Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 509 The Sudden Wanxiang Impermanence Card

"Dad Hill, what are these for?" Aglaia sat directly next to Hill and hung the acorn necklace on Hill's hand.

These two should be used to summon elements. You can try to summon other elements. Even if they are fire elements, there is no need to avoid them. It just depends on whether they are willing to respond to your summons.

This is a minimum level 6 ally summon, and it's pretty easy to use. If you use it to summon water elemental allies, it will probably get a bonus. Hilya said with a smile, "As for this necklace of six acorns, it should be used to store something. I don't know what it is." But Druid’s treasures must be related to nature!

Aglaia can communicate well and there should be a special surprise. "

Linn couldn't help but turn around and glance at Hill: He must know the meaning of this necklace.

As Hill said, a druid's treasure may not necessarily be gold, silver, jewelry, or powerful artifacts, but it must be related to nature.

This kind of thing is also very useful to Hill, but he uses it to comfort his daughter without any care.

Lin En was not from a lowly background, and he knew very well the daily routines of the legendary mages in the elves.

Even if he doesn't regard wealth as his life like the dragon, he will never use treasures as fun to coax his daughter like Hill.

Looking at the amber acorns hung back on her wrist by Hill, Aglaia decided to go back to her room to take a closer look at these necklaces.

Hill's father's words sounded so tempting, and she knew there must be some interesting secret. Aglaia was determined to find out quickly!

I will definitely be happy when I share it with Hill’s dad in the future.

I also happened to be discussing new clothes with Martha. The fabric must be very special to impress Hill's father.

Looking at the lively Aglaia flying out the door, Hill showed a satisfied smile. Recently, Aglaia has been working too hard and needs a little encouragement.

Lin interrupted his thoughts: "Why can't anyone see those acorns? Although the shop owner is the president of the Musicians Association, he is also a very famous mage!"

"That is a seal of the power of nature. How can a mage below Legend level see it?" Hill said slowly, "Above Legend level, if you don't understand life magic at all, you may not be able to see anything. .

Although they are amber, they are originally amber formed from acorns! "

Lin En understood that most mages had nothing to do with the power of nature. No matter how powerful they were, they would not be able to see this hidden way of having natural consciousness to help.

And under the legend, even the natural mage can't see any flaws at all.

The Druid Ring of the Moon Forest still hopes that his treasure can be returned to the hands of his natural companions. Even if it has nothing to do with his brothers and sisters, it is best to be the favored one by nature.

Unexpectedly, there would be a legal profession like Hill. Linn no longer thought that Hill was a pure natural mage. He was either a part-time druid or had some strange bloodline. He was probably the descendant of a natural god. Descendants.

However, he was still a little confused.

Lynn looked directly at Hill: "I remember that musical instrument store, it was the first one we went into on Sword Avenue yesterday morning.

how did you do it?

Even if you get this kind of treasure, you can still go shopping and eat with me without changing your expression!

There's still time to wander around the alleys and bully those little guys who don't have eyes! "

Hill blinked: "Everything is already in my hands, what else do I have to worry about? Of course I have to play first!"

"Strength is indeed the confidence of the strong!" Lin En sighed, "However, I still have to confirm, Hill, you know that the long necklace is the dimensional treasure space leading to the Moon Forest Ring. Right?

At that time, people seemed to like to use pendants as keys. "

Hill nodded: "This is suitable for playing a treasure hunting game for Aglaia, isn't it?"

Lynn smiled bitterly and jumped up from the sofa, "I'm not going to be stimulated by you anymore. Terry, let's go to the pub!"

Let me teach you some of the simplest cocktail recipes first.

I really don’t know if someone is really crazy enough to come to you to buy a special cocktail. Maybe I don’t understand humans very well yet? "

Jin Long, who was hiding thoughtfully, suddenly woke up and quickly took out his soft gloves and put them on: "There must be! That Tailor Long can sell a tattered robe for hundreds of gold!"

"That dragon...tailor, it just seems to be a dragon, right?" Linn asked in a weird tone: "But, can't you transform yourself? You should be an adult!"

Terry's round cheeks bulged in dissatisfaction, and he said angrily: "I'm not 100 years old yet! Why are you making such terrible demands on me?

My father gave me these gloves! It can be used for at least 300 years! After 300 years, no matter how lazy I am, I can still transform myself. "

"'re a dragon." Linn said giving up and walked out of the door first.

But before going out, Terry turned to look at Hill and said confusedly: "The pendant is a key?"

"It's more interesting to find the treasure game yourself." Hill laughed nonchalantly.

The little golden dragon happily followed Linn and ran away. Hill knew that both Terry and Aglaia had probably done enough to kill time recently.

As for himself, he finally had the inspiration for the magic book again.

If he really has a magic ship, the most important magic he should learn is to find his way through the stars.

In fact, Hill had also made such preparations. After all, his original plan was to search for other worlds in the stars.

I just didn't expect that I would be sent directly to Toril, the most troublesome place, by the Star Gate.

But Hill still has to go into the starry sky and see the interesting planets in the Toril universe!

Not to mention that he has always hoped to find a suitable demiplane!

Although his pendant is also very good, it is just a little small.

Toril is also good. There are more and more comprehensive spells here. In many places that Hill has never thought of, some mages will find interesting solutions.

This concept of hoping that everything can be done with spells, Trasil is still a little behind, and the spells passed down by the elves are a bit biased.

The gap with Toril is really huge.

Hill returned to the library and began to search for all the spells that could work in the starry sky. Although he had memorized all the spell models, this little search process could make his thinking clearer.

However, while flipping through a map book he had just bought from Waterdeep City, his hand stopped stiffly.

A very beautiful card appeared quietly in front of him, with the back facing him. A terrible desire came over him, making Hill reach out and open it.

However, Hill stubbornly resisted the boiling desire.

He knew what it was, and there was nothing in the world that he could not hope for.

The exquisite and beautiful patterns on the back and the ivory material told Hill the identity of this thing.

Hill slowly closed the atlas.

In Toril, Hill has few ties, so no one can predict Hill's past and future.

Even if the mage lord of Waterdeep City, Blackstaff Kelben, frantically wanted to know whether moving to nearby Hill would affect his future plans, he could not find any way.

Hill thought that Kyle would try to find a way to kill him, but he had never been afraid of such a thing. If he wanted to do something to Hill, at least Kyle would have to use the gift given to him by the goddess of magic.

If Mystra hadn't taken action herself, just that part of the power wouldn't necessarily have caused any harm to Hill.

But the moment Kelben takes action, he may be deprived of his electorate status by the goddess of magic.

No god of the good alignment would allow his chosen ones to use their power to harm another strong person of the good alignment.

Mystrako also knew that it was impossible for Corellon not to stare at Hill. As long as this hand was stretched out and not cut off immediately, she would definitely be in trouble.

But now Mystra will never have any contact with Kelben.

The Dragon God and the Elf God are all staring at her!

Hill had actually been prepared for bad neighbors to come.

He looked at the atlas again and saw that there was such a way!

The all-changing card of the world of Toril.

A notorious gambler.

Normally there should be a group of cards, but there is only one card here, which means that the entire group of cards should be in the hand of another person.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about the card deck settings, and Hill only needs to open them.

With Hill's luck, it is absolutely impossible to draw the bad luck card.

The worst good luck card is also jewelry worth 2,000 gold coins.

But this deck belongs to someone else.

The most likely one is Kelben.

If Hill can't help but open this high-level artifact, he will establish a cause and effect with Kelben. In this way, the Black Rod Lord can observe Hill's future in Faerûn.

At the very least, he could calculate whether Hill would have any impact on his plans.

Hill sat quietly behind the desk.

Kelben, this is a conspiracy!

What if Hill didn't know what the Impermanence card was and turned it over directly?

What if Hill knew, but didn't have enough sense? This is part of the artifact!

Hill exhaled softly and patted the desk in front of him. What a danger!

For such a long time, he had only seen the madness and greed of the Black Staff, and he had almost forgotten that this man could become the strongest among a group of lords of Waterdeep who were good at conspiracy!

Crazy doesn't mean there are no means.

It's just that Black Stick thought that he would definitely die before the twins were born, and he was a little too anxious.

Hill took out a long, flat box and put the atlas inside. Then he carved a magic circle and sealed the box tightly. Then a transparent crystal ball was put on the outside of the box.

Finally, he suspended the crystal ball in the upper left corner of his desk.

In this way, even if he is immersed in magic every day, when he looks up and sees this crystal ball, he can remind himself not to underestimate anyone.

No matter how powerful you are, you can't prevent yourself from being plotted.

It's not like he hasn't seen strong men die due to accidents.

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