have turned into a lich dragon.

Then I would rather die. "

Terry's tone was calm, but his attitude was extremely resolute. For the golden dragon who loved nature, becoming a dracolich was indeed a very cruel thing.

An adult dragon may choose to compromise after considering the pros and cons, but a rebellious young dragon may choose to die together regardless of the cost.

Hill patted his neck: "The room is ready for you, Terry. But you have to tell me, can your parents feel if you are safe?"

Terry nodded stiffly.

"Then you can stay." Hill agreed simply, "But I may have to leave here in one or two years to go to the Swamp of the Dead. I bought the territory there."

Terry tilted his head and asked, "Is it separate, or the one with Sword Mountain?"

Hill hesitated for a moment: "The Sword Mountain Range is indeed within my territory."

"Then can I follow you?" Xiaolong tilted his head and let Hill look at the left side of his melancholy face.

Hill sighed: "You can go if you want! Don't let your parents tear me apart then!"

Terry moved his wings twice and muttered before continuing to lower his head and start eating: "They won't care about me. If they really come, I will help you beat them!"

Besides, you may not be able to defeat him.

By the way, you haven’t said your name yet! I’ve said it all~”

"Just call me Hill!" Hill controlled the urge to sigh, turned around and released Martha and a large number of puppets to tidy up the room.

As for Aglaia, it was decided that she could not appear in Silver Moon City. She was a pure divine clone, and her divine power fluctuated very violently, so Mysuo would definitely react.

But now Aglaia is constantly combining water spells and has no intention of running out to watch the fun. Liszt had already driven her into a corner.

Ice, snow and thunderstorms can cause too much damage to plants.

When Hill built Terry's dragon's nest, he used a kind of cork that dragons like very much. It is not only soft, but also full of tranquility. Very suitable for hibernation.

Hill thought for a while, and then engraved that half with a magic circle to isolate the fluctuations, turning all one side of the dragon's nest wall into a floor-to-ceiling glass window.

Magic circles to ward off evil and purify are carved on the windows.

If Terry was really affected, his first reaction would be to hit the glass.

The awakened magic circle was enough to restore some of his sanity.

When the time comes, Hill can use the powerful sleep spell on him. This method can only be used when necessary. The little dragon is still growing, so it is best not to use spells to affect his mind.

If that doesn't work, just use the Mansion Technique, send Terry into the dimensional space and let him fall asleep, then it shouldn't be a big problem.

Hill opened his magic book and suddenly knew what spell he should choose in the latest chapter.

He had never thought about that, but Hill, who had always had high requirements for housing, suddenly became excited at the thought of owning a fixed dimensional mansion.

This demiplane is hard to come by, and the mansion spell is right there!

Terry ate two more tables of food before he flew to the building on the right with a full stomach and the roof opened.

Before flying up, he carefully touched Hill's face with his mouth: "Thank you Hill, you are such a good person. Are we friends now? It's really hard to see a dragon of the same age as me in my house. .”

Hill nodded.

Seeing the figure flying into the dragon's nest, Hill was in a trance.

Terry seems to think Hill is a powerful peer, which is why he treats Hill so well.

Is it because he sensed Hill's bloodline?

According to the true adult time of the Earth Bear, Hill has indeed not reached it yet, but because his strength exceeds his age, he is already regarded as an adult bear in the clan.

Martha floated over gently, and her core box was placed at the central hub of the forest formation by Hill. Unless the Father of Oak took action, no one would be able to find it.

"Sir, how about converting the servant's room next to it into a guest room during the night?" Martha said with a smile, "Then add a living room in front of the main house. What if Mr. Linn comes to visit?"

Hill nodded, and according to Martha's calculations, he built the guest room and the living room at an obtuse angle, so that the main house located in the back half of the garden could not be seen from any side.

In the large space from the gate to the triangular building, Hill placed a never-ending fountain.

The spring water splashes five meters high, enough to block the view from the gate.

Hill left the rest of the interior decoration to Martha. What he needed now was to go back to the study.

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