Suddenly, Rhine also felt a little emotional.

Sebastian, this was the first time Rhine saw him cry.

in countless reincarnations.

Sebastian died in various ways, but this madman would always have only madness and hatred in his eyes, even until his death.

But only this time, due to King Qiyue's prank, Xi Basting saw the truth about Ya Shen. In the face of huge despair, he was so shocked that his spirit collapsed and he cried for death.

Although Sebastian is Rhine's undying enemy.

But this time, it will finally be a complete farewell.

Rhine felt a little more pity in his heart. He didn't know whether he was pitying Sebastian or just pitying himself.

Rhine said calmly: "Sebastian, your soul has been taken away by compassion. Even if you die, you will go to compassion to be tortured forever. Without your sacrifice, I am afraid that Your Majesty Alice will never have such a good life." Beautiful crown - thank you."

Rhine: "With this power, Her Majesty Alice will be even more powerful and accomplish great things that the Moonlight Kings of all generations have not been able to do."

Rhine: "What do you think?"

Sebastian fell silent, and his heart seemed to be a little calmer... Perhaps, he believed Rhine's words.

The strongest brand, the strongest crown, and the most talented Moonlight King. Maybe a miracle will really happen?

However, Sebastian has another question: "What is the relationship between you and Alice?"

"She is one of my future wives," Rhine said.

Sebastian: "Rhein Hein..."

On his deathbed, Sebastian raised his tear-stained face and gritted his teeth and said:

"Fuck you-"

Before he finished speaking, the Grand Master swung his second sword and chopped off Xi Basting's head.

Sebastian's head rolled away, and his angry expression seemed to reveal a trace of peace...

Rhine: "...ha."

Rhine laughed.

——I have indeed lived too long, and people have become sentimental.

——Facing these former mortal enemies, I can no longer even hate them...

A thousand reincarnations.

Come to think of it, the time Rhine has been fighting with these enemies may have been longer than the lifetime of an ordinary old couple.

They killed Rhine.

And Rhine killed them many times.

For a long time, hatred became the most meaningless thing.

There is only one belief left to keep Rhine's fighting spirit.

With a sigh, Rhine immediately forgot about Sebastian.

Stepping over the body of Sebastian, Rhine followed the great mentor into the space crack.

The Grand Master looked at Rhine and hesitated to speak.

Rhine noticed the great mentor's strange behavior: "Do you have anything you want to ask?"

The great mentor nodded slightly.

Rhine: "About the conversation I had with that guy?"

Grand Master: "No, if you want me to know those key things, you will take the initiative to tell me. I know you have your own sense of proportion."

Rhine smiled: "Thank you for your understanding."


What exactly does the Grand Master want to say?

Grand Master: "I was wondering...why you are always so happy when you see others crying."


Electra, you...

Rhine laughed and asked, "Do you want to make me cry tonight?"

The Grand Master's voice was soft and soft, like a docile rabbit:

"Hmm... think so."


It’s been a long day today, but it’s all about the main drama and I guess people don’t like to watch it. But at the end of the volume, there has to be such a process... Tomorrow I will try my best to finish Qiyue King in one go, finish this dungeon, and prepare it the day after tomorrow. Let’s start the next volume!

Chapter 160 Qi Yue’s divination, puffs? Milk bottles? Champagne? Cream bread?

The royal capital of Leita.

It's getting late.

King Qiyue spent a day touring the entire Laita. Now she returned to the royal capital, sitting on the top of the high tower of the Mithril Temple, blowing the cold wind blowing from high places, quietly Admiring the scenery of Laita.

This country has changed a lot...

And most of the changes are not positive.

But King Qiyue did not feel disappointed.

After all, the mere fact that Letta still exists is comforting enough.

Although, a lot of this is probably due to order...

"That child named Sebastian should have returned from my place by now, right?"

King Qiyue said softly.

Xiang Xibastin pointed out where the compassion lies, King Qiyue did it on purpose.

Of course she knew what would happen after Xi Bastine arrived at the Philemon Ruins. With King Qiyue's understanding of his other self, she could even roughly guess what kind of deal Mercy would make with Xi Bastine.

In fact, according to Mercy's character, she doesn't like to make deals with others.

She only likes free one-sided expression of love.

But now the compassion is anxious.

As the half-body of Compassion, King Qiyue can sense Compassion's emotional fluctuations, and even the information she knows.

Something bad happened.

Order has left her throne, and the angels of punishment are constantly setting foot in the mortal world in order to complete certain tasks.

This is a change that has never happened in thousands of years.

The rain is coming.

Compassion has no subjective ill will towards the elves. At this moment, she must be very afraid that Order will make some big move to disrupt the world, causing her elven children to suffer in this disaster.

Therefore, she had to speed up her plan.

Now that Order has given up its role as the maintainer of rules, Compassion no longer needs to abide by Order's agreement with her.

Compassion will become serious, and she will destroy Leta as quickly as possible, and then go one step further and capture the Kingdom of Heaven.

to this end.......

It would be great if someone could be her internal agent in Leta.

The appearance of Eve Bastine perfectly meets the needs of compassion.

Sign a contract with Eve Bastine to purify Eve Bastine's skull, and then hope that Eve Bastine can become the Moonlight King, cooperate with her inside and outside, and help her destroy Leta.

This is the plan of compassion.

But it's a pity,

Eve Bastine cannot become the Moonlight King.

King Qiyue was not optimistic about him from the beginning.

However, in order to deal with the fierce offensive of Mercy in the future, King Qiyue really needs a strong leader to lead the elves and tide over the difficulties.


It is necessary to obtain the strongest crown for this generation of Moonlight King.

However, King Qiyue's inducement of Xi Basting to see Mercy was not entirely to take advantage of him.

This is also a test.

Qi Yue wanted to take a last look at Xi Basting's character. If he could still maintain his fighting spirit after knowing the cruel truth, and understand who the elves should regard as their enemies today... ..


He might even deserve this compassion skull.

But if he cannot bear the blow of the truth and collapses, he will still want to launch a meaningless war against Hein.

Then this person is just like Qi Yue's judgment - just a pest.

After all, except for Eve Bastine,

King Qiyue has discovered the real emperor of Leta's generation.

There was an error in King Qiyue's search before, but after entering the correct search conditions, the divination finally took effect successfully.

Retrieve Leta's Moonlight King.


Retrieve Leta's Moon King candidate.

Alice Philemon.

Finally there are results.

King Qiyue breathed a sigh of relief. She almost thought that among the elves of this era, not even the Moonlight King could choose.


Still his own cub.

But just knowing the name of the Moonlight King candidate is not enough.

King Qiyue also wanted to know more about this newcomer.

For example, what is her image in the hearts of the Laita elves? Is she strong, smart, and resilient?

There is no need for King Qiyue to inspect these in person.

All she had to do was continue to divine.

The principle of King Qiyue's divination is actually very simple. King Qiyue herself is a god, so it is naturally impossible for her to seek answers from gods. However, she does not have the power of foreknowledge or omniscience.

So in the end, she still had to rely on outside help.

Within Leta's country, there are a large number of elemental spiritual veins spread throughout. These spiritual veins can accumulate and spread magic power, allowing all parts of the country to have abundant magic resources. They can be called the foundation of the former Philemon Empire.

And those spiritual veins, as time goes by, will sprout minds under the nourishment of elemental magic.

The elves in the spiritual veins are pure in nature and full of curiosity. They will silently observe everything happening on the surface, and they can also spy on people's hearts to a certain extent.

King Qiyue's divination principle is to seek answers from the spiritual elves through rituals.

The outrageous answers given by the spirit-veined elves before made her heartbroken, but at the moment, divination was still the best way for King Qiyue to obtain information.

let's start.

King Qiyue launched a simple psychic ritual.

Search, Alice Philemon's evaluation in the hearts of ordinary people.

Results come quickly.

"Wise and brave, unparalleled in martial arts, unrivaled in beauty, kind and kind, comparable to Qi Yue...heh, the evaluation is pretty good."

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