Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 539 Corellon’s Fury

The political struggle among elves has always been fierce.

Not to mention that a dark elf force suddenly appeared in the center of the city on such a tightly defended Evermeet Island, causing horrific killings. The queen's husband, the true heir to the elf royal family, was actually assassinated in the most heavily guarded hall of the palace. .

The Elf Queen could have entered the Elf God system for eternity long ago, but none of her children, the true heirs of the royal bloodline, could take over the position of king.

Several truly capable princes and princesses died inexplicably, especially the strongest princess who died during her travels. Everyone knew the murderous intent contained in it.

The living children, those who were not capable enough, who were capable enough, and who had the intention to strengthen the royal family, all died, so the queen never had any hatred for the daughter who married a human and gave birth to a half-elf. Compared to humans, she and her descendants might I hate these great nobles even more.

But the current situation is that once the queen leaves, the royal family may completely become a puppet.

In the world of Toril, what matters is strength. A powerful king without a noble family leader is useless no matter what support he has behind him.

Otherwise, the queen's husband would not have died so silently.

At the beginning, if the outside world didn't think that the queen who married the Elf King because of her beauty was not very powerful, maybe not just one king would have died.

But in the end, all the calculations were useless as the later queen showed great strength.

With so many grievances and hatreds, it is no wonder that this queen, who can be regarded as the strongest among the elves, finally simply gave up on immortality and immortality, and stayed on Yongju Island to firmly hold on to the power of the royal family.

The burial of the elves was over. They stood in front of the graves of their teammates or friends, knelt down together and lowered their heads in silence.

Uncontrollable sobs could be heard two or three times and were controlled. For elves who were never afraid of death, crying funerals were rare.

They wanted to stick to tradition, but they couldn't control the sad mood. Especially some of the more emotional female elves, who almost always used scimitars standing on the ground to control themselves from falling to the ground.

A gust of wind blew by, and the wind chimes sounded melodiously, seeming to sing their sad songs in their hearts.

Along with a gentle sigh, more than a dozen figures in golden light appeared in the cemetery.

Linn's eyes widened and he also knelt down on one knee. Although he was a priest from Myriel, he also believed in the elf god system. Although Hill didn't know who he was, it was obvious that he was here too.

Some copper-colored figures walked out of the forest and knelt down on one knee in respect.

It is indeed a wood elf!

Hill suppressed his curiosity, put his right hand on his chest, and bowed slightly to show respect.

All the elves and gods appeared.

A middle-aged elf woman with her white hair tied into several braids, with a serious and sad expression on her face, sang the elf's lament.

She had steel-gray feather wings on her back, and she wore a gorgeous silver helmet without goggles, and the elf chain mail shone brightly.

This is Vandelia Gilmaderi, the elven god of war, goddess of strategy, sorrow and law.

Although many people are paying attention to her other identity, the daughter of Corellon and his ex-wife Rose, her little sister Eilistraee, the Dark Maiden, who hopes to prevent her mother Rose from falling, and her brother the Masked Lord who fell with Rose. Velen is different. As a rare lawful neutral god in the elven pantheon, Vandelia stands more firmly on her father's side.

Vandelia can feel the loss of life of every elf who died on the battlefield, can feel the pain in the hearts of all the surviving elves, and can feel the sadness of all those who have lost their loved ones in the war. .

When the elven gods entered Toril to greet the souls of those who died heroically, only Vandelia felt more of the pain of the living.

Hill watched silently.

He didn't understand why the elves and gods would do this.

If you really think that these Elf Crusaders have the right to enter their Kingdom of God, why not just let these silly children who died in a foreign land return to Evermeet Island.

No matter how cruel the battle between the queen and the nobles was, Hill did not feel that they dared to refuse the orders of the elven gods.

What's more, although Corellon did not appear directly, no one would think that he was not paying attention to what was going on here.

Being able to bring these elven gods together, Corellon was probably greeting AO at this moment, otherwise as the father of elves, he would not have failed to come.

Vandelia's singing stopped, and the souls of the dead elves appeared on the cemetery.

Under the golden light, the elves and gods began to leave with their believers.

Vandelia, who was the last to leave, looked back at Hill and nodded to him.

Before these gods left, they all sent their blessings to this cemetery and also blessed Hill's territory.

And they generously considered Hill's territory from here to the Sword Mountains.

From now on, unless the elves and gods are destroyed together, it is estimated that only demons and demons will dare to cause trouble in the small town of Aglaia.

After receiving the blessings of the gods they believed in, the Elf Crusaders finally cheered up their spirits and no longer mourned that they could not return to Evermeet Island.

They want to take their companions back, not only to send them back to their hometown, but also to hope that their companions' souls can enter the Kingdom of God.

No matter how extreme these elven crusaders are, their beliefs are absolutely devout.

What Eternal Meeting Island rejected was not only the remains of the dead elves, but also their way back to the Kingdom of God. This was the reason why the Elf Crusaders were driven into decadence and despair.

But the appearance of the elves and gods proved that the gods agreed with their approach!

The elves who stood up were in the mood to decorate the graves of their comrades.

Some elves who seemed to be the leaders walked over to communicate with the wood elf druids, and one of Linn's cousins ​​was among them.

Hill softly asked Linn, who was standing next to him: "Is the Elf God System dissatisfied with Yongju Island by doing this?"

"Eternal Judgment Island has been unable to receive the blessings of the gods a long time ago." Lin En whispered, "Not to mention this kind of cemetery where all the gods send blessings.

Now, it’s the people over there’s turn to be jealous of us!”

"Hill, our brother, can I call you this?" A swordsman wearing a blue and silver robe over a chainmail came over, and Hill noticed the badge on his chest.

This is a very rare shining sword user, a sacrifice of the demigod Taslin Valadi.

This guardian of swordsmen and swordsingers is the child of Corellon and his later wife Sehanni. He is neutral, kind-hearted, and has a good personality.

Shining Swordsmen serve as his sacrifices. Although they are rare, they can only be held part-time by very powerful swordsmen or swordsingers. There are no pure priests in Taslin.

Hill's eyes were dazed for a moment. He had indeed seen the demigod just now. Before leaving, Taslin even touched the forehead of his priest in encouragement.

Just from the performance of Corellon's two children, who could tell that he would have a son as stupid as the Elven God King of Trasil?

But that one should be much older than Taslin.

Although Rose also hated Taslin, she just let her son and grandson deal with him.

Could it be that the Elf God King Trasil was secretly born when Corellon and Rose were still together?

"Hill!" Linn elbowed Hill who was distracted.

"Are Hill curious about my identity?" the swordsman said frankly, "Indeed, it is rare to see followers of the Shining One outside. I am Oster, the Shining Sword User."

"Well..." Hill pondered for a moment before saying, "You will have a chance to know why I was distracted in the future. Of course, I do have elf blood, and of course we are brothers."

Oster laughed and patted Hill's shoulder heavily. He was a brother, so it would be easier to say something.

"This cemetery..." Oster said a little embarrassed, "This cemetery is not big. No one except us would want to sleep here. But now..."

"Are you going to stay in Aglaia?" Hill asked.

"Of course we will stay here!" Oster said solemnly, "We will live here and sleep here. There is no need to linger on a place that is not worth it."

"The mayor of Aglaia is Linn. When there were few people, he alone was enough. But in the future, this place may be very lively. Maybe the Elf Crusaders are willing to become the garrison here?

It is possible to cooperate with the paladins of Tire. "

"That's no problem!" Oster quickly understood what Hill meant. He also heard Lin En say that Hill would no longer accept outsiders to live in the town. Of course, the cemetery in the town was only for his own people. Turn on.

The elves scattered outside all smiled.

Until the roar of anger exploded in the sky: "Mystra! Do you really dare to resurrect that Kelben? Is the dignity of the elves so meaningless in your eyes?"

All the elves lost their smiles, stood up slowly, and looked up at the sky.

Although they may have never heard this voice, the moment the words rang out, every elf understood from the bottom of their hearts that this was Corellon, their creator.

"Khelben did do something wrong, but the current situation requires a strong leader. Otherwise, the plague and the Myst Drannor incident would not be so serious.

Corellon, please be patient! "

"Tolerance?" Corellon sneered, "Mystra, if he hadn't died, I would have settled an account with you! Is it your wish that your electors despise the elves so much?

Just wait and see!

midnight! "

Hill's eyes widened and he even called out Mystra's original name. Is Corellon really going to fall out?

Moreover, the Black Staff is now resurrected? Is Mystra crazy? Choose this time?

The elves' stance changed, and their hands tightened on the weapons at their waists. As long as Corellon spoke, they would never spare their lives.

They understood that Corellon had waited specifically until the funeral was over.

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