Only a mess of ruins was left.

The roaring construction sounds gradually subsided and everything returned to silence.

The main lizard of Stealing Lizard City was dumbfounded.

The whole lizard stood stiffly on the spot, its eyes were about to burst, and its body was trembling crazily.

The servants on the side were stunned, as if they had seen a ghost, and were too shocked to speak.

that's all,

The deathly silence lasted for several seconds...

The scream of a lizard that was mourning the death of a concubine finally resounded through the dungeon.


Thanks to boss Mianrou for the reward, he is very generous! !

There is another one tonight. I can finish writing the plot of meeting my parents, and then I can go to heaven tomorrow.

Chapter 177 His Highness Rhine’s Star God’s Best Friend

This time when he went out with Hela, Rhine's goal was actually not just to repair Hestia Hela.

He also needs to make preparations for the next copy...

In fact, although it is said that he is going to heaven to conduct a social experiment, there are actually not many troubles that Rhine will face next.

The dawn of heaven that Rhine is going to, although it looks gorgeous and beautiful, is calm...

But in the dark, it is already full of dangers and extremely dangerous.

But although it is dangerous there, danger and opportunity coexist, because just in the morning light of heaven, there is an extremely rare magical equipment that can enhance Rhine's own strength, waiting for Rhine to obtain it. .

In order to successfully win the copy of Dawn, Rhine needs to prepare in advance.

And that "preparation" is in this crystallized treasure house.

Under Rhine's guidance, Hela successfully used the divine crystal to pry open the treasure house's gate.

Entering the treasure house, Hela was immediately fascinated by the dazzling array of rare treasures.

Hela couldn't help but marvel.

Although those cold-blooded beasts are vulgar, their families are indeed rich!

Look, take a closer look, Hela loves each of these treasures!

Rhine said: "I borrowed your supplies before, and now I'm paying them back with these treasures. What do you think?"

Logically speaking, this should be a worthwhile deal.

Although the golden-quality consumables Hela lent to Rhine were valuable, the treasures in this treasure house were completely enough to cover the debt, and also allowed Hela to make huge profits.

However... Hela declined with a smile.

In the past, Hela would regard these treasures as being more precious than life, and would obtain them at any cost.

But now, she already has something more important than treasure.

"My dear, you don't need to pay attention to the jokes I told you before. You don't need to pay off debts or anything like that. I am already yours now, and everything about me belongs to you. As for these external things, I no longer have them." What interest is there?"

Hela hugged Lain affectionately and whispered with love:

"What I want now... is only you, my dear~"

Lain smiled when he heard this. He responded to Hela who asked him for a kiss, then lifted Hela's chin and said softly:

"I'm very touched by your kindness, but just because you and I have fallen in love, I don't want to let you suffer - these things are of no use to me. If you don't want them, I can only give them back to you." Just a lizard?"

Hela smiled bitterly: "I want it! I want it!"

Although this is someone else's treasure house, Rhine is no stranger to this place.

He skillfully pulled out a display cabinet from the dazzling pile of treasures. Rhine entered the password and removed the collection locked on the display cabinet.

This is a silver-white crystalline cube. Looking at the material, you can tell that it is a product of the Fifth Age.

"This is the core of the silicon-based godlike body. Install this on Histia and let her rest for a while, and she will be able to recover."

Rhine handed over the god-like core to Hela.

"So, next..."

Rhine said: "Hela, I still have something to do."

Hela smiled: "I'll accompany you."

So next, the two came to another counter.

This counter is completely enclosed. It is a thick metal box that is about as tall as a person. It is stacked in an unattended corner and has danger signs that the lizard thieves would use on it.

This thing is more like a coffin than a counter.

Rhine still skillfully unlocked the code of the coffin, but before opening it, Rhine told Hela: "There is a creature that can create illusions inside... Don't be surprised, and don't believe him. Let him go." Just let me handle it."

Hela nodded obediently.

So Rhine opened the box.

When she saw what was lying in the box, Hela was shocked. She was bumped by the stunning deer, her face turned red and her heart beat.

Hela blushed and couldn't help but ask: "What is this?"

Rhine said calmly: "The extraterrestrial visitors in Falling Star Land have been exterminated by the Order. This should be the last one."

Rhine: "This is a parasitic organism. It will spy on the host's mind, transform itself into a form that the host cannot refuse, thereby gaining the host's protection, and then drain the host's brain at the right time - what did you see? thing?"


Hela said foolishly: "I saw you without clothes, with a devilish smile on your face, holding a whip and a dog leash, and you were saying to me——"

Rhine: "Okay, you don't need to be so detailed."

Hela coughed shyly: "What about you? Who did you see?"


Rhine stared at the contents of the coffin.

Rhine said truthfully: "I saw you..."

Hela was shocked, her pretty face was full of love: "Dear..."

Rhine: "And Alice, Tian Lian, Kesers, Etalion, Electra, the dolls..."

Hela: "..."

The appearance of the creature in the coffin changed crazily in Rhine's eyes, and faces flashed rapidly before Rhine's eyes.

This does not mean how philanthropic Rhine is.

But this alien alien creature encountered huge obstacles when reading Rhine's memory, so that the mimicry malfunctioned.

The memory capacity of this prey is too huge!

And it was mixed with a lot of terrifying information that even this alien visitor could not help but tremble in fear! !

The stream of memories was continuously poured into its brain. Later, this kind of reading was no longer under its control! !

Under the devastation of the huge information flow, its body began to twitch and spasm, and its overheated body even began to sizzle and smoke.



This guy exploded.

The dead alien revealed its true form - it was an amorphous gel-like creature. Under the transparent body, three and a half pairs of the four pairs of red organs symbolizing its brain had been exploded. .

Rhine wiped off the hot gel that splashed on his face, looking lonely.


Before it died, the alien seemed to have finally retrieved the only existence that could make Rhine never reject her.

The illusion it gave Rhine was fixed on a stunning face with a sad smile, and Rhine shed tears to say goodbye.

——Everything here will be destroyed, but you will go to the next world, and when you get there, you will meet another me,

——And I just want to tell you that no matter how many times I experience birth and death, my love for you will never change.

--Goodbye my love......

Rhine: "..."

Rhine's face was expressionless. He bent down and silently picked up the gel corpse in the cabinet.

"Let's go to the next stop."


As the saying goes, be prepared for a rainy day.

Although Rhine has not yet reached the dawn of heaven, nor has he obtained the powerful starry sky weapon.

However, some preparations still need to be made in advance.

When preparing for space teleportation, this time Rhine mentioned a coordinate that Hela unexpectedly found.

Hela was a little surprised: "Your Highness is going to the outside world?"

Rhine nodded: "Yes."

Hela saw the seriousness in Rhine's eyes, and she sighed: "Then you must be careful. You should know that is really very dangerous."

Rhine nodded solemnly again.

So Hela reluctantly took out a crystal sword, and through this artifact cast by the Angel of Punishment, Hela tore out a space crack that was different from the past.

As the crack opened, a dazzling scarlet light came into their eyes.

Then, Hela grabbed Rhine's hand tightly and led Rhine into the scarlet space crack.

According to the coordinates given by Rhine,

Hela and Rhine appeared on the top of a towering mountain.

There were overly dazzling stars above my head, and thick clouds below my feet. There was deathly silence all around, except for the howling cold wind.

Hela breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a mountain outside the world. Due to the altitude advantage, it should be relatively safe.


Why did Rhine travel thousands of miles to reach this mountain outside the world?

The answer was soon revealed.

As Hela turned to look behind her, she saw an ancient bronze altar in the center of the mountain.

The altar is huge, and in the center of the altar is a huge pit filled with densely packed skulls.

How many skulls were there?

Ten thousand? One hundred thousand? million? !

Hela didn't know, because she couldn't detect how deep the sinkhole in the center of the altar was.

It is conceivable that when this altar was first opened in the past, it was filled with a whole pool of human heads. The blood flowed into a river, and it was bloody and terrifying. The scene was so tragic that just imagining it was terrifying.

On the edge of the bronze altar, there are seventeen bronze thrones.

On the throne, bronze chains bound alien creatures of different shapes. They were forced onto the throne, then controlled and killed, and became sacrifices on the altar.

Among the seventeen thrones, only one is empty.

It is different from Hela who looks complicated.

At this time, Rhine was very calm.

He knew the origin of this altar,

This is an incomplete sacrifice that dates back to a previous era.

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